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Essex Housing

Essex Housing. Gwyn Owen, Housing and Public Sector Land Project Lead 12 th November 2015. 2011 Census. ECC (2013). Economic Growth Base April 2013. ECC (2012). Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2012

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Essex Housing

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  1. Essex Housing Gwyn Owen, Housing and Public Sector Land Project Lead 12th November 2015

  2. 2011 Census

  3. ECC (2013). Economic Growth Base April 2013

  4. ECC (2012). Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2012 Note: This is based on an extrapolation of current population and excludes the impact of Care Bill

  5. Partners initiated a project to look at a collective response to housing need in the county • Partners chose to focus on releasing public land from a range of possible approaches • Project aims: • address housing need across the county • by working with partners to release land for housing development • that would otherwise not have been identified • or to accelerate progress on inactive sites • recognising that higher value is generated from specialist housing that the market is otherwise unlikely to develop • to meet that specialist need in a way that generates an overall saving, and provides new mixed and cohesive communities Project overview

  6. Working with OPE programme, carry out locality reviews to identify possible suitable sites for housing • Working with partners carry out feasibility studies on potential suitable sites • Put together business cases for investment on sites • Deliver housing through contracting builders • Use the learning to develop a permanent approach to continue the work on an ongoing basis Approach

  7. Five localities reviewed as part of OPE Phase 1 • Over 1,000 sites reviewed • More than 100 sites identified as potentially suitable • 65 hectares that could hold more than 2,100 homes • Carried out feasibility studies on 22 sites • ECC £60m capital programme • Recently launched Essex Housing to provide ongoing capability and capacity to partners who need support to identify land and build business cases for development…. Progress

  8. Partners commission Essex Housing to identify sites within a locality and agree which are suitable for housing. Locality reviews and opportunity identification Partners commission Essex Housing to carry out feasibility work and due diligence. Where opportunities exist partners commission Essex Housing to write business cases for investment. Feasibility studies and due diligence Essex Housing facilitates discussion between partner organisations to understand objectives on a site by site basis and produces a business case that reflects the views of all partners involved. Support is provided to take business cases through governance where this is needed. Brokerage and business case Development framework Essex Housing supports partners to access development framework to develop out sites. Essex Housing can assist in setting up bespoke delivery vehicles for development in order to meet the objectives of partners. These can include direct contracts, joint ventures or holding companies. Setting up delivery vehicles Monitoring site development Essex Housing provides a monitoring service to ensure partner objectives as stated in the business case are met.

  9. Financial benefits to all partners

  10. Four additional locality reviews in as part of OPE Phase 2 • More business case preparation underway • Successful in first round of application for funding for OPE Phase 3 • Considering an extended scope of activity for Essex Housing which may include large strategic sites • Housing is a key part of the devolution agenda in Greater Essex Next steps

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