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Data inventory. UkrSCES. Scientific vessels. WWW server. DATABASE on SQL server. IMS server. Analytic laboratories. Current State. Security. Time checking. Spatial distribution. Meteorology information. Personification. SQL server. Ecological information.
Data inventory UkrSCES
Scientific vessels WWW server DATABASE on SQL server IMS server Analytic laboratories Current State Database
Security • Time checking • Spatial distribution • Meteorologyinformation • Personification SQL server • Ecologicalinformation • Methodics andequipment þ þ • Quality control • Quality control Database Database
In cruise In analytical laboratories The critical control Quality control Database
INTERNET Network Structure Microsoft Windows 2003Server router UNIX Server Antivirus Firewall Proxy Cache UkrSCES LAN Database
Providing of Network Security • Working with personal logins; • Possibility of storing data on the central server; • Restrictions for using the administrator rights at the workstations; • Restrictions for remote access to the workstations resources; • Prohibitation of using illegal software; • Using anti-virus software; • Monitoring of INTERNET access. Database
Database Abstract • UkrSCES database “Sea Base” was created in 2002. • In 2005 it was reorganized. • The database at the present time is functioning on the MS SQL Server 2003 platform. • There are 279 parameters in 3 languages: English, Russian and Ukrainian. Database
Database Thematics The new version of DB is presented in 22 tables on the following information: General meteorological information; Hydrology and hydrochemistry; Geology; Pollution in bottom sediments; Pollution in water; Metals in water; Metals in bottom sediments; Polyaromatics in water; Polyaromatics in bottom sediments; Chlorine organics in water. Chlorine organics in bottom sediments; Radioactive elements in water; Radioactive elements in bottom sediments; Macrozoobenthos; Phytoplankton; Fotosyntetic pigments; Meyo benthos; Microphytobenthos; Macrophytobenthos; Methods. Database
Database Structure Each sea station where investigations are made, is identified by: Platform; Research program; Time; and spatial parameters. Each parameter, in turn, is identified by: sample number; the environment of sampling (biota, water, sediments, air, etc.); the technique of measurement; the analytical equipment by means of which the analysis are made; personification characteristics; and an attribute of quality (quality label). Database
Spatial distribution 1910-1917 1918-1941 1945-1991 1991-2006 1910-2006 Database
“Sea Base” total information • Observation period: 06.08.1910 - 30.12.2005 • Expeditions total amount: 1123 • UkrSCES expeditions amount: 210 • Other organizations expeditions amount - 267 • WOD98 expeditions amount: 646 • Stations total amount: 26587 More detailed and accurate information will be given in the Meta data catalog within our future activities Database
Certified Marine Nautical Charts ESRI ARCinfo workstation ESRI SDE server Certified Thopographical Charts SQL requests Mapping system Mapping system
1:500000 Topographic chart Ukraine Mapping system
3D Scening Port Illichivsk SDE
ESI maps In 2003 within the framework of the project “Development of maps showing possible sources…” have been created maps of ecological sensitivity of the coastal zone of Ukraine to oil pollution. Mapping system
Sea currents (NWBS) In 2004, for the verification of the oil spill model GNOME to the conditions of our region, seasonal fields of sea currents and river flows of the Northwestern part of the Black sea were prepared Mapping System
Human activities in Kerch strait Pollution sources of Odessa oblast Thematic maps Mapping system
Internet Map Services A set of available information at our place became a fundamental set for creating information systems on the basis of ArcGIS and ArcIMS. At the present time an interactive map service is under construction: ecological ATLAS and Marine Information System Accidental Oil Spills. IMS
Metadata preparation ArcCatalog, supplied with ArcGIS 9.1 is the tool able to prepare metadata. Standard form of ArcCatalog for metadata creation and editing correspond with ISO 19115:2003 or american standard FGDC-STD-001-1998 Metadata