Round 1 Infinite Bounce, Team 1 to Team 6 +10
1. • This particular brand of biscuit has its origins in World War 1, when wives and mothers of soldiers in the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps baked cookies and sent them to soldiers stationed overseas, in the European and Pacific theaters. • The brand was later commercialized and is now known all over the world, including here. Very popular at H2 canteen, up until a year ago. • The parent company today donates 3% of sales for the support of Indian veterans. • I’m looking for a specific keyword here.
2. In 2008, a colour was displayed in a Washington Post article. (see below) The scientists being interviewed jokingly said that they was looking for suggestions for a name for the new colour. Several people who read the article sent in suggestions. (see list) “Cosmic Latte” was finally chosen as the name for the new colour. The hex triplet is #FFF8E7.
3 • A 2.5 acre landscaped section of New York's famous Central Park was inaugurated on 9th Oct 1985, on what would have been John Lennon's 45th birthday, by his widow Yoko Ono as a memorial to him. • It is located directly across the street from where Lennon was murdered. It has been the site of many impromptu gatherings of Beatles fans over the years. • What is the name of this garden memorial?
5. • This song has a name which is a 'Southernism' for “getting angry or upset/being at the end of one's rope”? • The music video was banned in Ireland (for apparent anti-Catholic connotations) but plays on Vh1 India quite often. The video, directed by Tarsem Singh, contains images of angels and Indian figures. • Based on a mandolin riff, its about "someone who pines for someone else. It's unrequited love, what have you."
6. What are we talking about? • The red colour symbolizes life. • The orange colour symbolizes healing. • The yellow colour symbolizes sunlight. • The green colour symbolizes nature. • The blue colour symbolizes serenity. • The violet colour symbolizes spirit.
7 • Before he died, Milton Wright made his sons Wilbur and Orville make him a promise. This promise has now become standard procedure with persons of certain importance, for example Princes William and Harry of the United Kingdom, and the President and Vice President of the USA. • What is this promise?
The brothers weren’t allowed to travel on the same place together; that way, if one died in a plane crash, the other would still be around.
8 • At the end of 2011, the tiny Pacific island nation of Samoa reversed hundred year old decision, informing the international community and mapmakers to update their atlases. • The reason for this momentous decision: to improve communication with their new key trading partners Australia, New Zealand, China, etc (as opposed to the USA, which was their major trading partner a century ago.) • What was the government decision?
9 • The phrase “said the actress to the bishop” derives from the fact that, during early English theater, actresses were poorly paid and often used prostitution to supplement their income. Because of these “loose morals”, clergymen spent a lot of time with these actresses.… trying to get them to turn from their sinful ways. Thus, it was a common occurrence for actresses to confess their sexual sins to these clergymen. • The expression was used extensively by Ricky Gervais in the British sitcom ‘The Office’. • The American equivalent of this phrase has become increasingly popular in popular culture over the last few years. In homage to Ricky Gervais, Steve Carrel adopted the American equivalent of “that’s what she said” for his corresponding American The Office character. • What is the American equivalent?
10. What? • The first has appeared as early as 1557 to represent Saturn. The second is is intended to symbolise a person who possesses both confidence and competence. The third represents the triad of mother, father and child, but also happens to be the logo for a brand of beer. The fourth was created by its owner, and may allude to the ancient mythical Mu civilization.
11. Where (and when) in India would you find the following cocktails: Ondaatje Slammer Pinker Colada Kunzru Punch DalrympleBreezer? Hint: Current affairs… current~ 2012
12. Who? • "It would not be strange if [the United States] had developed the technology to induce cancer and nobody knew about it until now ... I don't know. I'm just reflecting," said X, in a televised speech to troops at a military base. "But this is very, very, very strange ... it's a bit difficult to explain this, to reason it, including using the law of probabilities." • He's referring to the fact that 5 heads of state from the region have been diagnosed with cancer in recent years. • This is the same guy who once went to the UN headquarters the day after G.W. Bush gave a speech there and said ""Yesterday, the devil came here, the place still smells of sulfur", while brandishing a copy of Noam Chomsky's "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance".
