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Global Governance of the Earth’s Oceans Post-1945 supranational institutions

Explore the roles and purposes of Post-1945 supranational institutions like UN, EU, G7/G8, G20, G77, and NATO in global governance. Learn the differences between government and governance.

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Global Governance of the Earth’s Oceans Post-1945 supranational institutions

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  1. WJEC Focus 3.2.6 Eduqas Focus 2.2.6 Global Governance of the Earth’s Oceans Post-1945 supranational institutions

  2. Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance Learning objectives To understand the main purposes of Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance including UN and UNESCO, EU, G7/G8, G20, G77 and NATO. Starter 1 – What do you understand by the term ‘supranational’? having power or influence that transcends national boundaries or governments.

  3. Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance Learning objectives To understand the main purposes of Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance including UN and UNESCO, EU, G7/G8, G20, G77 and NATO. Starter 2 – What is the difference between ‘government’ and ‘governance’? Governmentoften refers to the governing body itself, while governanceoften refers to the act of governing. So members of a government are engaged in governance.

  4. Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance Task: What do you already know about these institutions? http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/introducing-unesco/ https://europa.eu http://www.un.org/en/sections/what-we-do/ http://www.act.nato.int/who-we-are G8 G7 G77 G20 http://www.g8.utoronto.ca/what_is_g8.html http://www.g77.org/geninfo/whatis77.htm http://www.g8.utoronto.ca/what_is_g8.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/0/what-is-the-g20-and-how-does-it-work/

  5. Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance FIND OUT MORE….. Research into the purpose and role of the different institutions listed on the previous slide. We will look at the first one together. Watch this video clip and answer the following questions about the UN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlmYtJiUK00 • The UN is divided into 6 main parts. What are they? • How many members of the General Assembly are there? • How are decisions made? • Why does the Security Council exist? • Who are the members of the Security Council? • Where are the International Courts of Justice? By Javier Carbajal (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)

  6. Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance FIND OUT MORE Research task - Instructions Using the links provided, complete the table to outline the membership and purpose of the eight institutions. See Table and research links document provided. Alternatively, you could create a mind map for each institution using the same categories here https://www.goconqr.com/en/mind-maps/

  7. Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance PLENARY Guess who/what am I? • In pairs, write the name of one of the institutions on a post-it note (do not let your partner see it). • Stick the note on their forehead. • Take turns to ask each other questions to try and guess the name of the institution written on the post-it note on your forehead. Rules: • Your partner can only answer yes or no. • You can only guess the name of the institution once – so make sure your are convinced you have worked it out before guessing.

  8. Post-1945 supranational institutions for global governance Additional Reading…. Read this ‘Ask the experts’ piece about the Governance of the Oceans by Dr Kimberley Peters, Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Liverpool: http://www.rgs.org/OurWork/Schools/School+Members+Area/Ask+the+experts/Governance+of+the+oceans.htm

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