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A Reversible Abstract Machine. Ivan Lanese Focus research group Computer Science Department Univers ity of Bologna/INRIA Italy. Joint work with Michael Lienhardt, Claudio Mezzina and Jean-Bernard Stefani. Roadmap. Origin of the work μ Oz Reversing μ Oz Space overhead Conclusions.
A Reversible Abstract Machine Ivan Lanese Focus research group Computer Science Department University of Bologna/INRIA Italy Joint work with Michael Lienhardt, Claudio Mezzina and Jean-Bernard Stefani
Roadmap • Origin of the work • μOz • Reversing μOz • Space overhead • Conclusions
Roadmap • Origin of the work • μOz • Reversing μOz • Space overhead • Conclusions
Rhopi and space efficiency • Rhopi is a causally-consistent reversible HOpi • Developed by Sardes and Focus • Used to study reversibility in presence of (higher-order) communication • Memory efficiency was not considered • Memory consumption due to storing history information • Is rhopi a space efficient way of making HOpi reversible? • Intuitively not, because of duplication of communicated messages and of trigger continuations • What can we do to improve its space efficiency?
Giving a formal answer to the question • Rhopi space consumption should be compared to HOpi one • HOpi is at a very high-level of abstraction • Difficult to understand the actual amount of memory used by an HOpi process • HOpi may not be space efficient on its own • We would need an abstract machine for HOpi • Providing an efficient implementation • Accepted by the community • No such abstract machine exists for HOpi • Actually no abstract machine at all
A path towards the solution • We move from HOpi to Oz • We choose a kernel language of it, which we call μOz • μOz is an higher-order language • Thread-based concurrency • Asynchronous communication via ports • μOz advantages: • Similar to Hopi • Has a well-known and rather classical stack based abstract machine • Suitable as a reference implementation • We do the space complexity analysis in μOz setting
A side effect • μOz is nearer to real languages • Stores and variables • Sequence, if-then-else and procedure calls • We test the techniques developed for HOpi in a more realistic scenario • Further steps needed to tackle real languages
Roadmap • Origin of the work • μOz • Reversing μOz • Space overhead • Conclusions
S S t t t : : a e m e n s = k i E s p t t t t m p y s a e m e n j S S l S i i i t t e q u e n a c o m p o s o n 1 2 j l i d S t b l d l V i i e n e n x v t = a r a e e c a r a o n j i f h l d S S t d l C i i e n e s e e n x t t t t o n o n a s a e m e n s 1 2 j h d d S t h d T i r e a e n t r e a c r e a o n j l i d S t d d l P i e n e n x c t = r o c e u r e e c a r a o n j f g d l l P x x x r o c e u r e c a 1 n : : : j l i d S t N P t P i e n e n x e w o r t t = o r c r e a o n j f g S d d S e n x y t e n o n a p o r j f g l i d S t R i f R i e n e n x e c e v e y t = e c e v e r o m a p o r j f l l l S i t r u e a s e v : : m p e v a u e s = f g d d S P p r o c e n c : : x x r o c e u r e = 1 n : : : μOz syntax
Roadmap • Origin of the work • μOz • Reversing μOz • Space overhead • Conclusions
Making μOz reversible • We add history information to each thread • Keeping trace of actions executed in the past • For most statements, we add a delimiter esc to define their scope • E.g., for let, if-then-else and procedure call • We add unique names to threads • We add history information also to queues • We add a symmetric version for each rule
Basic properties • The μOz reversible abstract machine enjoys the same basic properties of RCCS and rhopi • Preservation of μOz semantics • Loop Lemma • Every step can be perfectly undone • Causal consistent reversibility • Coinitial traces are cofinal iff they are causally equivalent
Roadmap • Origin of the work • μOz • Reversing μOz • Space overhead • Conclusions
Space complexity • We can now go back to our original question • We compute the space overhead of the reversible abstract machine w.r.t. the original one • Size of the reversible configuration minus size of the corresponding μOz one • For a fixed program, the overhead is linear in the number of computation steps • Clear by looking at the size of the stored history information • Only non constant information for discarded branch of if-then-else and number of parameters of procedure calls
Optimality of linear memory overhead • Is the space overhead optimal (in order of magnitude)? • We prove a linear lower bound by giving a program that requires at least a linear overhead
l i t N P t e n a e w o r = l i t t e r u e n x = l f l i t e a s e n y = l d i 1 1 t S d e p r o c e n n p e n a x p = l d i 2 2 t S d e p r o c e n n p e n a y p = l l i d d i 3 3 t t R i e p r o c e n e n e n n p z e c e v e a p = = h d d 1 t r e a e n p h d d 2 t r e a e n p h d d 3 t r e a e n p d d d d d d e n e n e n e n e n e n Linear lower bound • Thread p1 sends true, thread p2 sends false • All the computations sending the same number of true and of false lead to the same state
Proof strategy • Consider computations where all the sends are done before all the receives • Divide the sends in pair, and consider the computations where in each pair a send is from p1 and one from p2 • Same number of true and false • Two possibilities for each pair • All the computations are coinitial and cofinal and not causally equivalent • We need to distinguish them • We need one bit for each pair • All the possibilities, thus also incompressible strings • The number of bits is linear in the number of steps
Discussion • Overhead due to nondeterminism in communications • A similar example can be defined for nondeterminism in thread scheduling • Deterministic computations actually would need less space • Just the number of performed steps, which takes logerithmic space • Tradeof between space and time efficiency
Roadmap • Origin of the work • μOz • Reversing μOz • Space overhead • Conclusions
Summary • A reversible abstract machine for μOz • Linear overhead with respect to the standard machine • A linear lower bound for the overhead • Due to nondeterminism
Future work • Proceeding towards real languages • Modules, types, exceptions, … • Concurrent ML? • Analyze space efficiency for controlled reversibility • Roll-pi, croll-pi • Analyze different tradeofs between space and time overhead
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