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6textB. Working for Fun and Profit. Go to Text A. contents. Text Reading Time for Fun. First Reading. Second Reading. Detailed Study of Text B. Summary of Text B. First reading1. First Reading.

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  1. 6textB Working for Fun and Profit Go to Text A

  2. contents • Text Reading • Time for Fun • First Reading • Second Reading • Detailed Study of Text B • Summary of Text B

  3. First reading1 • First Reading Read the text and then decide whether the following statements are True or False according to the text. • Flea markets are only found out of town. • 2. Garage sales are more popular than flea markets in the United States. • 3. If you want to sell your goods in a flea market, you have to pay some money to rent a space. • 4. Some people buy goods from a flea market and resell them in their own stores. ( ) F F ( ) T ( ) T ( ) 1/2

  4. First reading2 • First Reading 5. There is more merchandise in garage sales than in flea markets. 6. Merchandise is generally more expensive in flea markets than in garage sales. 7. People sometimes get information about garage sales from the ads in the newspapers. 8. Flea markets and garage sales provide Americans an opportunity to make a little extra money and a lot of fun as well. F ( ) F ( ) T ( ) T ( ) 2/2

  5. Second reading1 • Second Reading Read the text again and answer the following questions. 1. Why are garage sales and flea markets popular in the United States? Because many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” 2. Where are flea markets usually held? In open spaces in or out of town. 3. What are usually found in garage sales? Mainly household items. 1/2

  6. Second reading2 4. When do people usually have garage sales? Before they move and on weekends when the weather is nice. 5. Why do families gather their unwanted household goods and sell them together? To attract more customers. 6. What else do people do to attract more customers? They put ads in the newspapers, or put signs up around the neighborhood. 2/2

  7. Working for Fun and Profit Pb-1 • Detailed Study of Text B It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! 1/4

  8. except • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! except for: apart from; not including Everything is perfect except for the weather. 除了一位老太太, 公共汽车里空荡荡的。 Except for one old lady, the bus was empty. Close 1/4

  9. block • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! block:n. A section of a city or town His apartment is two blocks away from the school. 他的公寓离学校两个街区远。 v. to prevent or obstruct My view was blocked by a tall man in front of me. A group of politicians blocked the proposal. Close 1/4

  10. time • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! Time:n. an American weekly news magazine that is sold in the US and around the world. Close 1/4

  11. people • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! People:n. a US magazine with many short articles about and pictures of well-known people, especially people known from television and film. Close 1/4

  12. collection • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! collection:n. a group of objects or people There was a collection of stamps in the album. 集邮册里有收集来的邮票。 There is always a strange collection of drinkers in the bar. 这个酒吧里聚着一群奇怪的酒徒。 Close 1/4

  13. equipment • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! equipment:n. the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity medical / office equipment a useful piece of equipment for the kitchen Close 1/4

  14. A set of • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! a set of: a group of similar things that belong together in some way 一套工具 a set of tools 一副假牙 a set of false teeth 一套新的条例 a new set of rules Close 1/4

  15. Look over • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! look over: to examine something to see how good, big, etc. it is 我们租房之前又察看了一遍房子。 We looked over the house again before we decided to rent it. 您有几分钟来检查一下样品吗? Do you have a few minutes to look these samples over? Close 1/4

  16. driverway • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! driveway:n. a wide hard path or a private road that leads from the street to a house There was a car parked in / on the driveway. Close 1/4

  17. You consider taking • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. — You think about taking a longer route in order to avoid the crowd, but you want to know about what is happening there. detour: n.a way of going from one place to another that is longer than the usual way 我们绕道避开城市中心。 We took a detour to avoid the town center. 绕道去看看那个景点是值得的。 It’s well worth making a detour to see the scenic spot. Close 1/4

  18. Garage sale • Detailed Study of Text B Working for Fun and Profit It’s a sunny weekend morning. You decided to take a walk. Everything is quiet except for a group of people and some colorful objects you see about three blocks away. As you get closer, you notice that there are many things lying on the ground: some TimeandPeople magazines, a collection of toy trucks, some weight-lifting equipment, two bicycles, and a set of chairs. People are parking cars, getting out, and looking over the objects in the driveway. You consider taking a detour around the group of people, but you are curious. Was there an accident? Is this a party? No! Welcome to your first garage sale! Garage sale: An outdoor sale often takes place either on the front lawns or in the garages, at which people sell used articles, unwanted possessions from the household or fresh produce to passers-by. The goods are always sold at greatly reduced prices. Close 1/4

