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Explore the creation and manipulation of resource flows, and learn methods to analyze resource flows and the challenges they present. Discover the potential paradigm shift towards more sustainable resource management.
1.3 Resource Flows Loop Linear flow versus From where do resources come, and where do they end up? Loop Learning objective: to grasp how resource flows are created and manipulated, and to become familiar with methods of analysing resource flows and the challenges they pose. Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
Features of present policies and practices – and an anticipated paradigm shift • Prime fertile soils converted to town areas • Reduced recycling of organic material • Less urban agriculture, etc. More linear flows while we instead need more short loops for substances J-O Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
What comes in …… Water 20-200 kg/p/day Food 1-2 kg/p/day house- hold Consumer goods 1- ? kg/p/day Energy > 1 kg/p/day Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
… must go out Urine 1.5-3 kg/d/p Faeces 0.3 kg/d/p pollutants Greywater 20-200 kg/p/day house- hold Solid waste 1 - ? kg/d/p Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
The trick is to bend today´s many linear resource flows • Solid waste is the most visible output. It may be discarded or sorted and recycled. Scavengers perform an important service • Faecal matter is very small in volume, but is a major health threat unless treated and used wisely • Urine (urine) volumes are small. Bad odour may be a problem unless urine is returned to the soil • Greywater is voluminous and a major challenge in dense areas but can be a useful product if handled well • Stormwater may be a serious problem but harvesting it can augment household and irrigation water supplies • Energy is invisible but heat may be recovered Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
Water and nutrient ’kretslopp’ Wastewater = (greywater, urine, and faeces) food Rural home City with linear flows food WWTP Wastewater water Leaking pipes chemicals Sorting city J-O Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
Three examples of ’kretslopp’ thinking Fraction: Solid ‘waste’ Organic ‘waste’ Faecal matter Urine (urine) Greywater Stormwater In Stockholm sorted in 8 fractions, collected and reused organics composted together with hygien-ised dry faecal material collected and trucked to farm in situ after biological treatment infiltration (no heavy rains) In Kimberley No sorting, collected and put on landfills dried and composted used in situ or by truck to council gardens Greywater to pond after biological treatment, and rainwater to the same pond. Little rain. In Kampala No sorting, burnt in situ, the rest to landfill banana peels etc to animal feed dried and composted in situ or collected Infiltrated in situ and to drains In drains but flooding due to heavy rains Provides heating/energy Soil conditioner Provides soil conditioner Soil conditioner Soil conditioner Liquid fertiliser Liquid fertiliser Liquid fertiliser Irrigation water and biogas Groundwater recharge Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
Where do we go from here? - protecting & promoting human health, - not contributing to environmental degradation or depletion of resource base, - being technically and institutionally appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable NEW!Reduce generation and polluting content in goods Sustainabi l i ty Solid waste Reuse/recycle Land fill Incinerate Interpretation of the ’waste hierarchy’ Sludge Liquid waste Reuse/recycle Polluting discharges Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
Material Flow Analysis for human settlements MFA uses the principle of mass balance: input=output+ accumulated stock in the system and provides a systematic description of the flow of goods, materials or substances through various processes and out of the system. output Process 1 input Process 3 Process 2 output Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
A resource flow model for a hamlet 10 Courtesy of Jenny Aragundy, Ecuador
The Stockholm model to improve sustainability Courtesy of Stockholm Water Company
Select the material, product or chemical you are interested in Include all the flows, uses, losses and disposals Find estimates for all flows and stocks Modelling the situation (MFA) • Decide the boundaries of your system (dashed line) agriculture livestock urine faeces waste handling deposit/ landfill consumption food 4 STEPS in modelling: (1) Description of the system (2) Formulation of model equations, (3) Calibration, and (4) Simulation incl. sensitivity and uncertainty analysis hydrosphere Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
Example 1: Actual reuse of nutrientsfrom urban households in agriculture Proportion being reused 100% Glass, tins, ceramics Heavy metals 50% +urinediversion +WC stop waste pits only WC +WWTP 1910 1870 1950 2000 Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
Ex. 1 cont.:Examples of ranges for parameters Neset and Drangert, 2010
Ex. 1 con´t Sensitivity analysis Phosphorus reuse and phosphorus losses 1870-2000 The filled curves represent calculated averages, while coloured areas between the dotted curves indicate uncertainty ranges due to estimated input data (in kg phosphorus per capita per year) Source: Neset and Drangert, 2010
Example 2:Eutrophication of Lake Dianchi, China Production Consumption 45% of TP Farmland P leakage 385 tonnes 55% of TP Lake Dianchi 33 tonnes river downstream Kunming city Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden
Ex. 2 Con'tUrban P flow to Dianchi Lake, China Dianchi roof runoff street runoff denitrification runoff separate storm water drainage industrial discharge storm sewer wrong connection sludge bath kitchen treated wastewater HH laundry comb. sewer WWTP urine flush overflow out of CSO tank CSO tank faeces flush overflow out of combined sewer infiltration incl. river water exfiltration Source: Huang et al., 2007
Ex 2 Con't Outcome to guide a new strategy 1. A major problem is that during heavy rains the wastewater bypasses the WWTP and washes all wastewater straight into the lake. 2. Groundwater and stormwater enter the poor-quality sewers and make up a large portion of the water coming to the WWTP 3. Even with the best available treatment technology (BAT with 98% P removal etc.) the discharge would still be twice what the lake can accommodate. 4. Source-control measures such as urine-diversion toilets and P-free detergents and body care products are required to avoid discharging untreated wastewater downstream the lake and, thus, just moving the environmental problems. Do not mix waste streams Infiltrate rainwater locally Source separate urine Source: adjusted from Huang et al., 2007
Example 3 : P flows through Hanoi City Source: Montangero et al., 2004
Ex. 3 con't Phosphorus flows in Hanoi City Organic waste collection Water supply On-site sanitation House- holds Landfill Sewerage & drainage Market Composting Agriculture Courtesy of Agnes Montangero, 2007
Ex. 3 con't: Feeding the people of Hanoi - a sensitivity analysis Business as usual 2007 (3 M) No septic tanks No-meat diet 2015 (5 M residents) Source: Montangero et al., 2007
Example 4: Nutrients and food security- a simplified global mass balance Source: Clift and Shaw 2011, based on Cordell and others
Securing a sustainable phosphorus future Ex 4 con't Business as usual The future is not all dark!
Principle: Organic ≠other solid waste Stormwater ≠sewage Industrial≠household wastewater Black toilet water ≠ greywater Faeces ≠urine Strategies for sanitation improvements mix as few flows as possible Jan-Olof Drangert, Linköping University, Sweden