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Explore how America navigated global crises from 1921 to 1941, shaping diplomatic relations amid rising dictators and the onset of World War II.
APUSH: Chapter 25 The Global Crisis, 1921-1941 pp. 687-695 pp. 695-702
The Diplomacy of the New Era • Critics of foreign policy → called it isolationism • Rejected the Wilsonian vision • Turned its back on the globe • In fact → U.S. played an active role in world affairs in the 1920’s
Replacing the League • Rejection of the Treaty of Versailles • Washington Conference of 1921 → prevent naval arms race • Kellogg-Briand Pact → make war illegal
Debts and Diplomacy • 1st goal of American diplomacy → open access to trade • Allied war loans and German reparations • Dawes Plan → loans to Germany → Germans pay reparations → allies repay loans • Econ expansion in Latin America
Hoover and the World Crisis • Great Depression → rising nationalism, weakened int’l agreements, rise of dictators • Hoover avoided interventionism in Latin America
Fascism • Benito Mussolini → il duce→Fascist Party in Italy • Weakness of the Weimar Republic • Hyperinflation and unemployment • Growing power of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist (Nazi) Party • Aryan racial theories, “master race”, lebensraum/living space, anti-Semitism, militarism
Prelude to War… • Japan invades Manchuria in China in 1931 → League does nothing • By the time Hoover leaves office in 1933 → failure of America’s interwar diplomacy
Isolationism and Internationalism • FDR faced two challenges → economic crisis and the collapse of the international order • Depression leads to international political chaos • America turns inward and does little to try restore world stability
Depression Diplomacy • FDR → no interest in international currency stabilization or settlement of war debt • Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934 → lowered some tariffs
America and the Soviet Union • U.S. had never recognized the Soviet Union • In 1933 the Roosevelt administration establishes diplomatic relation w/USSR • Both side viewed each other w/distrust
The Good Neighbor Policy • “Good Neighbor Policy” → American effort to enhance diplomacy and econ relations w/Latin America • Improved trade • Non-intervention
The Rise of Isolationism • Failure of the Geneva arms control conference • Japan w/draws from London Naval Conference • Support for isolationism • Disillusionment of the Wilsonians • Nye Committee → populists → entry into WW I done to help bankers and big business • Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937
1935 → Mussolini invades Ethiopia → forms Axis alliance w/Nazi Germany → League does nothing
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 • General Francisco Franco and the Fascists rebel against the Spanish Republic • Hitler and Mussolini help Franco • Stalin helps the Republic
FDR’s “Quarantine” speech → hostile public reaction • Japan sinks the U.S. gunboat Panay in China → no reaction
The Failure of Munich • 1936 Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland → violation of the Treaty of Versailles • 1938 Anschluss → Hitler annexes Austria • Lebensraum → “living space” • Sudetenland→ western Czechoslovakia → ethnic German population → Hitler demands that it be ceded to Germany or war • Munich Conference 1938 → Britain and France gives Hitler what he wants in Czechoslovakia • Policy of “appeasement” → give Hitler what he wants to avoid war
Hitler-Stalin Nonaggression Pact • Hitler makes demands in Poland • Hitler and Stalin sign a non-aggression treaty → secretly agree to divide up Poland
From Neutrality to Intervention • At the start of the war → U.S. remains neutral • FDR is sympathetic to Britain, France and the Allies
Neutrality Tested • Cash-and-Carry • Forbid U.S. ships in war zone
Fall of France • Spring 1940 → Hitler invades Denmark and Norway→ conquers Netherlands and Belgiumand invades France • Fall of France • Dunkirk • Vichy France
Neutrality Tested • Increased American defense spending • Shift in public opinion → rising fear of German victories • Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies → interventionists • America First Committee→ isolationists
Battle of Britain → Hitler’s air war against England → "'If the Empire lasts a thousand years men will say, this was their finest hour'“ – Winston Churchill
The Third Term Campaign • FDR breaks with tradition and runs for a third term • Roosevelt runs as a centrist → doesn’t favor extreme isolationists or extreme interventionists • Wendell Willkie → Republicans run a popular but inexperienced business man • FDR wins again in a landslide
Neutrality Abandoned • “Lend-Lease” → allowed the U.S. to provide arms to Britain w/out violating the Neutrality Acts • June 1941 → Hitler breaks the Nazi-Soviet Pact → invades the USSR • September 1941 → arming of American merchant vessels • Atlantic Charter → Roosevelt and Churchill meet → set out common principles
Operation Barbarossa Hitler → (Mein Kampf) → Slavic people were subhuman June 22, 1941 Germany attacks the USSR 3 million troops quickly take 500,000 square miles
The Road to Pearl Harbor • The Tripartite Pact → Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis • U.S. trade embargo w/Japan → cut off access to oil • General Hideki Tojo → military ruler of Japan → refuses to compromise on China → Tokyo’s decision for war
December 7, 1941 → air and naval forces of Japan attack the U.S. at Peal Harbor in Hawaii
“This is a day that will live in infamy” – FDR Overnight the American people become pro-war → the next day FDR addresses Congress and war is declared Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S.
“We have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with great resolve.” Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto