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KER predictions for Br + images Relevant to one - and two - color experiments. Br/Br*

KER predictions for Br + images Relevant to one - and two - color experiments. Br/Br*. Red , green and blue arrows are there to give an idea, but not accurate locations for the formations of the bromine atoms Arrow no.1 is located at expected top of peak

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KER predictions for Br + images Relevant to one - and two - color experiments. Br/Br*

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  1. KER predictions for Br+ images Relevanttoone- and two- color experiments. Br/Br* Red, green and blue arrows are there to give an idea, but not accurate locations for the formations of the bromine atoms Arrow no.1 is located at expected top of peak Arrow no.2 estimated beginning of peak formation (highest KER possible) Link for excel file (comes later) Updated: 170808

  2. Two color (MOPO & DYE) 66019 cm-1 1 1 1 2 2 2 eV

  3. Two color (MOPO & DYE) 67275 cm-1 1 1 1 2 Br 2 2 eV

  4. Two color (MOPO & DYE) 67275 cm-1 1 It is likely that the blue curve is oriented in the inverse vertical direction (seen below) 1 1 2 2 2 Br* eV

  5. Two color (MOPO & DYE) 68684 cm-1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Br eV

  6. 68684 cm-1 Two color (MOPO & DYE) MOPO DYE 1 1 It is likely that the blue curve is oriented in the inverse vertical direction (seen below) 1 2 2 2 eV

  7. Two color (MOPO & DYE) 72977 cm-1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Br eV

  8. 72977 cm-1 Two color (MOPO & DYE) MOPO DYE 1 1 It is likely that the blue curve is oriented in the inverse vertical direction (seen below) 1 2 2 2 eV

  9. Two color (MOPO & DYE) 75905 cm-1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Br eV

  10. Two color (MOPO & DYE) 75905 cm-1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Br* eV

  11. 1 One color (MOPO) 66019 2

  12. 1 One color (MOPO) 68684 2

  13. Two color Br/Br* Color coding for slides 13-15 Red energy values show possible fractional formation seen for top of peaks Blue energy values show possible fractional formation seen for beginning of peaks (seen from the left) Behind every channel is the amount of photons (n hv) needed to form the fragments (not included the amount needed to ionize the fragment). That is different quantity of photons for each fragment/atom in question… Color coding for slides 16-18 Blue text is for formation including CH fragment Green text is for formation including CH2 fragment Red text is for formation including CH3 fragment Slides 13-15 and 16-18 are the same energy numbers, just different purpose of color coding ;)

  14. cm-1 tot KERBr cm-1 tot cm-1 tot 66019 KERBr 72977 75905 KERBr CH2*1 + H+Br -23404 3 hv CH*3+2H+Br (0.356 eV) -17998 4hv (0.463 eV) -13364 1 hv CH3 + Br (0.265 eV) (0.357 eV) CH*4+2H+Br -18097 CH3*2 + Br -14468 3 hv CH*2+2H+Br -20853 4hv 4hv (0.413 eV) (0.286 eV) (0.327 eV) 3 hv CH*4+H2+Br -16591 CH*5+H2+Br -20095 (0.397 eV) 4hv 67275 (0.354 eV) 3 hv -16090 4hv (0.317 eV) CH*3+H2+Br -17956 CH2*5 + H+Br 3 hv CH*2+H2+Br -12258 (0.243 eV) 4hv -16765 -20811 CH*2+H2+Br 3 hv CH2*4 + H+Br (0.332 eV) (0.412 eV) CH3*2 + Br 3 hv (0.324 eV) -16352 CH2*2 + H+Br -17700 4hv -17048 4hv (0.337 eV) (0.349 eV) CH2*3 + H+Br 68684 3 hv CH3*6 + Br 3 hv -18072 CH3*4 + Br (0.357 eV) -16761 (0.332 eV) 4hv CH*2+2H+Br -12267 (0.243 eV) (0.362 eV) 3 hv CH3*3 + Br -18341 3 hv CH3*5 + Br -19416 (0.385 eV) CH*2+H2+Br -14372 3 hv (0.284 eV) (0.493 eV) CH3*2 + Br -24905 3 hv 3 hv CH3*2 + Br -18466 (0.365 eV)

