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HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange that allowsttrading of overt300 cryptocurrency pairs. The HitBTC exchange was launched intt2013 by Estonian and Israelitspecialists and entrepreneurs. Moretthan 40 percent of transactions on the platform are madetwithtBitcoin (BTC) and there are two interface languages available: English and Chinese. HitBTC has its pros and cons. For instance, service doesnu2019t require for registration so thetaccount may remain anonymous. However, replenishing antHitBTCtaccount in dollars isttpossible only after a time- consumingtprocess oftverification.There are no HitBTC applications fortAndroid or iOS. Nevertheless, the platform has relatively low feesttand strong security properties, which still attract a lot of users.
A B OUT HITBTC HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchangethatallows tradingofover 300 cryptocurrency pairs. The HitBTC exchange waslaunchedin 2013 by EstonianandIsraeli specialists and entrepreneurs.More than40percentoftransactionsontheplatformaremade with Bitcoin (BTC)andtherearetwointerfacelanguagesavailable:EnglishandChinese.HitBTChasitspros andcons.Forinstance,servicedoesn’trequireforregistrationsothe account may remain anonymous. However,replenishingan HitBTC account indollarsis possible only after atime- consuming processof verification.There are no HitBTCapplicationsfor Android or iOS. Nevertheless, the platform has relativelylowfees and strong security properties, which still attract a lot ofusers.
HITBTCNEWS HitBTC is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows tradingofover 300cryptocurrency pairs. The HitBTC exchange waslaunchedin 2013 by Estonian andIsraelispecialists and entrepreneurs.More than40percentoftransactionsontheplatformaremadewith Bitcoin (BTC) and therearetwo interfacelanguagesavailable: English and Chinese. HitBTC has its prosandcons.Forinstance,servicedoesn’trequireforregistrationsotheaccountmayremain anonymous. However, replenishing an HitBTCaccountin dollars is possible only after a time- consumingprocessofverification.TherearenoHitBTCapplicationsforAndroidor iOS. Nevertheless, the platform has relatively lowfeesand strong security properties, which still attract a lot ofusers.
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