Synopsis Once Upon a Mattress is a humorous retelling of the story of the Princess and the Pea. Queen Aggravain has proclaimed that no one in the kingdom can get married until Prince Dauntless the Drab finds a wife. She then gives each prospective princess impossible tests that they are doomed to fail. The Ladies and Knights of the kingdom are very anxious for a proper princess to be found, especially Lady Larkin and Sir Harry, who wish to be wed. Princess Winnifred the Woebegone swims the moat to become the 13th princess candidate. The Wizard helps Queen Aggravain devise a test where a single pea is placed under 20 mattresses. When Princess Winnifred passes the test, the Silent King gets his voice back and all in the kingdom are happy. The story is sometimes narrated by the Jester and the Minstrel.
Characters Princess Winnifred the Woebegone Prince Dauntless the Drab Queen Aggravain The Silent King Lady Larken Sir Harry The Minstrel The Jester The Wizard Ladies & Knights
Song Highlights Opening for a Princess Happily Ever After The Minstrel, the Jester, & I Quiet