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Where we create beautiful smiles
Learn all about the services offered at Cape Town Smile Studios
Our services Weprovide all types of dentistry in the new field of Aestheticdentistry (previously cosmetic dentistry). Due to extensive training in the use of compositeand porcelainmaterials, the staff at CTSS can perform all types of dental bonding.
Our services We have performed hundreds of ‘laser’ tooth whitening procedures as part of our commitment to provide the best in aesthetic dentistry.
Our services As one of the few Biologicdentistry practices in South Africa, CTSS uses non-toxic materials according to the principal of ‘first do no harm’. Part of this philosophy is to remove toxic mercury ‘silver’ fillings safely. Dr IlonaVisser, senior consultant at CTSS, educates the public and professionals on the toxic effects of mercury ‘silver’ fillings. Dr Visser is the only dentist in South Africa accredited by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.
Our services Together with maxillofacial and periodontal specialist, we provide all aspects of Implantology. Our team will replace missing teeth with implants to restore function and aesthetics.
Our services For those patients that have a fear of dental treatment CTSS provides treatment under Conscious Sedation. During the procedure you are awake while having your teeth fixed, but you are not aware that you are having them fixed. Two hours will feel like 10 minutes! Once you have had CS, you will want to come back for more!
Our services Many of the early signs of systemic diseases are first seen in the mouth. At CTSS we have the only laser, Velscope, in the Western Cape in private practice that aids in detecting the early signs of oral cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer, and one that is spreading fast.
Our services We do not ignore swollen and bleeding gums. These are the first signs of gum disease (gingivitis), and can rapidly progress to attack the bone (periodontal disease).
Aesthetic dentistry at CTSS: a picture is worth a 1000 words… Aesthetic dentistry
Biologic dentistry ‘Silver’ fillings consist of 50% mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive heavy metal. Safe removal of mercury fillings are paramount in restoring health. At CTSS we are seen as the pioneers in the field of Bio-safe dentistry. Patients are screened for signs and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity, and referred to team doctors specialising in chelation treatment. Before chelation can commence all mercury fillings must be removed – safely.
‘Silver’ fillings expand over time, causing cracks in teeth and eventually leading to fractures of the teeth. Biologic dentistry Crack Fracture
‘Silver’ fillings expand over time, causing cracks in teeth and eventually leading to fractures of the teeth. Biologic dentistry Fracture of half the tooth
The Big Dental Lie – ‘Silver’ fillings CAN affect your health Dr IlonaVisser, senior consultant at CTSS, explains why the use of these fillings should be discontinued, and replaced with composite or porcelain. In easy-to-understand English she explains how these fillings will affect your health. Last few copies of this edition now available here! Cost: R260 • Biologic dentistry
Paediatric Dentistry At CTSS we believe that children have the right to healthy teeth. During pre-birth we start the journey by educating you on dental health issues that will affect your baby.
After birth we will teach you how to care for the first set of teeth, known as the primary teeth. Peadiatric Dentistry
We will regularly check that the teeth, jaws and jaw joints are developing normally. Peadiatric Dentistry
Peadiatric Dentistry Kids treated at CTSS
Peadiatric Dentistry Chewing bark is not helping for my bad breath! And remember to brush the new puppy’s teeth as well to prevent gum disease, bad breath and early tooth loss. Have a vet clean his teeth once a year to remove tartar between teeth.
Conscious Sedation Services If you are one of millions of patients that fear going to the dentist, Conscious Sedation is the answer to achieving a healthy mouth. Oh no, do I really need to go to the dentist?
Conscious Sedation Together with a dedicated dental sedationist, the team at CTSS will make your dental experience so enjoyable you would want to come back for more!
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by using state of the art digital equipment such as digital xrays , digital intra-oral photography and lasers. All paper is used dual sided, and, when discarded, gathered for recycling, together with plastics, etc.
Fact or Fiction? FICTION Each tooth in the mouth, except the wisdom teeth, have a special function. Each is design specifically to fullfill that function. When a tooth is removed the adjacent teeth now need to take over the function of the missing tooth, thereby placing more stress on the remaining teeth. The more teeth that are removed, the more stress on the remaining teeth. Even the hinge axis of the jaw joint will be influenced by missing teeth that can eventually lead to joint pain culminating in replacement of the joint, similar to a hip replacement. Prevention is here better that cure – replace the missing tooth ASAP. I do not need to have missing teeth replaced.
Fact or Fiction? Fiction I only need to have my wisdom teeth removed once they start bothering me. From when you are about 15 years old your dentist must evaluate if the location, anatomy and angulation of the wisdom teeth is such that they will be able to erupt uneventfully. If not, removal is indicated.
Fact or Fiction? Fiction I only need to have my wisdom teeth removed once they start bothering me. The best time to remove them is before there is pain (and sepsis). Once the wisdom teeth start to erupt infection can set in that will have to clear before any surgery is done. This can take another week or two of excruciating pain, and even not being able to open your mouth due to the swelling!
Fact or Fiction? It is healthier for your teeth to eat the whole bag of sweets all at once, than to eat them one at a time during the day. Fictionn
It takes your saliva’s enzymes 20 min to neutralise the acid formed by the bacteria after they have ‘shared’ in your sugar / carb intake. Rather have your teeth attacked by acids for 1 session of 20 min than numerous times x20 min during the day. Peadiatric Dentistry
Fact or Fiction? Chocolate causes dental decay. FICTION • Dental caries are only caused by bacteria and their acid by-product. Actually, having your chocolate can help prevent decay by destroying the bacteria that cause decay, according to the Osaka university in Japan. • Maybe we should be using cacao in our toothpastes!
Fact or Fiction? You can share your chocolate with your pets. DEADLY FICTION! Keep chocolate away from cats and dogs, as they do not have the enzymes that metabolise theobromine found in chocolate. Even extremely small amounts can cause epileptic seisures and even death!
We at CTSS would like to provide your family a happy dental home