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Kezia is the leading female dating expert for men, and has helped OVER 18,000 men from across the globe to get REAL results with women. Unlike most female dating coaches, she will not give you vague or generic advice.http://www.kezia-noble.com/
Kezai Noble guide on pick up artist www.kezia-noble.com
The finest pick up artists exude confidence and you must too if you want to be a success with the ladies, but don't think that this has come naturally to them. Like a football player's game, being confident is something learned and developed from years of practice and dedicated training. Confidence is a quality that must be nurtured too. So how does an average guy develop levels of confidence like a seasoned pick up artist. The answer is simple; practice, practice and then a bit more practice. The difficulty is of course that you need to know where to start. Well the answer is simple. Start everywhere you get an opportunity. In order to be a successful pick up artist, you need to be at ease talking to women. Your confidence in yourself is more important than your physique, looks or your lines. As Henry Ford once said; "whether you think you can or think your can't, you are right!“ So here are a couple of useful tips to help you on your way to becoming a successful pick up artist. Practice talking to every woman you meets, from the old lady at the grocery store to the pretty waitress at the restaurant.
Just talk to them, without the sole objective of getting them in the sack. Forget about getting them in the sack, just talk to them! Be charming but not sleazy, save being risque until you have built your confidence up. The more you practice, the more at ease you become at talking to people. Heck, don't stop with all the women you meet either, talk to everyone you meet if you get the chance. People don't bite and if they think you're a jerk well then that's their opinion. Do you think they are going to share it with anyone that matters to you? No, of course they won’t. The thing is, the more you do anything, the more confident you become at it and so just practice talking to people about anything and you will build your confidence levels up. Once you have become confident talking to people and not trying to pick them up, you will feel much more at ease when you start the real challenge of poaching a stunning babe for a date. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day and becoming a pick up artist is not something that can be perfected in an afternoon.