  15. cm-1 tot cm-1 tot cm-1 tot KERBr 66019 67275 68684 KERBr KERBr (0.851 eV) CH3 + Br -41431 2 hv CH*3+H2+Br -43041 4hv -32199 (0.820 eV) 3 hv CH3*1 + Br (0.637 eV) 72977 4hv CH*3+H2+Br -40529 4hv -37454 CH3*6 + Br (0.740 eV) (0.803 eV) 4hv (0.871 eV) -44042 CH+2H+Br (0.793 eV) (0.859 eV) CH*2+H2+Br -43384 4hv -40109 4hv CH3*5 + Br (0.869 eV) CH+H2+Br -44000 3 hv (0.804 eV) (0.854 eV) CH3*4 + Br 4hv -40645 -43157 4hv CH3*4 + Br -45338 3 hv CH2 + H+Br (0.809 eV) (0.859 eV) CH3*3 + Br -40914 4hv 4hv CH3*3 + Br -43426 (0.897 eV) (0.957 eV) 2 hv CH3 + Br -48389 (0.939 eV) CH3*2 + Br -47478 4hv 68684 4hv CH*1+2H+Br -38198 (0.756 eV) 67275 -35456 4hv CH+2H+Br (0.701 eV) 4hv CH*4+H2+Br -48688 (0.701 eV) CH+H2+Br -35447 (0.744 eV) 3 hv CH+H2+Br -37561 3 hv (0.964 eV) CH*1+H2+Br -38156 3 hv CH2 + H+Br -36785 3 hv (0.769 eV) -38898 CH2 + H+Br 3 hv (0.728 eV) (0.755 eV) -48858 (0.967 eV) 4hv 2 hv CH3*6 + Br CH3 + Br -42687 4hv CH*4+H2+Br -40102 (0.793 eV) (0.844 eV) -37284 3 hv CH3*1 + Br -38638 4hv CH*4+H2+Br 4hv (0.737 eV) CH3*6 + Br -40272 (0.764 eV) (0.796 eV) CH3 + Br ??????????????????

  16. cm-1 tot KERBr 75905 CH+2H+Br 4hv -49898 (0.988 eV) 3 hv CH+H2+Br -48392 (0.957 eV) (0.985 eV) 3 hv CH2 + H+Br -49730 (0.871 eV) 4hv CH*1+2H+Br -44054 3 hv CH*1+H2+Br -42548 (0.843 eV) 3 hv CH3*1 + Br -43030 (0.852 eV) CH3 + Br ?????????????????? 2hv

  17. cm-1 tot KERBr cm-1 tot cm-1 tot 66019 KERBr 72977 75905 KERBr CH2*1 + H+Br -23404 3 hv CH*3+2H+Br (0.356 eV) -17998 4hv (0.463 eV) -13364 1 hv CH3 + Br (0.265 eV) (0.357 eV) CH*4+2H+Br -18097 CH3*2 + Br -14468 3 hv CH*2+2H+Br -20853 4hv 4hv (0.413 eV) (0.286 eV) (0.327 eV) 3 hv CH*4+H2+Br -16591 CH*5+H2+Br -20095 (0.397 eV) 4hv 67275 (0.354 eV) 3 hv -16090 4hv (0.317 eV) CH*3+H2+Br -17956 CH2*5 + H+Br 3 hv CH*2+H2+Br -12258 (0.243 eV) 4hv -16765 -20811 CH*2+H2+Br 3 hv CH2*4 + H+Br (0.332 eV) (0.412 eV) CH3*2 + Br 3 hv (0.324 eV) -16352 CH2*2 + H+Br -17700 4hv -17048 4hv (0.337 eV) (0.349 eV) CH2*3 + H+Br 68684 3 hv CH3*6 + Br 3 hv -18072 CH3*4 + Br (0.357 eV) -16761 (0.332 eV) 4hv CH*2+2H+Br -12267 (0.243 eV) (0.362 eV) 3 hv CH3*3 + Br -18341 3 hv CH3*5 + Br -19416 (0.385 eV) -14372 CH*2+H2+Br 3 hv (0.284 eV) (0.493 eV) CH3*2 + Br -24905 3 hv 3 hv -18466 (0.365 eV) CH3*2 + Br

