5 Things you should Clean Daily
In the modern lifestyle of metropolitans like Bangalore especially in the urban standard of living, itu2019s common for people to spend more time outside the home. It may be the work schedule or keeping oneself busy or just not being alone. We all like to keep our hands full throughout our lives. We donu2019t have time for family or friends, let alone for our homes. But like everything we own even our homes need us. As time goes by, our house needs to be cleaned up from time to time, maintenance with painting and sometimes remodeling. Our houses are havens where we seek relaxation and recreation when we get tired of running around. So the big question is how do we balance everything all at once? With so little time to spare for ourselves how do I keep my house dazzling clean and manage to get away with my work schedule without getting too tired for the next day. Well, there is always the option of hiring some professional and reliable deep home cleaning services in Bangalore like TechSquadTeam who can do a great job of tidying up your house hygienically using their best quality services that include top-class cleaning solvents which are both organic and eco-friendly and high standard equipment. But there is also another way which involves only an extra 10 minutes of your scheduled time that can reduce the need for major cleaning and mopping of your whole house. There are just a few areas that you can focus on every day for a few minutes. No matter how busy you are staying on top of these things and cleaning them daily will help in keeping your house pest-free and dust-free. 1.tThe Dishes u2013 Most people do not notice it even if this problem is right in front of your eyes. Every day we eat and leave our dirty dishes in the sink to be cleaned later on. These dirty dishes attract pests into the house as well are the reason for the foul smell. Plus stale food attracts germs into the plates and if not cleaned properly can find their way into our digestive tract. Most people hire maids for this job who come according to their own time and take a lot of money too. Just make a habit of cleaning your dishes after every meal individually. This will only take a few minutes of your time and family members will follow once they see a cleaner sink every day. 2.tThe Kitchen Counter u2013 Again, the most neglected patch is the kitchen counter and probably the most important one. All the food that we intake at least once is kept at the kitchen counter before going to the dinner table. Too much clutter and dirty countertops make even cooking there unpleasant. Plus spilled food and crumbs are sure to attract pests. Just move away from any food that left out to the dust bin and cleans the countertop with a piece of cloth every time a meal is over. 3.tFresh Carpet Stains u2013 Carpet is drawn to spills. Every house has this same problem. But the spills donu2019t have to be permanent. All you have to do is check out the carpets each day and look for any freshly made stains. Just use some dishwasher liquid or soap with warm water and any fresh stain should wear off. In the case of set-in stains, you can always call up some expert carpet cleaning services in Bangalore to help you out. 4.tKitchen Trash u2013 Make it a practice to take out your trash every night. Donu2019t let the trash to stay the night in your kitchen. Your kitchen trash mostly has food scraps and crumbs that once start to rot attacks pests, fungus, bacteria and all kinds of formidable infestations into the house. Just get rid of the trash every night. 5.tSinks u2013 Keeping the bathroom or kitchen sinks is easy. Just some detergent and water does the trick but due to negligence in these places for a long time, it becomes a breeding ground for germs. Just clean these places daily and you can also reduce the cost of major cleaning in due course. In the event that even after performing these practices daily, your house starts to show you signs that it does need some good clean up and itu2019s time to get that new look once again, just call on 080 u2013 46535800 or check out our website www.techsquadteam.com for booking our services and getting the dazzle back in your house.
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