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** Spring Carniva l ** Friday, May 4 th , 2011 ** Games**Activities**Concessions** and Much More. Armbands
** Spring Carnival ** Friday, May 4th, 2011 ** Games**Activities**Concessions** and Much More • Armbands • Turn-in dates will be April 3rd, 5th, 9th, 11thand the final turn in day on 13th. Money will be collected during homeroom. Armbands may also be purchased the morning of the carnival. • Students with an armband will be able to participate in all games and activities. They will also receive a t-shirt and four food tickets. • A t-shirt will not be guaranteed after the April 13th turn in date. • The cost is $25 per armband and allows students to participate in all events (times and details to follow). Tickets • Tickets will be sold through out the day of the carnival. • Games, activities, and concessions will cost 1-2 tickets. • The cost is $1 per ticket. Food • A variety of food will be offered on the day of Carnival. Each student will receive 4 food tickets with purchase of an armband • Students may purchase additional food tickets on the day of Carnival for $1 a ticket. For more information & Sponsor Forms please visit the Carnival Web Page at www.rms.rcs.k12.tn.us under Resources Or contact Kadie Patterson at pattersonka@rcschools.net Rockvale Middle School Design by Courtney Kopp. Printed by Jason Bradford at Bradford Designs THANK YOU TO OUR FANTASTIC SPONSORS! Togrye Orthodontists Pinnacle Financial Partners State Farm Agent Andy Womick The Rocking Horse Thompson Services Field Flooring Space Walk of Murfreesboro