Round 2: Identify the Logo Every teams answers, on paper
1 • The logo, with its bold linear box, symbolizes a great deal of protection for the inner element. The angled line within the box inclines boldly forward, rendering an intense feel of positive momentum. • The clever combination of these two elements signifies security combined with growth and development, therefore effectively and powerfully appealing to the universal wish of the investor. • The use of blue colour in the logo depicts excellence, class and prosperity. The logo uses the classic font Helvetica.
2 • The logo consists of horizontal stripes which are representative of the speed and dynamism, the esteemed corporate image of the company in the world of technology. • The company name ‘___’ is highlighted fashionably, using capitalized block lettering to demonstrate authority. A blue shade is used in the logo. • The logo consists of a simple but unforgettable font style. The letters are inscribed in a bold font which is a depiction of the decent attribute of the company and its products. The letters in the logo are formed with horizontal bars which enhance the beauty of the logo.
3 • The logo was created by Edward Johnston – the famous British craftsman and calligrapher – in 1913. Marvellously distinctive and recognizable, the logo has survived for almost a century and shows no signs of being rendered ineffectual. The mark is undoubtedly a genuine London icon – ubiquitous and thoroughly woven into the fabric of the metropolitan. A pop culture symbol in the truest sense! • The logo features two of the simplest shapes, the circle and the rectangle. Both remarkably act in unison with one another, symmetrically and energetically. • The use of bold primary palette of red and blue in the logo adds an instant recognition to the mark, even from a fairly large distance.
4 • The logo is an innovative example of a corporate brand; it features the letters “_” and “_” in the form of a human face. The face lies within a circle, which represents world, future, youth, humanity and technology. • The logo intends to symbolize the relentless efforts of the company to make their customers happy. The circle typifies the globe, while the stylized symbol of the smiling face underlines friendliness and accessibility. The “one eye” is meant to be goal-oriented, focused and positive. Deliberately left blank and asymmetric, the upper-right hand space in the logo illustrates the company’s creative thinking, innovation and adaptability. • The red is the main colour in the logo. It depicts friendliness and leaves a lasting impression of the company’s commitment to the best. On the other hand, the gray colour visualizes technology and reliability. The logo features the Helvetica Black typeface.
5 • In the first glance the logo looks pretty much ordinary, but after proper analysis, we can notice both the letters ‘A’ and the ‘M’ in the logo. The ‘A’ is reversely formed, which can be clearly seen in the reflection of the mirror. The ‘M’, however, is not easy to locate. If we observe the two arches closely, we will be able to spot the M, which holds resemblance to the arches in the McDonald’s logo. • Beneath the symbol, the name of the company is inscribed, in the VAG Rounded family of fonts. • The orange colour used in the logo blends the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is linked with prosperity and joy.
6 • The logo is one of the most popular sporting logos ever created. It has been worn by many of the world’s best athletes – a fact that significantly strengthens the brand internally and externally. • The present logo remains strikingly memorable, largely due to the cleverly artistic treatment of the letter F. The symbol comprises of snakelike letters which give it a highly futuristic and elegant look. • The red bar makes the initial unique in the logo, and represents vitality, vigour and passion. On the other hand, the blue colour represent trustworthiness and reliability of the brand.
7 • The logo has a think black circle, bounded by smooth silver outline, displaying the company’s name in a stylish manner. The core of the circle of logo is separated into four quadrants with national colours of the company’s home country/region, blue and white hues. • Other experts say that each section of the quadrants of the logo depicts the whirling propeller of a plane, formed in a fashionable manner. • The letters “___” are inscribed in the top half of the black circle in the logo, in non-serif characters. The font gives the logo a simple look with a solid corporate image.