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A 35 year old female patient underwent a pelvic surgery complains of low grade fever and swelling in left lower limb. O/E :- The limb is red and swollen with local rise in temperature , calf muscle tenderness present ,Homan’s sign positive. What is your diagnosis?. How will you proceed?.
A 35 year old female patient underwent a pelvic surgery complains of low grade fever and swelling in left lower limb. O/E :- The limb is red and swollen with local rise in temperature , calf muscle tenderness present ,Homan’s sign positive. What is your diagnosis?. How will you proceed?.
History • Diagnosis mainly by high degree of suspicion. • Age . • Family history of VTE. • Past history of VTE.
History of recent trauma. Surgery. Immobility. Pregnancy. Malignancy. air travel.
Clinical Features Only 40% have clinical signs. Signs and symptoms:- In the lower limbs U/l Calf pain & Swelling. Erythema. Dilated sup.veins. Low grade pyrexia. Calf tenderness.
Homan’s sign may be positive. Moses’ sign.
Differential diagnosis • Ruptured Baker’s cyst. • Superficial thrombophlebitis. • Calf muscle hematoma. • Lymphedema.
The same patient who was diagnosed to have deep vein thrombosis suddenly developed breathlessness, what is the probable diagnosis? How will you investigate?
Pulmonary Embolism Symptoms:- • Dyspnoea • Anxiety • Pleuritic pain • Cough • Hemoptysis • Syncope
Signs • Tachypnoea • Tachycardia • Accentuated p2 • Rales • S3 or S4 • Pleural rub • Cyanosis • Prominent jugular veins
Differential diagnosis A/C MI Obstructive pulmonary d/ss Pneumothorax Pneumonia Pericarcial d/s Aortic dissection
Doppler. • Duplex imaging. • B/l ascending venography. • I-125 Fibrinogen Scan. • Impedance plethysmography. • D-Dimer concentration testing.
DOPPLER ULTRASONOGRAPHY • Thrombus distorts the blood flow. • Normal phasic pattern of flow with respiration will be lost. • Flow augmentation with distal compression will be lost.
DUPLEX • Duplex is thefirst linediagnostic method. • Disadvantage:-Difficult to assess iliac and tibial veins.
Failure of vein to collapse under direct compression. Visualisation of thromus with in the lumen. Absent or abnormal flow. Criteria for diagnosis:-
Bilateral ascending venography • Reference standard for diagnosis of DVT. • Now, second line investigation
I-125 fibrinogen uptake test Principle:- Incorporation of injected I-125 labelled fibrinogen into an evolving thrombus.
Technique:- • An injection of I-125 labelled fibrinogen is given. • Radioactivity is expressed as % of radioactivity measured from the heart. • of 20% or more indicates an underlying thrombus.
fibrin D D D D D D D-Dimer concentration test. fibrinolytic system
D-Dimer concentration Test • Highly sensitive, but non-specific. • Can be elevated:- • pregnancy • inflammation • advanced age
Chest radiography • ECG • Arterial blood gas analysis • CVP • Ventilation perfusion scan • Pulmonary angiography
Chest radiography • Features suggestive of PE:- Atelectasis. Prominent hilar markings. Pleural effusion. Oligemic lung field (Westermark’s sign) • Wedge shaped opacity-pulmonary infarction
Electrocadiography • To R/o MI • S-wave in lead -1 • Q-wave and inverted T-waves in lead-3
Arterial blood gas analysis • Low PaO2 (<80 mm of Hg) • Low PaCO2 (<36 mm of Hg)
CVP • Low CVP excludes the possibility of PE
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY • Right ventricular dysfunction. • Intra cardiac clot.
Ventilation perfusion scan • To identify ventilation perfusion mismatch in lung tissue. • I V Technitium is injected. • Radioactivity detected by a camera. • No radioactivity - Embolus
Inhales a radioactive gas (Krypton or Xenon). Distribution is detected by a gamma camera. The ventilation scan in acute PE is usually normal.
Pulmonary angiography • Gold standard. • Essential prior to embolectomy or thrombolytic therapy.
Technique:- A catheter is introduced through the right heart into the pulmonary artery and contrast is injected directly into pulmonary circulation. PE:- intraluminal filling defect. abrupt cut off of pulmonary arterial tree.
High-Res CT SCAN • Quick, accurate and relatively non-invasive. • Valid only for main, lobar, or segmental artery occlusions.
All patient admitted to hospital or being treated for a serious illness should be assessed for the risk of DVT. High risk Moderate risk Low risk
High risk patients • >40 yrs. • H/o VTE. • Family h/o VTE. • Malignant d/s. • Pt on OCP/HRT. • Any Sx lasting for >30mts. • Paralysis. • Multiple trauma.
MECHANICAL METHODS Eliminate the venous stasis • Graduated compression stockings (TED). • Sequential pneumatic compression devices. • Leg elevation. • Early ambulation. • Pneumatic boots.
PHARMACOLOGICAL METHODS Altering the blood coagulability • Low dose heparin- 5000U s/c 2hr pre op. & every 12 hr post op. for 6 days. • LMWH. • Dextran-70. • Warfarin-1mg 14 days before operation.
IN LOW RISK GROUP Leg elevation. Early mobilization. IN MODERATE RISK GROUP Leg elevation. Early mobilization. Graduated compression stocking (TEDS) / s.c heparin 5000 U OD.
IN HIGH RISK GROUP Leg elevation. Early mobilization . TEDS. Mechanical calf compression. LMWH.
PREVENTION OF TRAVELLER’S THROMBOSIS • Graduated compression stockings. • Exercise during flight. • Avoid alcohol & sleeping tab. • For high risk passenger-LMWH.
Pre-requisites…. • Baseline blood urea. • Electrolytes. • LFT. • Coagulation profile. • Thrombophilia screen.
Bed rest with foot end elevation. Anticoagulation. Fibrinolytics. Thrombectomy.
Anticoagulants • Heparin • MOA: Binds ATIII. • Administration: IV or S/c. • C/I: Severe active bleeding. • S/E: bleeding, thrombocytopenia,osteopenia. • Monitoring: APTT.
HeparinAccelerates antithrombin III activity Antithrombin III (Heparin) Factor X Factor IXa Ca2+, PL Factor VIIIa Factor Xa Prothrombin Thrombin Factor Va Ca2+, PL
LMWH MOA: Binds ATIII. Administration: S/C (allows O P treatment). Monitoring: None needed dose is weight dependent. Eg:- Enoxaparin.