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Source My Car offers free registration for buyers. Once the account is activated & the specifications are displayed on the buyer board, an alert will reach to all the used car dealers in Essex or any other specified location.
WELCOME IN http://www.sourcemycar.co.uk/
ABOUT US • We wanted to buy a car. Nothing flashy, nothing rare - just a black automatic Toyota Rav4 with sat nav. • We tramped round the local dealers. Trawled the local papers. Spent hours looking online scanning website after website – all to no avail. With nearly 10,000 car dealers in the UK, there just had to be a better, faster way. • We put our thinking caps on. We knew the car we wanted was out there somewhere. Think how much time we'd save if only we could get the dealers to come to us... And that's how the idea for Source My Car was born! http://www.sourcemycar.co.uk/
For Buyers • Source My Car's service is free for Buyers. • Simply tell us what you are looking for! Just stating the type of car you are looking for and your location! you can then be more specific if you want to be, detailing the exact color, specs, age and ideal price too. For Dealers • Once signed up, Source My Car will provide you with a personal login that will let you see all the requests for cars wanted in your area. You will also receive email alerts each time a potential buyer in your area posts on the Buyer’s Board. OUR SERVICES http://www.sourcemycar.co.uk/
CAR GUIDE Check the following are working correctly: • Windscreen wipers should be in working condition. Remember to check both the back and the front. • Seatbelts – check all seatbelts mount into the compartments and are not broken. If any seatbelts are broken this car will not pass a MOT. • Make sure the headlights, brake lights and indicator lights all work. http://www.sourcemycar.co.uk/
CONTACT US SOURCE MY CAR LIMITED 94 Langham Drive, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 9TA United Kingdom Tel - +44 - 0800 689 0227 Write us - info@sourcemycar.co.uk http://www.sourcemycar.co.uk/
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