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Kruskal’s algorithm

Kruskal’s algorithm. Begin with all of the vertices of G and no edges Apply the greedy rule Add an edge of min weight that does not make a cycle Continue until you get a single tree T T contains |V|-1 edges. To implement Kruskal’s algorithm:. 7. 3. 6. 4. 1. 3. 2. 2. 4. 5. 7.

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Kruskal’s algorithm

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  1. Kruskal’s algorithm • Begin with all of the vertices of G and no edges • Apply the greedy rule • Add an edge of min weight that does not make a cycle • Continue until you get a single tree T • T contains |V|-1 edges

  2. To implement Kruskal’s algorithm: 7 3 6 4 1 3 2 2 4 5 7 6 8 • We must select the edges in increasing order of weight (Sort the edges) • We must be able to determine whether adding an edge will create a cycle • Each component of T is a tree • When u and v are in the same component, the addition of the edge (u, v) creates a cycle • When u and v are in different components, the addition of the edge (u, v) does not create a cycle

  3. Kruskal's Algorithm MST-Kruskal(G,w) 1A¬Æ 2 for each vertex vÎV[G] do 3 Make-Set(v) 4 sort the edges of E by nondecreasing weight w 5 foreach (u,v)ÎE, in nondecreasing of weight do 6 if Find-Set(u) ¹Find-Set(v) then 7 A¬AÈ {(u,v)} 8 Union(Set(u),Set(v)) 9 return A

  4. e.g.1:build a MST on the graph below 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 2 2 4 4 6 6 • Initial sets are: {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}

  5. 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 2 2 4 4 6 6 • Step 1:{1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6,7} • Step 2:{1,3} {2} {4} {5} {6,7}

  6. 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 2 2 4 4 6 6 • Step 3:{1,3} {2} {4} {6,7,5} • Step 4:{1,3,2} {4} {6,7,5}

  7. 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 2 2 4 4 6 6 • Step 5:{1,3,2} {6,7,5,4} • Step 6:{1,3,2,4,5,6,7}

  8. Disjoint-sets • Some applications involve grouping n distinct elements into a collection of disjoint sets S = {S1,S2,....,Sn} • Each set is identified by a representative, which is some member of the set. • Two main operations needed • Which set contains a given element? • Uniting two sets • Two different representations • Tree-based • Linked-List

  9. Required Operations • Make_set (x) • Creates a new set whose only member (and thus representative) is x. • Union (x,y) • Unions the sets that contain x and y. New representative needs to be chosen, and the old sets need to be removed. • Find_set (x) • Returns a pointer to the representative of the set containing x.

  10. disjoint-set Forests(Tree-based representation) • Each set is represented by a tree data structure. • Each node points only to its parent. • The representative of each set is the root of that set's tree • Not so good – could get a linear chain of nodes. • Make_set • Create a tree with one node • Find_set • Follow parent pointers until root is reached • Union • Make root of one tree point to the root of the other

  11. O(1) O(n) O(n) • MAKE_SET (X) X.parent= null; • FIND_SET (X) if (X.parent= = null) return X; return FIND_SET (X.parent); • UNION (X, Y) X.parent= FIND_SET (X); Y.parent=FIND_SET (Y); X.parent= Y.parent;

  12. head a c b / tail disjoint-sets (Linked-List representation) • Each set is a linked-list, with head and tail • Each linked list has a head pointer to the first element in the linked list • Each linked list also has a tail pointer to the last element in the linked list • The representative of a linked list is the first element of that set • Each element (node) contains • value, • next node pointer and, • back-to-representative node pointer. e.g.) set {a,b,c}

  13. head a c b / tail disjoint-sets operations (Linked-List representation) • Make-set and Find-set take constant time, • MAKE-SET costs O(1): just create a single element list. • FIND-SET costs O(1): just return back-to-representative set pointer

  14. c h f f g h e head tail head tail g • Union (X, Y) • Append X’s list onto the end of Y. • Use tail pointer to find the end of Y. • New representative is the representative of Y • Have to update every pointer in X to point to the new representative • Each UNION takes time linear in the X’s length. Set Y {f,g} Set X {c,h,e} UNION of two Sets head c e tail

  15. |V| Make-Set () operations O(E lg E) |E| Find-Set () operations |V|-1 Union () operations

  16. Tree-List representation Sorting = O(E lg E) |V| Make-Set () operations = O(V) |E| Find-Set () operations = O(EV) |V|-1 Union () operations = O(V2) • Total run time = O(V2)OR O(EV)

  17. Linked-List representation Sorting = O(E lg E) |V| Make-Set () operations = O(V) |E| Find-Set () operations = O(E) |V|-1 Union () operations = O(V2) • Total run time = O(V2)

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