  19. Pb_2 On the same morning, a friend of yours takes a drive. He makes a mistake at an intersection and takes a wrong turn. He passes a large parking lot full of people, not cars. He sees many multicolored objects. At first he thinks it’s an art show. Then he decides it’s a fair. He parks his car and gets out to explore. He’s just arrived at his first flea market. Garage sales and flea markets are popular in the United States. Many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” They take children’s clothing, appliances, toys, and books and resell them at garage sales and flea markets. 2/4

  20. A large parking lot On the same morning, a friend of yours takes a drive. He makes a mistake at an intersection and takes a wrong turn. He passes a large parking lot full of people, not cars. He sees many multicolored objects. At first he thinks it’s an art show. Then he decides it’s a fair. He parks his car and gets out to explore. He’s just arrived at his first flea market. Garage sales and flea markets are popular in the United States. Many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” They take children’s clothing, appliances, toys, and books and resell them at garage sales and flea markets. a large parking lot: a large area where people can leave their cars lot: n.an area of land used for a particular purpose a vacant lot 一片空地 Close 2/4

  21. Many multicolored On the same morning, a friend of yours takes a drive. He makes a mistake at an intersection and takes a wrong turn. He passes a large parking lot full of people, not cars. He sees many multicolored objects. At first he thinks it’s an art show. Then he decides it’s a fair. He parks his car and gets out to explore. He’s just arrived at his first flea market. Garage sales and flea markets are popular in the United States. Many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” They take children’s clothing, appliances, toys, and books and resell them at garage sales and flea markets. many multicolored objects: many objects of different colors The prefix “multi-” has a sense of “many, more than one” 多元文化的 multicultural multifunctional 多功能的 multimillion 数百万 multinational 多国的, 跨国的, 多民族的 Close 2/4

  22. At first he thinks On the same morning, a friend of yours takes a drive. He makes a mistake at an intersection and takes a wrong turn. He passes a large parking lot full of people, not cars. He sees many multicolored objects. At first he thinks it’s an art show. Then he decides it’s a fair. He parks his car and gets out to explore. He’s just arrived at his first flea market. Garage sales and flea markets are popular in the United States. Many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” They take children’s clothing, appliances, toys, and books and resell them at garage sales and flea markets. At first he thinks it’s an art show. Then he decides it’s a fair. — At the beginning, he thinks it is an art show. Then he thinks it must a fair. show:n. an occasion when a collection of things are brought together for people to look at the Paris fashion shows 巴黎时装表演 fair: n. an event at which people, businesses, etc. show and sell their goods world trade fair/ an antique fair/ a craft fair 世界贸易博览会/ 古董市场/ 手工艺品市场 Close 2/4

  23. Flea market On the same morning, a friend of yours takes a drive. He makes a mistake at an intersection and takes a wrong turn. He passes a large parking lot full of people, not cars. He sees many multicolored objects. At first he thinks it’s an art show. Then he decides it’s a fair. He parks his car and gets out to explore. He’s just arrived at his first flea market. Garage sales and flea markets are popular in the United States. Many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” They take children’s clothing, appliances, toys, and books and resell them at garage sales and flea markets. Flea market: An open-air market is usually in open spaces in or out of town, where old or new goods are sold, usually at low prices. Close 2/4

  24. Many americans On the same morning, a friend of yours takes a drive. He makes a mistake at an intersection and takes a wrong turn. He passes a large parking lot full of people, not cars. He sees many multicolored objects. At first he thinks it’s an art show. Then he decides it’s a fair. He parks his car and gets out to explore. He’s just arrived at his first flea market. Garage sales and flea markets are popular in the United States. Many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” They take children’s clothing, appliances, toys, and books and resell them at garage sales and flea markets. Many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” — Many Americans discover that they can make some additional money and at the same time they can enjoy themselves by being “weekend businesspersons.” Close 2/4

  25. Pb_3 Flea markets are generally open spaces in or out of town that become busy sales centers on weekends. People who want to sell new or used clothing, tools, furniture, or books rent a space for the day for a small amount of money and sell their merchandise. Shoppers from near and far come to get good buys on imported watches, house plants, magazines, cameras, children’s clothes, and handmade goods such as pillowcases or jewelry. Some shoppers even buy and sell antiques. They search flea markets for special treasures that they can resell in their own stores for lots of money. 3/4

