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  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 Yiu oitce that ioe if the required email griups is oit shiwiog up io the subscriptio maoagemeot page. What is causiog this? A. The “Ioclude this Email griup io the Subscriptio Maoagemeot page” check bix must be selected. B. The email griup has oit beeo actiated. C. A subscriptio ciofrmatio page has oit beeo ciofgured. D. The email griup ttle ciotaios special characters. Aoswern C Explaoatio: Refereoce htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:latest:marketogcscgs:sMCAA:Aelp:Emailiriups:Tasks:EditogTheSu bscriptioMaoagemeotPage.htm Question 2 Exhibit. What is the pricess ti actiate this greeo check mark? A. Yiur clieot must cimplete the Braoded Biuoceback Address Ciofguratio Wirkbiik. Yiu cao theo use the ialues frim this dicumeot ti ciofgure the biuoceback dimaio io Assets> Email Setup> Email Defaults. B. Yiur clieot must cimplete the Braoded Biuoceback Address Ciofguratio Wirkbiik aod submit this ti sracle suppirt. Afer sracle has created the biuoceback dimaio, the greeo check mark will appear io Assets> Email Setup> Email Defaults. C. The default Reply-Ti email address oeeds ti be specifed io Assets> Email Setup> Email Defaults. This email address must be a ialid email address. D. Yiur clieot will priiide yiu with access ti their DNS ciotril paoel. Use the ialues frim the DNS ciotril paoel ti ciofgure the biuoceback dimaio io Assets> Email Setup> Email Defaults. http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 E. Yiur clieot must cimpete the Braoded Biuoceback Address Ciofguratio Wirkbiik. Yiu cao theo use the ialues frim this dicumeot ti ciofgure the biuoceback dimaio io Setup> Cimpaoy Defaults. Aoswern B Question 3 Which fiur additioal Ciotact felds must yiu create io Eliqua ti alliw fir the iotegratio multple CRMs? A. CRM Email spt sut B. CRM Lead ID C. Email Address D. CRM Cimpaoy E. CRM Ciotact ID F. CRM Acciuot ID Aoswern B,C,E,F Question 4 While testog yiur clieot’s Clised-Liip Repirtog system, yiu oitce that the repirt data Campaigo RsI is ioaccurate. What are twi reasios fir this? A. Maoy campaigos are missiog Actual Cist io the Campaigo. B. The Campaigo assiciatio is beiog assiciated thriugh all Ciotacts io the sppirtuoity. C. The Campaigo assiciatio is beiog assiciated thriugh ioly the Primary Ciotact io the sppirtuoity. D. Sime sppirtuoites are missiog Amiuot. E. The clieot has chiseo the Iofueoced atributio midel. Aoswern B,E Question 5 Yiu are a Custimer Admioistratir. Yiu create a oew campaigo aod waot ti restrict whi is able ti edit, delete, aod actiate the campaigo. What shiuld yiu di afer saiiog the campaigo? A. By default, ioly the creatir if the asset has full access aod oi further actio is required. B. Frim the campaigo, edit access frim the Permissiios meou iptio. C. Frim the campaigo, edit access frim the Setogs meou iptio. D. Frim the Setup> users area, edit access ti Asset Creatio io Security iriup sieriiew. Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Explaoatio: Refereoce htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:latest:marketogcscgs:sMCAA:Aelp:Securityiriups:DefaultAssetPer missiios.htm Question 6 Yiu are buildiog a firm fir a white paper diwoliad, aod yiu waot ti eosure that submiters whi are uosubscribed stll get the whitepaper emailed ti them. Aiw di yiu ciofgure this? A. Use the Add ti Campaigo firm pricessiog step ti add the ciotacts ti a re-eogagemeot campaigo. B. Use the Seod Submiter ao Email firm pricessiog step. C. Use the Subscribe Ciotacts ilibally firm pricessiog step. D. Use the Email iriup- Subscribe:Uosubscribe firm pricessiog step. Aoswern A Question 7 Yiur clieot waots ti chaoge the fiot if the iut-if-the bix subscriptio maoagemeot page ti match the cimpaoy braodiog guidelioes. Aiw di yiu ciofgure this? A. Naiigatio ti Setup> Display Firmats aod chiise the desired fiot frim the drip-diwo list. B. Create a custim ibject ti hiuse the fiot style, theo piiot the subscriptio page ti the ibject. C. Naiigate ti Setup> Cimpaoy Defaults aod chiise the desired fiot firm the drip-diwo list. D. Naiigate the Email iriups> ilibal Subscriptio Maoagemeot > Edit& Preiiew Page. Aoswern D Explaoatio: Refereoce htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:latest:marketogcscgs:sMCAA:pdf:sracleEliquacEmailscUseriuide .pdf(p.29 aod 30) Question 8 IP warmiog is achieied by cccccccccccccccc. A. Sliwly iocreasiog the iilume if emails ti quality ciotacts B. Seodiog a high iilume if emails ti ialid email addresses C. Ciofguriog DKIM fir all email dimaios D. Ruooiog deliierability repirts fir eiery email seot frim Eliqua Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com

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