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Special Education Funding and Data

This resource provides guidance on special education funding and data management to ensure educational excellence and equity. Learn about EDRS, MOE, federal aids, and submission processes. Access vital information to optimize funding and aid allocation, ensuring compliance and efficient reporting. Stay informed about key deadlines, appeals, and approvals to navigate the special education financial landscape successfully. Enhance your school's financial efficiency and equity for every student's benefit.

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Special Education Funding and Data

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  1. Special Education Funding and Data Division of School Finance MASBO Institute February 23, 2016 “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”

  2. Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) Topics education.state.mn.us Submission Timeline Calendar and EDRS SERVS Financial Special Pupils Tuition Billing Construction and Vehicles Purchases State Special Education Aids Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Uniform Grants Guidance (Omni Circular)

  3. Submission Timeline Calendar andEDRS >>>> MASBO <<<< Division of School Finance Steve Collins Special Education Funding and Data Team “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”

  4. Electronic Data Reporting System (EDRS) education.state.mn.us Eligible expenditures reported on this system are used in the calculation of state aid and federal special education budgets to be loaded to the State Educational Record View and Submission (SERVS) system. Any valid Local Education Agency (LEA) in the State of Minnesota can use the system which: 1. Allows districts to make changes to their budget data or view current data. 2. Facilitates budget changes by allowing districts to view and change their data at any time (multiple changes can be made). 3. Reduces processing time for periodic data corrections (districts are allowed to view changes immediately). 4. Displays special education regular program aid and federal aid calculations. 5. Applies changes to the special education database used for calculations. 6. Allows districts to download data into a spreadsheet format and run reports.

  5. Electronic Data Reporting System (EDRS) (2) education.state.mn.us EDRS can only be accessed through the internet. Districts can gain access by completing the form found on the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) website or by contacting the Special Education Funding and Data Team at mde.spedfunding@state.mn.us. If you have any questions regarding EDRS, you can contact Steve Collins (651) 582-8467.

  6. EDRS Calendar education.state.mn.us May 2 “ROLL-OVER” FY 15-16 data to new FY (16-17) • Retain data lines • Submit ALL paper applications/forms via U.S. mail • Initial MOE calculated • State and federal funds eligibility notification • Submit Federal Fund Applications via SERVS • Submit EGMS Application per FIN CODE FIN 425 & 429 require narrative attachment • Apply electronic signature for each FIN CODE “SUBSTANTIALLY APPROVED” • Accept funds after allocation July 1 DEADLINE: cannot OBLIGATE federal funds if NOT SUBSTANTIALLY APPROVED” Oct. 3 All SRV “X” data is removed Nov. 30 FY 15-16 closed – no access Dec. 1 – 15 APPEAL end of year EDRS edits Dec. 16 EDRS edits for approved appeals Jan. 30 MDE will make a February special education program aid payment. There will not be another special education payment until August. April 30 All data as complete prior to “ROLL-OVER”

  7. Substantially Approved education.state.mn.us According to 34 CFR 76.708, the LEA is “substantially approved” when the district has completed the following two activities: • Completed the paper application including the statement of assurances and has submitted the paper application to MDE. • Completed and electronically signed the application for the Finance Dimension of the Electronic Grants Management System (EGMS), which is a part of SERVS Financial and approved by the Division of School Finance.

  8. Substantially Approved (2) education.state.mn.us • Uniform Grant Guidance Omni Circular training on April 21, 2015 in Roseville. • MDE state fiscal year (SFY) 2016 special education application materials and eligibility for program approval and Maintenance of Effort (MOE) letter sent to Directors of Special Education and Special Education Fiscal and School Business Managers on May 1, 2015. • MDE special education fiscal updates letter sent to Directors of Special Education and Special Education Fiscal and School Business Managers on May 29, 2015. • Substantially approved information was presented at the May 13, 2015 MASBO Gold Mine session. • Substantially approved information was also presented at the May 15, 2015 and December 4, 2015 Director’s Forum.

  9. Substantially Approved (3) The LEA may not obligate funds until the LEAs application status is either Under Process or Approved. Obligation as Defined According to (34 C.F.R. 76.707) education.state.mn.us

  10. Optimal EDRS/UFARSCommunications education.state.mn.us

  11. Statement of Assurances education.state.mn.us

  12. State Form education.state.mn.us

  13. Federal Form education.state.mn.us

  14. EDRS Application education.state.mn.us

  15. education.state.mn.us

  16. JAVA education.state.mn.us

  17. MENU education.state.mn.us

  18. General Education Revenue education.state.mn.us All students receive General Education Revenue ((GER) or (Gen Ed)). State special education regular program aid is used to pay only excess costs of providing special education and related services to students with disabilities.

  19. State Special Education Regular Program Aid education.state.mn.us State special education regular program aid funds are to be used for: • Direct instruction. • Staff providing special educational support and related services. • Individualized instructional supplies and equipment. • Contracted services for students. • Contracted student placements.

  20. What are requirements for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Funds? education.state.mn.us • Federal funds can only be used to pay the excess costs of providing special education. (20 United States Code (USC) Chapter 33 Sec. 1413 (2)). • Federal funds shall be used to supplement not supplant state and local funds.

  21. Special Education State and Federal EDRS Data education.state.mn.us Data lines that were entered on EDRS as of April 30, 2016, will be copied into State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2017 on May 1, 2016. All lines will be renumbered and have an error message stating the line needs to be retained. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) need to call up each line and either retain, change or delete the line to remove the error. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) will calculate the first state aid and tuition adjustment for SFY 2017 based on EDRS data as of the close of business on June 23, 2016.

