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TEM image and schematic illustration of a core-shell QD

Dual emission in doped core-shell nanocrystals Daniel R. Gamelin, University of Washington, DMR 0906814. We are developing new intermediate-gap doped semiconductor nanocrystals with unique electronic, magnetic, and magneto-optical properties.

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TEM image and schematic illustration of a core-shell QD

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  1. Dual emission in doped core-shell nanocrystalsDaniel R. Gamelin, University of Washington, DMR 0906814 • We are developing new intermediate-gap doped semiconductor nanocrystals with unique electronic, magnetic, and magneto-optical properties. • Recently, we discovered a new effect ("exciton storage by Mn2+"): • In wide-gap ZnMnSe quantum dots, excitonic emission is quenched by fast energy transfer to excited dopant states. • Narrowing the energy gap between excitonic and excited dopant states by growth of narrower-gap ZnCdSe shells allows thermally assisted back energy transfer, producing excitonic emission again. The ratio of the two emission peaks is highly temperature dependent, making these nanocrystals sensitive optical probes of temperature. TEM image and schematicillustration of a core-shell QD Temperature-dependentemission of core/shellQDs.ThephotographsshowtheseQDsunderUV irradiation at two different temperatures. Schematic of theelectronicstructureleading to excitonstorage. After excitation (hn), theexcitedstatepopulationevolves via variouskineticprocesses, denotedbytheir rate constants, k.TtheBoltzmannpopulationdistributionisdepicted to the right. Article DOI: 10.1021/nl102135k

  2. Dual emission in doped core-shell nanocrystalsDaniel R. Gamelin, University of Washington, DMR 0906814 This research is being conducted by University of Washington graduate and undergraduate students collaborating with researchers from Germany, Canada, and the Netherlands. Participating students are learing skills that transcend the traditional borders of chemistry, physics, and materials science. The picture at left shows undergraduate Rob Johns and graduate student Vlad Vlaskin preparing to analyze the temperature dependence of recently synthesized dual-emitting nanoparticles by luminescence spectroscopy.

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