The Activation Certification is designed to bridge the knowledge gap among Specialists, Supervisors and Managers. Activation Certification also intends to reiterate SNG/Activations related M&Ps and reinforce KMS and Tool utilization Activation Certification
WARNING! • Each agent, supervisor and ACCM should complete the 2-hour Activation Certification. Passing score is 100% with a maximum of 3 attempts only. Each failed attempt has corresponding Corrective Action. Those who fail will undergo coaching/triad sessions with supervisor and or manager (ACCM or CM), before taking the next attempt. Corrective action for failing the first attempt is Written Warning. Failure to pass the 2nd Attempt, Final Warning; while failure on the 3rd Attempt may result to “Endorsement to HR.”
Let's Review • The following slides will provide review on the coverage with Activation certification