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I Have the Abstract: How Do I Make It into a Poster?

Learn how to transform your abstract into an engaging poster! Discover guidelines, layout tips, text formatting, use of color and photos, and travel considerations. Find examples and essential contact information for successful poster creation.

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I Have the Abstract: How Do I Make It into a Poster?

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  1. I Have the Abstract: How Do I Make It into a Poster? Michelle E. Stofa Research Communications Manager Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children Wilmington, Delaware

  2. Overview • General guidelines • Parts of poster • IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) • Text (font, sizes, and spacing) • Tables and figures • Placement of materials on poster • Color • Photos • Transport and travel • Electronic posters • Examples of ‘error-enhanced’ and corrected posters

  3. General Guidelines • Meeting requirements • Poster number • Contact information • Layout • Supplies • Placement of logos • Templates • Resolution • Sources • Location on Poster • Top left is prime spot

  4. General Guidelines (continued) • Sizes • Standard size 48” x 96” (can’t exceed space) • PowerPoint limitations (36” x 56”) • Orientation • Landscape vs. portrait (overseas) • Other sizes (meeting-specific) • Printing • Paper types • Printing services and costs • Most frequently asked question: how many slides make a poster?

  5. Parts of a Poster: Title Bar • Title • Brief • Avoid “Discussion of…,” “Results of…” • Make interesting • Authors: include credentials • Institutions: include city and state • Size: don’t be stingy • 72 pt title, 60-50 pt for authors, institutions

  6. Parts of a Poster: Abstract • Placed top left (first to be read) • Should match submission • Error corrections allowed • Structured or unstructured (omit headings unless required) • Abstract should be able to stand alone • Spell out abbreviations at first use • Can be smaller font

  7. Parts of a Poster (IMRAD): Introduction and Methods • Introduction: what is known on subject, leads into what is missing (how your project fills this gap) • Abbreviations: spell out first use again • Consider audience • Methods (what you did or what you plan to do) • IRB Statement should be first sentence (if required)

  8. Parts of a Poster: Results and Discussion • Results • Findings • Figures and tables (more information to follow) • Reporting of data • Don’t repeat information in figures and in text • Discussion/Conclusion • Why your study or project is important

  9. Parts of a Poster: References • References • Simple formatting • Less cluttered is best • Example: Smith A. Study of adolescent scoliosis. J Pediatr 2002;30:110-115. • Consider clarity when citing in text • Smaller font • If listing references, cite all in text

  10. Text • Seen from at least 6 feet away • 30 pt Helvetica/Arial (sans serif font) for text (24-26 pt minimum) • Avoid Times Roman(or any serif font) • Limit justification • Limit indentations • Bullets better than paragraphs (consistent style) • Title spacing and font size of headings • Overall best layout: equal parts text and figures • ‘Open space’ is our friend…

  11. Figures and Tables • How many? • Avoid smaller than 5x7 when printed • Cite all in text • Color • Consistent: 2-4 colors, same color family • Can use colors found in logo, photos • Keep it simple • Format • Boxes: best to omit unless needed for groups • Consistent sizing of charts, etc. (check percentage when sizing and pasting)

  12. Figure and Tables (continued) • Legends and titles • All figures have legends (usually at bottom) • All tables have titles (top) • Limit table rules (especially vertical) • Figures and tables: the meaning should be clear without main text • Inserting into poster • Copy figure first without text elements, add titles last to make all consistent • Copy, ‘Paste Special’

  13. Photos • HIPAA and permissions • Permission statement for patient photos • Masking • Photos (and figures) from the Internet • Stock photos from Nemours sources • Sizing for poster • Consider figures/photos will be enlarged • Suggested: 300 dpi • If no figures…add one, or some

  14. Transport, Other Details • Mailing tubes • FedEx/mailing • Sending ahead to hotel: arrival date and confirmation are important (confirm) • Security when traveling • Return after meeting • Handouts • Can print on regular printer, use ‘scale to fit’

  15. Electronic Posters • More meetings are requesting e-posters • Same tips/suggestions apply • Usually dark background/white text • No longer size requirement: ratio requirement • HD television screens – 16:9 • Uploaded ahead of meeting • Templates available

  16. “Error-enhanced” poster

  17. Corrected/revised poster

  18. Summary • Layout, text, figures: keep it simple • Use color, plenty of open space • 50% text, 50% figures: white space • Easy-to-read, attractive presentation Contact Information: Michelle E. Stofa Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children ph: 302-651-6806, fax: 302-651-6888 Michelle.stofa@nemours.org

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