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The Neural Basis of Thought and Language. Final Review Session. Administrivia. Final in class next Tuesday, May 9 th Be there on time! Format: closed books, closed notes short answers, no blue books And then you’re done with the course!. Motor Control. Grammar. Metaphor. Bayes Nets.
The Neural Basis ofThought and Language Final Review Session
Administrivia • Final in class next Tuesday, May 9th • Be there on time! • Format: • closed books, closed notes • short answers, no blue books • And then you’re done with the course!
Motor Control Grammar Metaphor Bayes Nets Bailey Model KARMA ECG Bayesian Model of HSP SHRUTI The Second Half Cognition and Language Computation Structured Connectionism abstraction Computational Neurobiology Biology Midterm Final
Bailey Model feature structures Bayesian model merging recruitment learning KARMA X-schema, frames aspect event-structure metaphor inference Grammar Learning parsing construction grammar learning algorithm SHRUTI FrameNet Bayesian Model of Human Sentence Processing Overview
Neural System & Development Motor Control & Visual System Metaphor Psycholinguistics Experiments Spatial Relation Grammar Verbs & Spatial Relation Full Circle Embodied Representation Structured Connectionism Probabilistic algorithms ConvergingConstraints
How can we capture the difference between “Harry walked into the cafe.” “Harry is walking into the cafe.” “Harry walked into the wall.”
“Harry walked into the café.” Utterance Constructions Analysis Process Semantic Specification General Knowledge Belief State Simulation
The INTO construction construction INTO subcase of Spatial-Relation form selff .orth ← “into” meaning: Trajector-Landmark evokes Container as cont evokes Source-Path-Goal as spg trajector ↔ spg.trajector landmark ↔ cont cont.interior ↔ spg.goal cont.exterior ↔ spg.source
The Spatial-Phrase construction construction SPATIAL-PHRASE constructional constituents sr : Spatial-Relation lm : Ref-Expr form srfbefore lmf meaning srm.landmark ↔ lmm
The Directed-Motion construction construction DIRECTED-MOTION constructional constituents a : Ref-Exp m: Motion-Verb p : Spatial-Phrase form afbefore mf mfbefore pf meaning evokes Directed-Motion as dm selfm.scene ↔ dm dm.agent ↔ am dm.motion ↔ mm dm.path ↔ pm schema Directed-Motion roles agent : Entity motion : Motion path : SPG
at goal start finish ready ongoing done time of day hungry meeting iterate cafe WALK What exactly is simulation? • Belief update plus X-schema execution
goal=cafe walker=Harry “Harry walked into the café.” walk ready done
“Harry is walking to the café.” Utterance Constructions Analysis Process Semantic Specification General Knowledge Belief State Simulation
suspended interrupt resume start finish ready ongoing done abort iterate cancelled goal=cafe walker=Harry “Harry is walking to the café.” WALK
“Harry has walked into the wall.” Utterance Constructions Analysis Process Semantic Specification General Knowledge Belief State Simulation
Perhaps a different sense of INTO? construction INTO subcase of spatial-prep form selff .orth ← “into” meaning evokes Trajector-Landmark as tl evokes Container as cont evokes Source-Path-Goal as spg tl.trajector ↔ spg.trajector tl.landmark ↔ cont cont.interior ↔ spg.goal cont.exterior ↔ spg.source construction INTO subcase of spatial-prep form selff .orth ← “into” meaning evokes Trajector-Landmark as tl evokes Impact as im evokes Source-Path-Goal as spg tl.trajector ↔ spg.trajector tl.landmark ↔ spg.goal im.obj1 ↔ tl.trajector im.obj2 ↔ tl.landmark
suspended interrupt resume start finish ready ongoing done abort iterate cancelled goal=wall walker=Harry “Harry has walked into the wall.” WALK
start finish done ready ongoing S E R Map down to timeline consequence
What about… “Harry walked into trouble” or for stronger emphasis, “Harry walked into trouble, eyes wide open.”
Metaphors • metaphors are mappings from a source domain to a target domain • metaphor maps specify the correlation between source domain entities / relation and target domain entities / relation • they also allow inference to transfer from source domain to target domain (possibly, but less frequently, vice versa) <TARGET> is <SOURCE>
Event Structure Metaphor • Target Domain: event structure • Source Domain: physical space • States are Locations • Changes are Movements • Causes are Forces • Causation is Forced Movement • Actions are Self-propelled Movements • Purposes are Destinations • Means are Paths • Difficulties are Impediments to Motion • External Events are Large, Moving Objects • Long-term Purposeful Activities are Journeys
KARMA • DBN to represent target domain knowledge • Metaphor maps link target and source domain • X-schema to represent source domain knowledge
Metaphor Maps • map entities and objects between embodied and abstract domains • invariantly map the aspect of the embodied domain event onto the target domain by setting the evidence for the status variable based on controller state (event structure metaphor) • project x-schema parameters onto the target domain
How do you learn… the meanings of spatial relations, the meanings of verbs, the metaphors, and the constructions?
