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Affordable Gray Whale Itinerary

Affordable Gray Whale Itinerary

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Affordable Gray Whale Itinerary

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  1. Gray Whale Watching in Baja We have combined what we consider to be the two best whale watching in Baja & Baja whale watching anywhere into one exciting adventure package. The gray whale portion of the trip takes place in Laguna Ojo de Liebre or in Magdalena Bay, on the Pacific West Coast of the Baja Peninsula. The Blue whale portion takes place in the Sea of Cortez, offshore of Loreto on the east coast of the peninsula. https://www.greywhale.com/gray-whale-watching-in-baja/

  2. Either Baja gray whale watching all by itself is exciting and is guaranteed to give you memories that will be with you for a lifetime. Doing the two together allows you to experience the deep emotions and feeling of connectivity that can only come from getting up close and seeing a 40 foot whale eyeball to eyeball . Then join the Blue whale quest and feel the rush as a huge 80 foot whale surfaces just a few yards off the bow, and the blow drifts across our small 24 foot motorboat. https://www.greywhale.com/gray-whale-watching-in- baja/

  3. Although we call it Gray whales Baja & Grey whales Baja it is really much more than that. We expect to see both of the two largest whales, the Blue whale and the Finback whale. We also commonly see other species such as Humpback whales, huge pods of up to a thousand dolphin and uncommonly we might see Orcas and even a Bryde's Whale. The Gray whale watching is known for the Friendly Gray Whales who enjoy coming close to the boat. https://www.greywhale.com/gray-whale-watching- in-baja/

  4. Close enough you will likely have a chance to pet or touch one. We introduced this combo trip in 2002. Gray whales Baja & Grey whales Baja has proved to be far more popular than we ever visualized it would be. Meals provided as part of the tour are indicated by (B, L, D). In this example breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided that day as part of the tour package. If you have any difficulty understanding the daily activity for any tour let us know, we'll gladly clarify. https://www.greywhale.com/gray-whale-watching-in-baja/

  5. These trips while not strenuous are truly adventure trips. Maintaining a mind set that is open to whatever the day ahead might bring will surely enhance your vacation experience. Almost every one of these trips takes place hundreds of miles from any large city, for at least a portion of the tour. These distant and rural conditions are a reality that is part of the experience of travel in Baja California. If upscale or deluxe accommodations are a necessity please discuss the various options we can offer you directly with our office staff. We want your vacation to be all that you expect it to be. Grey whale watching Baja & Gray whale watching Baja . https://www.greywhale.com/gray-whale- watching-in-baja/

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