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Best Practices in Short Term Medical Missions

Best Practices in Short Term Medical Missions. Ron Brown, M.A. Associate Director GHO CMDA Nov. 12, 2010. Presentation Outline. Philosophy of Ministry Partnership with Local Host Ministry Preparing and Recruiting Local Host Responsibility Arrival and Clinic Week

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Best Practices in Short Term Medical Missions

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  1. Best Practices in Short Term Medical Missions Ron Brown, M.A. Associate Director GHO CMDA Nov. 12, 2010

  2. Presentation Outline • Philosophy of Ministry • Partnership with Local Host Ministry • Preparing and Recruiting • Local Host Responsibility • Arrival and Clinic Week • Extracurricular Activities • Leave Taking/ Farewell/ Re-Entry

  3. Philosophy of Ministry • Purpose • Use short-term medical missions for a long-term impact • Host Ministry / Patients / Participants • Local Church is Priority • Goals • Use medical / dental clinics to open doors for evangelism and discipleship • Matt 28: 19 “Go and make disciples of all nations…”

  4. Philosophy of Ministry Cont’d • Servant Attitude • Use Jesus model of being a servant • Came to serve, not be served • Washed feet!!! • Be a learner • Learn and apply principles of Biblical humility, cross cultural sensitivity • Serve to empower local church / local ministries

  5. Partnership with Local Host Ministry • Pastor (s) • Missionary • Para Church Group • Local Physicians, Dentists, Nurses, etc.

  6. Partnership Cont’d • Keys: • Going to serve them vs. * Dependency Issues • Going to help them plant, grow and strengthen their local church • Often requires an initial site visit to prepare for successful outreach with minimal surprises

  7. Preparing and Recruiting • Spiritual and Cross Cultural Preparation • Books, Articles, Web pages • Team Composition • Team Leadership: Medical/ Dental/ Spiritual Directors • Team of 20 = 4-6 providers, 1-2 dentists, dental hygienist/ assistant, 1-2 pharmacist, 3-4 RNs, PT, 3+ logistics • Nationals compliment team in registration, logistics, crowd control, counseling/ evangelism, drinks & meals, travel, discipleship & follow up

  8. Preparing and Recruiting Cont’d • Budget • Travel • In-Country Expenses • Formulary, Supplies, Gifts, etc. • Fund Raising • Letter • Family and Friends • Local Church • Civic Groups

  9. Preparing and Recruiting Cont’d • Formulary (Medical Director, Pharmacist) • Equipment • Triage, Lab and supplies • Dental • Extractions • Restorative - more equipment intensive • Community Health Materials, Wheel chairs, etc. • Readers, Sunglasses

  10. Local Host Responsibilities • Strategic Purpose for Medical Clinics • Why are we going to this place at this time? • What are long term goals and purpose • Registration of Docs + In-Country • Customs and Immigration • Be Proactive, Know what is needed!!! • Mexico, Nicaragua, China, India • * Security Concerns

  11. Local Host Responsibilities Cont’d • Interpreters: Key Players!!! • Promote Volunteerism, Kingdom Mindset • Evangelism, Counseling, Discipleship / Follow-up • Promotion of Clinic Week (s) • Logistics of Travel, Lodging, Meals, Water, etc.

  12. * Security * • Areas of Concern for You • Open or Closed / Limited access country • Police, Public Security Bureau, etc. • Vehicle Safety and Accidents • Buddy System

  13. Security Cont’d • Insurance • Adams and Associates www.aaintl.com • Red 24 http://srvb.red24.info/nonmembers/ • Orientation for: Crisis Management Plan • Hostage Situations, War, Natural Disasters • Governmental Action , Governmental Coup • Events that create negative public attention • Terrorist action or threat • Multiple deaths , Kidnapping, Criminal Actions

  14. Arrival and Clinic Week(Adapt to Open or Closed Country) • Orientation with Team Leader & Medical Director • Local Pastors • Local Physicians • Set up Medical Clinic • Set up Dental Clinic • Set up Pharmacy/ Pre-packing meds

  15. Clinic Layout • School is Ideal / Complex with central gate • Church with classrooms • Registration by local team members • Counseling / Evangelism or @ end of clinic • Local pastors decide • Local believers to lead • Triage • Consults • Pharmacy