  22. State Special Education Funding education.state.mn.us SFY 2015 data will be used to calculate aid in SFY 2016. SFY 2016 data will be used to calculate the hold harmless and growth limit. SFY 2016 data will be used to calculate the tuition adjustments. Starting in SFY 2016, cooperatives, intermediates and education districts will receive state special education aid directly.

  23. How Important is Your 2016 Data! education.state.mn.us District types 1, 2 and 3 will be subject to the hold harmless and growth limit. Hold harmless is calculated using SFY 2016 data and under the old formula (2012 laws) or Growth limit is created by multiplying $80 (SFY 2016) per average daily membership (ADM) served (all pupils). SFY 2016 is the ONLY year MDE will calculate the hold harmless formula.

  24. Minnesota Statute 125A.76, Subd. 2Aid Increase and Limit for Later Years (2) education.state.mn.us The aid increase limit over the adjusted base grows to $100 per ADM served for SFY 2017, $140 for SFY 2018 and $180 for SFY 2019. The base for calculating the aid increase limit is adjusted based on the ratio of current year ADM served to SFY 2016 ADM served and is inflated by 4.6% per year.

  25. Federal Payments education.state.mn.us Federal budgeted costs are based on current year approved expenditures reported on EDRS. Every Wednesday, eligible error free federal special education expenditures reported on EDRS will be downloaded to a file and then uploaded into State Educational Record View and Submission (SERVS) as the approved district budget. Federal funds will be drawn from SERVS at the finance code and course code level. Districts will not be able to draw more than the approved total budgeted amount on SERVS.

  26. Federal Funds education.state.mn.us You must spend your federal funds. Failure to spend them will raise your district’s Maintenance of Effort (MOE). Continue to spend on benefits and directors of special education. $800,000 sent back to the federal government.

  27. Nonfederal Reporting education.state.mn.us • Funding Source Code ‘a’ • Nonfederal expenditures. • Funding Source Code ‘b’ • Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS) nonfederal expenditures. • Funding Source Code ‘m’ • Medical Assistance (MA) and Local Collaborative Time Study (LCTS) nonfederal expenditures.

  28. Nonfederal Reporting (2) education.state.mn.us • Object Codes to Include: • 110 for Directors and Assistant Directors only • 170 Secretarial or Administrative Support only • 199-249, 251, 280 and 291 Benefits (not 252, 389 and 390) • 305 Contracted Services (Director and Secretary only) • 320 Electronic Communications • 329 Dissemination • 365 Travel Chargebacks • 366 Travel (not 368) • 401 Supplies and Materials – Non Instructional • 530 and 550 Equipment for Office Supervision • 820 Dues/Memberships

  29. Nonfederal Reporting (3) education.state.mn.us Minnesota Statute 125A.76 Subdivision 1(f) includes: • Reimbursed with federal funds. • Reimbursed with other state aids under this chapter. • General education costs serving students with a disability. • Facilities. • Pupil transportation. • Post employment benefits.

  30. EDRS - Purpose education.state.mn.us • An application and reporting system for special education. • State special education regular program aid. • Federal special education aid. • Access through the internet. • Licensure review. • + 111 other edits/verifications.

  31. EDRS - Procedures education.state.mn.us Available 24 hours a day; seven days a week. Access through the internet (EDRS has its own Uniform Resource Location (URL) address ( Must have a static Internet Protocol (IP) address on file at the MDE. Data can be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet or in special education data line reports.

  32. EDRS – System (1) education.state.mn.us Licensure review. Assignment/Disability. Types of personnel. Student placements. Distinguish types of services and goods. Amount of expenditures.

  33. EDRS – System (2) education.state.mn.us EDRS is a system that has many prompts and edit checks. Plan ahead for timelines as last minute access can be challenging. Have data as complete as possible prior to January 30. MDE will make a February special education program aid payment. There will not be another special education program aid payment until next August. Have data as complete as possible prior to April 30. MDE will copy all EDRS 16-17 data into the 17-18 data year.

  34. EDRS - When to Enter Data education.state.mn.us • When the obligation is made, e.g., contract for personnel services, or equipment is ordered, enter the amount of the obligation. • Enter estimates of supplies and materials from School Board approved budget. *Don’t over-estimate* • Enter final data when billing is complete and the information is available on the Uniform Financial and Reporting System (UFARS) as audited data.

  35. EDRS - Errors education.state.mn.us • Two Types of Errors • System generated – edit checks, such as licensure, expenditures and coding. • Program review – when data is reviewed by MDE, error messages can be posted to block payment on specific lines as additional information may be required, inappropriate coding, etc.

  36. Remove Errors education.state.mn.us • Email request to: Steve Collins stephen.collins@state.mn.us • Include: • FY i.e.: (14-15) or (15-16) • District # and type i.e.: (0001-03) or (4100-07) • Line # in error • Explanation for removal of error

  37. EDRS - Uses of Data education.state.mn.us Create districts federal budgets – current year. Pay districts state aids – current year. Calculate excess cost aid. Establish rates for third party MA billing. Respond to inquiries from state legislature, federal government, school districts and MDE staff. Monitor expenditures. Report required data to the USDOE.

  38. EDRS – Entry Planning education.state.mn.us Plan ahead and have data encoded on a worksheet. Update data as it becomes available as state and federal funds are paid from current data reported on EDRS. COMMUNICATE with Special Education Director, Business Manager, EDRS contact and UFARS contact.

  39. EDRS Contact Steve Collins stephen.collins@state.mn.us 651-582-8467 “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”

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