  26. Flea markets are Flea markets are generally open spaces in or out of town that become busy sales centers on weekends. People who want to sell new or used clothing, tools, furniture, or books rent a space for the day for a small amount of money and sell their merchandise. Shoppers from near and far come to get good buys on imported watches, house plants, magazines, cameras, children’s clothes, and handmade goods such as pillowcases or jewelry. Some shoppers even buy and sell antiques. They search flea markets for special treasures that they can resell in their own stores for lots of money. Flea markets are generally open spaces in or out of town that become busy sales centers on weekends. — Flea markets are, in most cases, held in open areas in town or out of town. These areas become sales centers on Saturdays and Sundays. generally:adv. in most cases; usually 我一般六点起床. I generally get up at six. Close 3/4

  27. rent Flea markets are generally open spaces in or out of town that become busy sales centers on weekends. People who want to sell new or used clothing, tools, furniture, or books rent a space for the day for a small amount of money and sell their merchandise. Shoppers from near and far come to get good buys on imported watches, house plants, magazines, cameras, children’s clothes, and handmade goods such as pillowcases or jewelry. Some shoppers even buy and sell antiques. They search flea markets for special treasures that they can resell in their own stores for lots of money. rent:v. to pay money to someone so that you can use something for a short period of time to live in rented house 住在一处租来的房子里 In the long run, it works out more expensive to rent a car than to buy one. 从长远看租辆车比买辆车还贵。 Close 3/4

  28. merchandise Flea markets are generally open spaces in or out of town that become busy sales centers on weekends. People who want to sell new or used clothing, tools, furniture, or books rent a space for the day for a small amount of money and sell their merchandise. Shoppers from near and far come to get good buys on imported watches, house plants, magazines, cameras, children’s clothes, and handmade goods such as pillowcases or jewelry. Some shoppers even buy and sell antiques. They search flea markets for special treasures that they can resell in their own stores for lots of money. merchandise: n.goods that are bought or sold in a shop/store a wide selection of merchandise 广泛的可供挑选的货物 The store has the best merchandise in town. Close 3/4

  29. shoppers Flea markets are generally open spaces in or out of town that become busy sales centers on weekends. People who want to sell new or used clothing, tools, furniture, or books rent a space for the day for a small amount of money and sell their merchandise. Shoppers from near and far come to get good buys on imported watches, house plants, magazines, cameras, children’s clothes, and handmade goods such as pillowcases or jewelry. Some shoppers even buy and sell antiques. They search flea markets for special treasures that they can resell in their own stores for lots of money. Shoppers from near and far come to get good buys on imported watches, … — Shoppers from different places/from a very wide area come to buy imported watches, … that are of good quality and are not expensive. a good/better/best/great buy: a thing that is worth the money that you pay for it 那件夹克买的真值啊。 That jacket was a really good buy. cf. bad buy: something that is not worth the amount of money you paid for 3/4 Close 3/4

  30. They search flea market Flea markets are generally open spaces in or out of town that become busy sales centers on weekends. People who want to sell new or used clothing, tools, furniture, or books rent a space for the day for a small amount of money and sell their merchandise. Shoppers from near and far come to get good buys on imported watches, house plants, magazines, cameras, children’s clothes, and handmade goods such as pillowcases or jewelry. Some shoppers even buy and sell antiques. They search flea markets for special treasures that they can resell in their own stores for lots of money. They search flea markets for special treasures that they can resell in their own stores for lots of money. — They examine flea markets carefully to find unusually valuable things that they can sell again in their own stores to make a large amount of money. search … for: to try very hard to find by looking or enquiry 救火队员在大楼内搜寻幸存者。 Firefighters searched the buildings for survivors. Close 3/4

  31. pb4 Garage sales are smaller than flea markets, and the merchandise consists mainly of household items. Dishes, pots and pans, books, and children’s clothing are inexpensive and common at garage sales. People frequently have garage sales before they move and on weekends when the weather is nice. Sometimes several families gather their unwanted household goods and sell them together. More merchandise attracts more customers. Sometimes, to attract more customers, people even put ads in the newspapers, or put signs up around the neighborhood. Cleaning, organizing, pricing, and moving merchandise is hard work, but the opportunity of flea markets and garage sales proves that many Americans work for fun! 4/4

  32. The merchandise Garage sales are smaller than flea markets, and the merchandise consists mainly of household items. Dishes, pots and pans, books, and children’s clothing are inexpensive and common at garage sales. People frequently have garage sales before they move and on weekends when the weather is nice. Sometimes several families gather their unwanted household goods and sell them together. More merchandise attracts more customers. Sometimes, to attract more customers, people even put ads in the newspapers, or put signs up around the neighborhood. Cleaning, organizing, pricing, and moving merchandise is hard work, but the opportunity of flea markets and garage sales proves that many Americans work for fun! … the merchandise consists mainly of household items. … the goods are mainly household items. consist of: to be formed from 委员会由十人组成。 The committee consists of ten members. 他们的食谱中包含大量的蔬菜。 Their diet consisted largely of vegetables. Close 4/4