How do you learn… the meanings of spatial relations, the meanings of verbs, the metaphors, and the constructions? That’s the Regier model. (first half of semester)
How do you learn… the meanings of spatial relations, the meanings of verbs, the metaphors, and the constructions? VerbLearn
data #1 data #2 data #3 data #4
wants the best model given data how likely is the data given this model? penalize complex models – those with too many word senses Computational Details • complexity of model + ability to explain data • maximum a posteriori (MAP) hypothesis
How do you learn… the meanings of spatial relations, the meanings of verbs, the metaphors, and the constructions? conflation hypothesis (primary metaphors)
How do you learn… the meanings of spatial relations, the meanings of verbs, the metaphors, and the constructions? construction learning
(Utterance, Situation) Constructions (Comm. Intent, Situation) Generate Analyze Utterance Analysis Comprehension Production Usage-based Language Learning Reorganize Hypothesize Partial Acquisition
Main Learning Loop while <utterance, situation> available and cost > stoppingCriterion analysis = analyzeAndResolve(utterance, situation, currentGrammar); newCxns = hypothesize(analysis); if cost(currentGrammar + newCxns) < cost(currentGrammar) addNewCxns(newCxns); if (re-oganize == true) // frequency depends on learning parameter reorganizeCxns();
THROW < BALL THROW < OBJECT THROW < BALL < OFF Three ways to get new constructions • Relational mapping • throw the ball • Merging • throw the block • throwing the ball • Composing • throw the ball • ball off • you throw the ball off
Minimum Description Length • Choose grammar G to minimize cost(G|D): • cost(G|D) = α • size(G) + β • complexity(D|G) • Approximates Bayesian learning; cost(G|D) ≈ posterior probability P(G|D) • Size of grammar = size(G) ≈ 1/prior P(G) • favor fewer/smaller constructions/roles; isomorphic mappings • Complexity of data given grammar ≈ 1/likelihood P(D|G) • favor simpler analyses(fewer, more likely constructions) • based on derivation length + score of derivation
Connectionist Representation How can entities and relations be represented at the structured connectionist level? or How can we represent Harry walked to the café in a connectionist model?
SHRUTI • entity, type, and predicate focal clusters • An “entity” is a phase in the rhythmic activity. • Bindings are synchronous firings of role and entity cells • Rules are interconnection patterns mediated by coincidence detector circuits that allow selective propagation of activity • An episode of reflexive processing is a transient propagation of rhythmic activity
Harry + ? cafe +e +v ?e ?v walk ? agt goal + - “Harry walked to the café.” • asserting that walk(Harry, café) • Harry fires in phase with agent role • cafe fires in phase with goal role entity type predicate
Harry + ? cafe +e +v ?e ?v walk ? agt goal + - “Harry walked to the café.” • asserting that walk(Harry, café) • Harry fires in phase with agent role • cafe fires in phase with goal role entity type predicate
+: walk walk-agt walk-goal +: Harry +e: cafe 1 2 3 4 Activation Trace for walk(Harry, café)
Human Sentence Processing Can we use any of the mechanisms we just discussed to predict reaction time / behavior when human subjects read sentences?
Good and Bad News • Bad news: • No, not as it is. • ECG, the analysis process and simulation process are represented at a higher computational level of abstraction than human sentence processing (lacks timing information, requirement on cognitive capacity, etc) • Good news: • we can construct bayesian model of human sentence processing behavior borrowing the same insights
Bayesian Model of Sentence Processing • Do you wait for sentence boundaries to interpret the meaning of a sentence? No! • As words come in, we construct • partial meaning representation • some candidate interpretations if ambiguous • expectation for the next words • Model • Probability of each interpretation given words seen • Stochastic CFGs, N-Grams, Lexical valence probabilities
Main Verb S S NP VP NP VP NP VP D N VBN D N VBD PP The cop arrested the detective The cop arrested by SCFG + N-gram Reduced Relative Stochastic CFG
S S NP VP NP VP NP VP D N VBN D N VBD PP The cop arrested the detective The cop arrested by SCFG + N-gram Reduced Relative Main Verb N-Gram