Plan Ahead • Carefully pick where you will eat; visit a restaurant’s web site or call them. Describe your food requirements (no sugars and starches) and see what they suggest. • If you are traveling on the road or flying, try to bring some of your own snacks. You could try individually wrapped string cheese; hard-boiled egg; snap-top cans of tuna, salmon, sardines, or chicken with mayonnaise and avocado; or nuts.
Ask for what you want • Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. • Can foods be cooked in a different way?: “Can the fish be cooked without breading?” • Make sure they understand you can’t have added sugars. It’s as if you are allergic. • You often get meals that aren't on the menu. Ask to have your dishes served without extras like rice, beans, potatoes, or pasta. Instead ask for another portion of vegetables. “Can I get that with a side of avocado or asparagus instead of fries?” • Order salad dressing, gravy, sauces, or spreads "on the side." Ask if they are made with added starches or sugars. Taste dressings & sauces, before you eat them. Are they sugary? Skip ‘em.