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Survey of Distributed Objects Middleware JINI, CORBA and HLA.

Explore the functionalities, architectures, and criticisms of JINI, CORBA, and HLA middleware technologies in distributed systems. Learn about service protocols, federation management, and integration possibilities.

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Survey of Distributed Objects Middleware JINI, CORBA and HLA.

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  1. Survey of Distributed Objects Middleware JINI, CORBA and HLA. Simon El-Khoury University of Montreal, Department of Computer science Course :IFT6275 Telematic Professor :Kropf Peter

  2. Overview • Middleware • JINI • CORBA • HLA • Comparison and Criticisms • Conclusion

  3. Middleware

  4. Jini Context

  5. Key Concepts • Services • Lookup Services • Leasing • Transaction • Events

  6. Services • Services may be added or withdrawn from a Jini federation at any time. • Jini provides mechanisms for service registration, lookup, and use. • Services communicate by using a service protocol=set of Java interfaces.

  7. Lookup Services • Repository of available services • Service objects may be downloaded to a client as required • May be federate with other lookup services • Lookup service interface provides : • Registration, Access, Search, Removal

  8. Discovery and Lookup Protocols • Allow a Jini service (hardware or software) to : • Find and join a group of Jini services • Advertise capabilities/services • Provide required software and attributes

  9. Discovery Protocol

  10. Join Protocol

  11. Lookup Protocol

  12. Client Uses Service

  13. Overview of CORBA

  14. What is CORBA ? • CORBA provides a software infrastructure of communication for the distributed applications. • Standard CORBA offers a total solution to treat the heterogeneity of the distributed applications. • The services objects and the common utilities of CORBA provide a vast range of software components to build distributed applications .

  15. CORBA ORB Architecture

  16. The IDL Language

  17. Interface Example

  18. High Level Architecture (HLA) Functional View of the HLA

  19. Definition of HLA • HLA Interface Specification • HLA Object Model Template (OMT) • HLA Rules

  20. Run Time Infrastructure (RTI) • Federation management • Declaration management • Object management • Ownership management • Time management • Data distribution management

  21. Jini Java environment Standard dynamic services A simple programming model CORBA Free Programming langage choice no fully standardisation Complicated programming model Comparison and Criticisms

  22. HLA Simulation real Time HLA need to pass a whole data in a near time Integrate HLA with CORBA Common Properties Provide Objects Repository Subscription/Publication Model Choosing, monitoring and maintaining the interaction sessions Comparison and Criticisms

  23. Conclusion • Interoperability • Spontaneous Network • Transparent Communication • Share and Manage Resources

  24. Jini : http://www.jini.org http://www.sun.com/jini Core Jini, by Keith Edwards, Prentice-Hall, 1999. CORBA: http://www.corba.com Inside CORBA, William A. Ruh and Thomas J. Mowbray, Addison-Wesley, 1997. References • HLA : • DMSO High Level Architecture Homepage.URL http://hla.dmso.mil • MiddleWare : • http://www.globecom.net/draft

  25. THE END Presented by Simon El-Khoury

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