  18. cm-1 tot 68684 67275 cm-1 tot cm-1 tot KERBr 66019 KERBr KERBr 3 hv -32199 CH*3+H2+Br -43041 4hv (0.851 eV) CH3 + Br CH3 + Br -41431 -41431 2 hv CH3*1 + Br (0.820 eV) (0.637 eV) 4hv -37454 -37454 CH3*6 + Br CH3*6 + Br 72977 CH*3+H2+Br -40529 4hv (0.740 eV) (0.803 eV) (0.871 eV) (0.793 eV) -40109 -40109 4hv 4hv CH3*5 + Br CH3*5 + Br -44042 (0.859 eV) CH*2+H2+Br -43384 4hv CH+2H+Br (0.869 eV) -43157 -43157 4hv CH3*4 + Br CH3*4 + Br (0.804 eV) CH+H2+Br -44000 3 hv (0.854 eV) CH3*4 + Br CH3*4 + Br 4hv -40645 -40645 4hv CH3*3 + Br CH3*3 + Br -43426 -43426 (0.809 eV) (0.859 eV) -45338 3 hv CH2 + H+Br CH3*3 + Br CH3*3 + Br -40914 -40914 4hv (0.897 eV) (0.957 eV) 68684 2 hv (0.939 eV) CH3*2 + Br CH3*2 + Br -47478 -47478 4hv CH3 + Br CH3 + Br -48389 -48389 (0.756 eV) -35456 4hv CH+2H+Br 4hv 67275 CH*1+2H+Br -38198 (0.701 eV) (0.701 eV) CH+H2+Br -37561 3 hv 4hv CH+H2+Br -35447 CH*4+H2+Br -48688 (0.744 eV) 3 hv (0.964 eV) -38898 CH2 + H+Br -36785 3 hv CH2 + H+Br 3 hv CH*1+H2+Br -38156 (0.769 eV) 3 hv (0.728 eV) (0.755 eV) (0.967 eV) 2 hv -48858 CH3 + Br CH3 + Br -42687 -42687 4hv 4hv CH*4+H2+Br -40102 CH3*6 + Br (0.793 eV) (0.844 eV) 4hv -37284 CH*4+H2+Br 4hv (0.737 eV) CH3*6 + Br CH3*6 + Br -40272 -40272 3 hv CH3*1 + Br -38638 (0.764 eV) (0.796 eV) CH3 + Br ??????????????????

  19. cm-1 tot 75905 KERBr -49898 4hv CH+2H+Br (0.988 eV) (0.957 eV) 3 hv -48392 CH+H2+Br (0.985 eV) 3 hv -49730 CH2 + H+Br (0.871 eV) 4hv -44054 CH*1+2H+Br (0.843 eV) 3 hv -42548 CH*1+H2+Br (0.852 eV) 3 hv -43030 CH3*1 + Br CH3 + Br ?????????????????? 2hv

  20. Comparing the one color (MOPO or Dye) and two color (MOPO and Dye) for Br/Br* Red KER is the MOPO one color measurements Green KER is the Dye laser one color measurements Blue KER is the two color (both MOPO and dye) “KER are not to scale”

  21. One color Br - dye One color Br - MOPO Two color Br 68684 cm-1

  22. One color Br - dye One color Br - MOPO Two color Br 72977 cm-1

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