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Ministerio Nacional Mujeres Hispanas y Bilingües Discípulos de Cristo

Staff Fellowship Marriot Marquis , Atlanta 2014. Ministerio Nacional Mujeres Hispanas y Bilingües Discípulos de Cristo. V Taller Nacional De Mujeres Lideres 2012. Staff Fellowship. North Carolina Indianápolis Atlanta January 2010-2014. Junta Anual Annual Meetting.

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Ministerio Nacional Mujeres Hispanas y Bilingües Discípulos de Cristo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Staff Fellowship MarriotMarquis, Atlanta 2014 Ministerio NacionalMujeres Hispanas y Bilingües Discípulos de Cristo

  2. V Taller Nacional De Mujeres Lideres 2012

  3. StaffFellowship North Carolina Indianápolis Atlanta January 2010-2014

  4. Junta Anual AnnualMeetting HispanicRepresentative & Leaders Lideres / Presidentas StaffFelowship 2011 - 2014

  5. Pre Evento en la Asamblea Nacional Hispana 2012 • Pre Event at theNationalHispanicAssembly Sesión de Negocios con Proyecto para Victimas de Trafico Humano Session of Business with a Project for Victims of Human Trafficking

  6. Junta DirectivaNacionalHispana2010-2013HispanicNationalBoard of Women

  7. RetreatsRetiros • Retiro del Ministerio de Mujeres del Pacifico Abril 2010-2014 • Retiro del Ministerio de Mujeres del Suroeste Abril 2013 • Retiro Interregional Mayo 2013 Retiro Arizona Diciembre 2013 QA Carolina del Norte Junio 2010

  8. Junio 2011 Asamblea General Tennessee Junio 2012 Asamblea Nacional Hispana - San Antonio,TX Noviembre 2010-2013 Congreso de Mujeres del Pacifico

  9. Evento de Mujeres 2014 Asamblea Nacional Hispana & Bilingüe NationalHispanicAssembly 2014 Women’sEvent Celebremos lo que creemos. Cristo Alfa y Omega San Diego, California

  10. Permanent Fund National Hispanic Women’s Ministry Vision: To be educated women aware of the great responsibility God has placed in our hands for the establishment of financial resources that will continue to empower women for ministry. Mission: Provide financial resources for educating and empowering women for ministry from generation to generation.

  11. Permanent FundNational Hispanic Women’s Ministry • How can you help? • Designate a percentage or a fixed dollar amount for the fund in your will or trust. • Create a planned gift. The Christian Church Foundation, one of the general units of the church, has numerous gift opportunities available that not only benefit the donor’s wishes, but also can create a source of income for the donor. • Make an outright gift. • Designate the National Hispanic Women’s Ministry Permanent Fund as beneficiary of insurance / IRA’s. • Transfer stock. • Encourage others to include the fund in their estate planning.

  12. Presidentas /Representantes del Ministerio de Mujeres Por Convención & Áreas Convención del Pacifico Tanya Lopez Convención del Sureste Milca Rivera Suroeste Maria Martinez Convencion del Medio-Oeste En Proceso Arizona Lori Tapia

  13. Quadrennial Assembly 2014 Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel June25-29, 2014 Atlanta

  14. Los Líderes encuentran la forma para que su equipo gane John C. Maxwell En Su Servicio, Rev. Carmen López

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