Helen Keller & Lance ArmstrongCharacter Study in Body Ethics Nicolas Hanhan Concordia University The Ethical Educator Dr. William Hunter May 14, 2013
Ethical Helen Keller Unethical Lance Armstrong Lance Armstrong born in 1971 . Armstrong won Tour de France between 1999 and 2005. Lance Known to have overcome cancer disease and was taking care of his body . In 2012 it obvious that this was not all true. Armstrong was banned from cycling for life for doping offenses .He is the founder of the Livestrong Foundation, originally called the Lance Armstrong Foundation, which provides support for cancer patients. (Wikipedia 2013) Helen Keller an American author who was able to overcome blindness and deafness to become the first deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree . She is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities. (Wikipedia 2013)
Quotes Lance Armstrong: “I view this situation as one big lie…I came clean for my family’s sake” • Helen Keller :”The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but has no vision” Click her to watch video on youtubemultiplier
Individual Actions Affects • Helen Keller : Made up signs with her hands to be able to communicate with people that surrounded her . • Lance Armstrong effected negatively by lying to people regarding taking banned steroids during racing cycles . Armstrong decided to tell the truth because the controversy has started to affect his children. He described his behavior as “narcissistic” .
Scholarly Articles • Helen Keller : Brief life of a woman who found her own way: 1880-1968 Harvard Magazinehttp://harvardmagazine.com/2004/07/helen-keller.html • Lance Armstrong: Now The Canary’s Dead, What About That Coal Mine? Brad Allenby - Associate Director Lincoln Center for Applied Ethicshttp://lincolncenter.asu.edu/publications2/articles/301-lance-armstrong-now-the-canary-s-dead-what-about-that-coal-mine-2