  16. Maximize Filter, Flow, Patient consideration • Outside waiting area / Gate Keeper!!! • Filter to Registration area • Quiet area for counseling/ evangelism • Triage • Organize Consults by special needs • GYN/ PEDS/ Portable Ultrasound/ etc. • Basics meds @ each consult • Analgesics, vitamins, anti-parasite • Pharmacy placement near exit

  17. Clinic Function • Other clinics / Com. Health training/ Reading and Sun Glasses, others • Counseling area (Evangelism/ Discipleship) • Maximize Patient Flow • Local church participation/ Local Health Care Professionals Partnership

  18. Team Spiritual Development(Spiritual Director) • Team Devotions AM/ PM • Volunteers to lead AM • Music Worship • Another share their testimony • Team Pastor for PM/ deeper Bible Study • Early AM optional accountability groups • Men and Women • Evening Debriefing/ Grand Rounds • Coordinate with Team Leader, Medical Dir and Spiritual Dir • God Sightings

  19. Extracurricular Activities • Focus on serving local pastors and community • Children’s Program / Mini VBS • Pastor’s Conference/ Training • Great way to engage the local pastors, local ministries dedicated to pastor training, discipleship • GO International www.gointernational.org • Downline Ministries www.downlineministries.com • Music/ Drama (Best done by local hosts) • Crusade for Christ (locally directed)

  20. Leave Taking/ Farewell/ Re-Entry • Final Fellowship Dinner with local partners • Recognition of Local Pastors, Hosts, Spouses • Appropriate gifts, Special Thank You!!! • In-Country follow up • Discipleship/ Medical/ Dental/ Surgical • Final Debriefing evening (weekend) with team • Re-Entry Booklet/ Devotional • Review Re-Entry issues, team help each other • Face to Face, phone, email, etc.

  21. Accountability • Team • Family • Home Church • Acts 1:8 Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Uttermost • Church Mission’s Committee • Local Outreaches / Inner City/ Un- and Under- insured clinics, Native Indian communities

  22. Taking it to the Next Level • Saline Solution Conference/ DVD Set by CMDA • Impact on your own practice • Spanish version • Multiply efforts in community, state, professional associations, etc. • Perspectives Course on the World Christian Movement • 15 week class on the Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic Perspective

  23. Taking it to Next Level Cont’d • WARNING!!! Focus on Completing the Great Commission… • This could lead to Full-Time Medical Mission Call • Tim Peklo, Tom Boeve, Mark and Mona, Tom Hoak, Rachel Middleton, Tom Bonifield, Dan Johnson, to name a few families and individuals in recent years…

  24. Taking it to Next Level Cont’d • Remember why we do this • It’s not about us • IT’S ALL ABOUT HIM • “No Reserve” • “No Retreat” • “No Regrets” Life and Death of William Borden

  25. Resources • Site Visit Form / GHO • Mission Survival Kit • David Stevens, MD/ Gene Rudd, MD CMDA Bookstore • CHE Community Health Evangelism (Education) • www.LifeWind.org

  26. Resources Cont’d • Community Health Materials • www.hepfdc.info • Ripe for Harvest / Coming Home: A Deeper Roots Publication • www.DeeperRoots.com • Chorus Booklet GHO • Saline Solution CMDA www.cmda.org

  27. Resources Cont’d • Perspectives Course • www.perspectives.org • * Dependency Issues Glenn Schwartz • www.wmausa.org • World Wide Lab • www.wwlab.org • Dental Handbook for Short-Term Mission Trips • Jack Shuler, DDS, FAGD Nardos J. Shuler • World Dental Relief • www.dentalrelief.com

  28. Resources Cont’d • Fund Raising Letter Sample GHO • Formulary Sample GHO • H. Bruce Carr www.helpingoverseasdirectory.org • Praxis Meds http://praxiswss.ateam.com • IDA http://www.idafoundation.org • Evangecube • www.e3resources.org • Readers from Sharkeyes L.A., CA • www.sharkeyes.com $.67 a pair

  29. Resources Cont’d • Books for Spiritual Preparation • Jesus MD / David Stevens, MD CMDA bookstore • Miracle at Tenwek / The Life of Dr. Ernie Steury by Gregg Lewis CMDA bookstore • Humility C J MaHanney • Pursuit of God A W Tozer • Biographies of Hudson Taylor, William Carey, Cameron Townsend, others

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