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Agenda. 9:00 - 9:15Welcome, Introduction and Outcomes9:15 - 9:25Legal Basis9:25 - 9:40Definitions9:40 - 10:00Functional Analysis Assessments10:00 - 10:20Behavioral Intervention Plan10:20 - 10:25Functional Analysis Assessment vs Functional Behavioral Analysis10:25-10:30San Mateo County SELPA Policy10:30 - 11:00Questions
1. BICM Certification Training Presented by
Pamela Ptacek
SELPA Administrator
Judith Holiber
Deputy County Counsel
2. Agenda 9:00 - 9:15 Welcome, Introduction and Outcomes
9:15 - 9:25 Legal Basis
9:25 - 9:40 Definitions
9:40 - 10:00 Functional Analysis Assessments
10:00 - 10:20 Behavioral Intervention Plan
10:20 - 10:25 Functional Analysis Assessment vs Functional Behavioral Analysis
10:25-10:30 San Mateo County SELPA Policy
10:30 - 11:00 Questions & Answers
11:00 Adjourn
3. OUTCOMES Participants will develop a knowledge of:
Components of the Hughes Bill
Definitions and Behavior Related Terms
Difference between a Functional Behavioral Assessment vs a Functional Analysis Assessment
Difference between a Behavior Support Plan (BSP) vs a Behavior Intervention Plan( BIP)
4. The Legal Basis for the Hughes Bill
5. 30 EC 56520 - Behavioral InterventionsLegislative Findings, Declarations and Intent The State has sought:
To provide an appropriate and meaningful educational program
in a safe and healthy environment
for all children regardless of possible physical, mental, or emotionally disabling conditions
Teacher training:
to provide positive interventions for working with children with serious behaviors
to provide an environment in which learning can occur
That elimination of maladaptive behaviors shall not include those:
deemed unacceptable under Section 49001
that cause pain or trauma
6. Legislative Intent Behavioral Interventions should:
consider pupil's physical freedom and social interaction
be respectful of human dignity and personal privacy
ensure a pupil's right to placement in the least restrictive educational environment.
7. Definitions: Behavior Support Plan* A highly effective positive intervention strategy used:
when behavior impedes learning of the student or peers (IDEA)
when behavioral goals/objectives in the IEP are not enough
when behavioral/instructional approaches specified in the IEP are needed
prior to a Functional Analysis Assessment (FAA)
* Presently not found in legal citations but regarded as a best practice.
8. Definitions: Behavioral Emergency The demonstration of a serious behavior problem:
has not previously been observed and
a behavioral intervention plan has not been developed, or
a previously designed behavioral intervention is not effective.
9. Definitions: Behavioral Intervention Systematic implementation resulting in:
Lasting positive changes in the individual's behavior
The design, implementation, and evaluation of behavior instruction and environmental modifications that:
produce improvement in human behavior through skill acquisition
reduce problematic behavior
Behavioral interventions:
provide access to community settings, social contacts and public events
ensure the individual's right to placement in the L.R.E.
do not include procedures which cause pain or trauma
respect the individual's human dignity and personal privacy
assure the individual's physical freedom, social interaction, and individual choice.
10. Definitions: Behavioral Intervention Case Manager Behavioral Intervention Case Manager (BICM) is:
a designated certificated school staff member(s) or
other qualified personnel contracted by the school district or county office
trained in behavior analysis with an emphasis on positive behavioral interventions
not intended to be a new staffing requirement
an existing staff member including, but not limited to, a teacher, resource specialist, school psychologist, or program specialist.
11. Definitions: Behavioral Intervention Plan A Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP):
is a written document developed when the individual exhibits a serious behavior problem
shall become part of the IEP and
describes the level of support to be provided by the BICM to staff/parents responsible for implementing the plan.
12. Definitions: Behavioral Intervention Plan A Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) must include:
a summary of information from a Functional Analysis Assessment
an objective/measurable description of:
targeted maladaptive behavior(s)
replacement positive behavior(s)
goals/objectives specific to the behavioral intervention plan
description of the behavioral interventions to be used and circumstances for their use
schedules for:
recording frequency and use of interventions and targeted replacement behaviors
criteria for discontinuing use of intervention if ineffective or
identified and specified alternative interventions
13. Definitions: Serious Behavior Problem Behaviors which are self-injurious, assaultive, or cause serious property damage
Behaviors that are pervasive and maladaptive and
Instructional/behavioral approaches specified in the student’s IEP are found to be ineffective
14. Functional Analysis Assessment Conducted/supervised by a person with documented training in behavior analysis
Occur after IEP team finds that instructional/behavioral approaches in existing IEP have been ineffective
Nothing in this section shall preclude parent/guardian from requesting a FAA pursuant to EC 56320.
15. Functional Analysis Assessment Personnel gather information from:
Direct observation
Interviews with significant others
Review of available data
Parent notice and consent shall be obtained pursuant to EC 56321.
16. FAA Procedures Systematic observation of:
occurrence of targeted behavior (frequency, duration, intensity)
immediate antecedent events associated with display of inappropriate behavior
consequences following display of behavior to determine function the behavior serves the individual
17. FAA Procedures Ecological analysis of settings where behavior occurs most frequently.
Physical setting
Social setting
Nature of instructional activities
Quality of communication between individual ,staff, students
Degree of independence
Degree of participation
Amount and quality of social interaction
Degree of choice
Variety of activities
18. FAA Procedures Review of records for health, medical factors which may influence behavior
Review of behavior history including previously used behavioral interventions
19. FAA Reports Describe nature and severity of targeted behavior(s) in objective and measurable terms
Describe targeted behavior(s) that include:
baseline data
analysis of antecedents and consequences that maintain the targeted behavior
functional analysis of the behavior across settings in which it occurs
description of rate of alternative behaviors, their antecedents and consequences
recommendations for consideration by IEP team which may include a proposed plan as specified in 5 CCR 3052 section 3001(f)
20. IEP Team Meeting To review FAA results
To develop behavioral intervention
IEP team shall include Behavioral Intervention Case Manager
Behavior Intervention Plan provides sufficient detail for implementation of plan
21. Behavioral Intervention Plans BICM with documented training in behavior analysis including positive behavioral intervention(s).
qualified personnel knowledgeable of the student's health needs.
others as described in Education Code Section 56341(c)(2).
the BICM is not intended to be a new staff person and may be an existing staff member trained in behavior analysis with an emphasis on positive behavioral interventions.