  33. People frequently have Garage sales are smaller than flea markets, and the merchandise consists mainly of household items. Dishes, pots and pans, books, and children’s clothing are inexpensive and common at garage sales. People frequently have garage sales before they move and on weekends when the weather is nice. Sometimes several families gather their unwanted household goods and sell them together. More merchandise attracts more customers. Sometimes, to attract more customers, people even put ads in the newspapers, or put signs up around the neighborhood. Cleaning, organizing, pricing, and moving merchandise is hard work, but the opportunity of flea markets and garage sales proves that many Americans work for fun! People frequently have garage sales before they move and on weekends when the weather is nice. — People often have garage sales before they move to another place and on Saturdays and Sundays when the weather is fine. frequently:adv. often These are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet. 这是一些关于互联网经常被问到的问题。 Close 4/4

  34. Or put signs up Garage sales are smaller than flea markets, and the merchandise consists mainly of household items. Dishes, pots and pans, books, and children’s clothing are inexpensive and common at garage sales. People frequently have garage sales before they move and on weekends when the weather is nice. Sometimes several families gather their unwanted household goods and sell them together. More merchandise attracts more customers. Sometimes, to attract more customers, people even put ads in the newspapers, or put signs up around the neighborhood. Cleaning, organizing, pricing, and moving merchandise is hard work, but the opportunity of flea markets and garage sales proves that many Americans work for fun! …or put signs up around the neighborhood. … or fix signs in the public places near the place where they live to tell people there is going to be a garage sale. sign: n. Something that gives information, instructions, a warning, etc. The sign on the wall said “No smoking”. Follow the signs to the city centre. neighborhood: n.a district or an area of a town; the people who live there He shouted so loudly that the whole neighborhood could hear him. We grew up in the same neighbourhood. Close 4/4

  35. price Garage sales are smaller than flea markets, and the merchandise consists mainly of household items. Dishes, pots and pans, books, and children’s clothing are inexpensive and common at garage sales. People frequently have garage sales before they move and on weekends when the weather is nice. Sometimes several families gather their unwanted household goods and sell them together. More merchandise attracts more customers. Sometimes, to attract more customers, people even put ads in the newspapers, or put signs up around the neighborhood. Cleaning, organizing, pricing, and moving merchandise is hard work, but the opportunity of flea markets and garage sales proves that many Americans work for fun! price: v. to write or stick tickets on goods to show how much they cost 一所售价合理的房子 a reasonably priced house 这些货物标价过高。 These goods are priced too high. Close 4/4

  36. Summary of Text B Garage sales and flea markets are popular in the United States. Many Americans find that they can make a little extra money and have fun being “weekend entrepreneurs.” Flea markets are generally open spaces in or out of town that become busy sales centers on weekends. People who want to sell new or used clothing, tools, furniture, or books rent a space for the day for a small amount of money and sell their merchandise. Garage sales are smaller than flea markets, and the merchandise consists mainly of household items. People frequently have garage sales before they move and on weekends when the weather is nice. Sometimes several families gather their unwanted household goods and sell them together. Sometimes, to attract more customers, people even put ads in the newspapers, or put signs up around the neighborhood. Flea markets and garage sales give many Americans an opportunity of working for fun and profit. Click the title to continue…

  37. Time for Fun 1 So you want a day off. Let’s take a look at what you are asking for. There are 365 days per year available for work. There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week, leaving 261 days available for work. Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only 91 days available. You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break which counts for 23 days each year, leaving only 68 days available. With a 1 hour lunch each day, you used up another 46 days, leaving only 22 days available for work. You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave. This leaves you only 20 days per year available for work. We are off 5 holidays per year, so your available working time is down to 15 days. We generously give 14 days vacation per year which leaves only 1 day available for work and I’ll be darned (我真想不到) if you are going to take that day off! 1/2

  38. 2 The manager of a large office approached the new man who had just been hired one day and asked him to come into his office. “What’s your name?” asked the manager when they were in his office. “John,” the new man replied. “Okay. First rule,” the manager said in a stern voice. “Here we don’t call anyone by their first names. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I refer to my employees by last name only -- Smith, Jones, Baker – that’s all. I am to be referred to as Robinson. Are we clear on that?” “Yes,” the new man said. “Good,” said the manager. “What is your last name?” “Darling,” the man replied. “My name is John Darling.” The manager’s face went through a series of twisted expressions. He looked down for a moment, then back up. He continued, “Okay, John, listen...” 2/2

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