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S p a c e E x p e r i m e n t P l a t f o r m

S p a c e E x p e r i m e n t P l a t f o r m. Currently in development by NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Space Florida, this new experiment support system is designed to provide an adaptable, robust carrier.

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S p a c e E x p e r i m e n t P l a t f o r m

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  1. S p a c e E x p e r i m e n t P l a t f o r m • Currently in development by NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Space Florida, this new experiment support system is designed to provide an adaptable, robust carrier. • It offers a safe, reliable, and efficient system to contain and operate experiments aboard research aircraft, suborbital launch vehicles, and other spacecraft. FASTRACK™ and its development team offer this new capability in support of: • NASA space science, exploration, and operations research and technology • NASA’s FAST (Facilitated Access to the Space Environment for Technology and Training) Program • Independent commercial and academic research and space product development • Experiment and support hardware/software in development for the International Space Station (ISS) and the ISS National Lab • Scheduled availability is March 2009. FASTRACK™ Engineering Unit. FASTRACK™ is a trademark of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. • Approximate volume of 36x24x24 inches • Total payload mass less than 300 lbs. • Accommodates two single middeck lockers • Can be configured for one double locker • Stackable design offers maximum adaptability • Self-contained (up to 3 hrs) 28 volt DC power • Can switch to external ground or vehicle power • Provides standard interfaces for user-furnished • middeck locker equivalents (MDLE) James E. Ball, NASA Project Manager Mail Code: TA-A3 Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 Email: james.e.ball@nasa.gov Allison Odyssey, Space Florida Project Manager SPFL Bldg M6-306, Rm 9030, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 Email: aodyssey@spaceflorida.gov

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