22. Behavioral Intervention Plans 2) BIPs
Shall only be implemented by, or be under the supervision of, staff with documented training in behavior analysis
Documented training includes the use of positive behavioral interventions
Interventions shall only be used to replace specified maladaptive behavior(s) with alternative acceptable behavior(s)
Interventions shall never be used solely to eliminate maladaptive behavior(s)
23. Behavioral Intervention Plans 3) BIPs shall be:
Based upon a Functional Analysis Assessment
Specified in IEP
Used only in a systematic manner
24. Behavioral Intervention Plans 4) Behavioral emergency interventions shall not be used as a substitute for behavioral intervention plans.
25. Intervention Positive programming for behavioral intervention may include:
Altering the identified antecedent event to prevent occurrence of behavior
Teaching alternative behaviors that produce same consequences as the inappropriate behavior
Teaching adaptive behaviors
Manipulating consequences for inappropriate behaviors and alternative, acceptable behaviors
26. Acceptable Responses When targeted behavior(s) occurs, positive response options include one or more of the following:
Behavior is ignored, but not the individual
Individual is verbally or verbally and physically redirected to an activity
Individual is provided with feedback
Message of behavior is acknowledged
Brief, physical prompt is provided to interrupt or prevent aggression, self-abuse, or property destruction
27. Evaluation of Behavioral Intervention Plan Effectiveness Baseline
Measure of frequency, duration, and intensity of the targeted behavior is taken during FAA
Data is taken across activities, settings, people, and times of day
Data shall be used as a standard against which to evaluate intervention effectiveness
28. Evaluation of Behavioral Intervention Plan Effectiveness Measures of frequency, duration, and intensity at scheduled intervals shall be taken after the behavioral intervention plan is conducted or determined by IEP team.
They should be taken across activities, settings, people, and times of day
They may record data in terms of time spent acting appropriately vs that spent inappropriately
29. Evaluation of Behavioral Intervention Plan Effectiveness Includes documentation of program implementation as specified in BIP
Measures will be reviewed by teacher, BICM, parent or care provider and others as appropriate at scheduled intervals
Review may be conducted in meetings, by telephone conference or other means agreed upon by IEP team
30. Evaluation of Behavioral Intervention Plan Effectiveness If the IEP team determines that changes are necessary to increase program effectiveness, teacher and BICM shall conduct additional FAAs and, based on outcomes, propose changes in BIP.
31. Modifications Without IEP Team Meeting Minor changes can be made by BICM and parent or parent representative
If BICM unavailable, by qualified designee
Include minor changes in BIP once parent/parent representative is notified of need and reviews existing program evaluation data prior to use of new modification
Parent has right to question any modification to BIP through IEP procedure
32. Process to develop contingency BIPs may be included in initial BIP
Process may occur without convening IEP team if delineated in IEP
Personnel responsible for implementation in other sites must be notified and consulted prior to change Contingency Behavioral Intervention Plans
33. Temporary application of a technique used to contain a serious behavior that:
poses danger of serious physical harm to self or others
can’t be prevented by a less restrictive response
Shall not be used as a substitute for the Behavioral Intervention Plan
Must be approved by the SELPA
Should not be employed longer than to contain the behavior
for prolonged use staff must seek assistance of school site administrator or law enforcement agency Emergency Interventions
34. Locked seclusion
Any device, material or object which immobilizes all four extremities at one time
prone containment may be used as emergency intervention by trained staff
Force that exceeds reasonable & necessary under the circumstances Emergency Interventions May Not Include
35. To prevent emergency interventions being used in lieu of planned behavioral interventions, parents must be notified within one school day when:
an emergency intervention is used
serious property damage ensues
A Behavioral Emergency Report must include:
name and age of individual
setting and location of the incident
name(s) of staff and/or others involved
description of the incident and emergency intervention used
include if student currently has a behavioral intervention plan
details of any injuries sustained from the incident Behavior Emergency Report
36. If a report is filed on a student without a behavioral intervention plan the designated administrator must schedule an IEP meeting to:
Review emergency report
Determine necessity for a functional analysis assessment
Determine necessity for an interim intervention plan
The IEP team must document:
Reasons for not conducting assessment
Reasons for not developing an interim plan
Behavior Emergency Report
37. A Behavior Emergency Report for an individual with a behavioral intervention plan should be referred to the IEP team if:
incident involves an unseen serious behavior problem or
a previously designed intervention is not effective
The IEP team should review and determine if the incident constitutes a need to modify the plan. Behavior Emergency Report
38. No public education agency, or nonpublic school or agency serving individuals pursuant to EC Section 56365 et seq., may authorize, order, consent to, or pay for any of the following interventions, or any other interventions similar to or like the following: Prohibitions
39. Prohibitions(continued)
40. Due Process Hearings
41. FAACalifornia Law When a student has a serious behavior problem
42. San Mateo County SELPA Positive Behavioral Interventions Policy All children are provided educational opportunities that promote the development of each student’s potential in a safe and healthy environment