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Chapter 2: Interactions in Ecosystems pg. 32

Chapter 2: Interactions in Ecosystems pg. 32. 2.1 Types of Interactions p. 34. Symbiosis: is a biological relationship in which two species live closely together over time. Helps each species survive by providing food, shelter and protection. 3 types of relationships exist: Parasitism

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Chapter 2: Interactions in Ecosystems pg. 32

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  1. Chapter 2: Interactions in Ecosystems pg. 32

  2. 2.1 Types of Interactions p. 34 Symbiosis: • is a biological relationship in which two species live closely together over time. • Helps each species survive by providing food, shelter and protection. • 3 types of relationships exist: • Parasitism • Mutualism • Commensalism

  3. a. Parasitism • One partner is called the “host” and the other a “parasite”. • Host is usually bigger and is harmed • Host does not usually die but their lifespan may be shortened. • Parasite obtains food and shelter from host and benefits. • Parasites can be internal or external.

  4. Internal Parasites • Live inside bodies of hosts • May stay a long time. • Ex. Tapeworms, roundworms

  5. External Parasites • Live on the surface of hosts • May stay a short time to feed and reproduce

  6. b. Mutualism • Both partners benefit • Ex. Lichens, bees and flowers, termites

  7. lichens • Grow on solid surfaces like rocks and trees • Consist of an algae and a fungus living together

  8. Lichens • Algae makes sugar just like plants which is food for both • Fungus anchors both organisms to a surface and absorbs water needed by both

  9. Insects and flowers • Insects carry pollen away and help reproduction • Flower provides food (nectar) to the insects

  10. mutualism • Bacteria living inside humans • Birds living on zebras and rhinos • Algae living on backs of spider crabs • Microorganisms living in the gut of termites • Sea anemones and hermit crabs

  11. c. Commensalism • One partner benefits and the other does not gain or lose anything.

  12. Ex. Barnacles on the back of a whale

  13. Ex. Birds follow army ants

  14. Birds riding on water buffalo

  15. Food and Populations pg. 37 • Symbiosis helps an organism survive because it provides: ______________ • Predators • are organisms that hunt and kill their food • Are carnivores or meat eaters • Ex. ______________________________

  16. Cont’d… • Prey - are organisms that are hunted and killed for prey. - ex._____________________________

  17. Predator-Prey Relationships • often show changes in the size of each population that repeats in a cycle. • size of predator population is affected by the number of prey that are available • size of predator population is affected by the number of prey hunting them

  18. Lynx- Hare Populations

  19. 2.2 Roles of Organisms in Ecosystems (Niche) Producer Consumer Organisms that get their food by eating other organisms a. Herbivores b. Carnivores c. Omnivores d. Scavengers e. Decomposers • Organisms that make their own food through a process called photosynthesis. • Ex. Plants, algae, some bacteria

  20. Photosynthesis – Producers/Autotrophs

  21. Bacteria – algae that live ina pond

  22. Plants – over 300 000 species on Earth

  23. Diatoms – plankton live in the ocean

  24. Types of Consumers • Herbivores - eat only plants ex.

  25. b. carnivores • Hunt and eat other animals • Ex.

  26. c. omnivores • Eat both plants and animals

  27. d. scavengers • Eat remains of dead plants and animals • Ex. Seagulls, crows, blackbears, raven, hawk, eagle

  28. e. decomposers • Do not ingest food • Release digestive juices to the environment which break down remains of dead organisms and waste • Absorb the digested from back in • Ex. Bacteria, fungus, insects

  29. Decomposers and Food pg. 43 • Food can be protected from decomposers by: • Keeping microorganisms out of it. (bacteria, fungus, ) • Vacuum packed products • Caning • Sealed plastic bags and containers • Freezing • Freeze Drying • Salting and pickling

  30. Micro-organisms • Need a source of food • Need water • Have a range of tolerance for temperature and ph

  31. a. Vacuum Packed Products

  32. b. Canning

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