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Thai, the official language of Thailand, is slowly catching up with French, Spanish, German, Chinese and Japanese as one of the popular languages among learners of a second language. Thai is easy to learn. Books are a great source to study the written script, the words, their meanings and grammatical structures. But, the spoken form requires guidance from a native speaker because Thai is a tonal language.
Communication isthe primaryneed for language.Wegenerallylearn a foreign codeto be able to communicate with native speakerswhen we travel abroad.However, today,the purpose of acquiringknowledgeoflanguages other thanthemother tongue isnotrestricted to educationaland businesspurposesonly. Peoplegravitate towardsexotic languagesto satisfytheirpersonal intellectual curiosity. Thai, theofficial languageof Thailand,isslowlycatching upwith French,Spanish, German, Chineseand Japanese asone ofthepopular languagesamonglearnersof asecondlanguage. Thaiiseasytolearn. Books are a greatsourcetostudythewritten script,the words, theirmeaningsand grammaticalstructures. But, the spoken formrequiresguidance froma nativespeakerbecause Thaiisatonal language. If you're eager tolearn Thai, here aresomeof the sourcesyou can relyon. Books The written script isalphabeticand not pictographic like Chinese. Youcanusebooksto getfamiliar with the word elements. There are chartslisting the tone indicatorstoo. The best place tolookforlearning resourcesisat local academiclibraries. A Thai-English Dictionary isabeneficialsource thathelpsimprove linguisticskills. You canlookup English equivalentsfora Thai word. Understandthemeaningsand pronunciationsofdifficult words. An advanced dictionarywill also haveexamplesofconstructionsusing theword. Multimedia Courses Multimediaprogramsarepre-recorded audio-visual tractswith thealphabeticpronunciations. You can purchase or rentthem. Searchtheinternet for free online tutorials. Manyacademic librariesalso offerspecially-structured online programsthat youcanaccessfromhomefor asmallsubscription fee. Language Learning Software The internethasmade learning veryeasy. Severalnative speakersof Thai havecreatedlanguage learning softwaresto assistsecondlanguagelearners. Theseprogramsnot onlymakeavailablethe written scriptbutalso providemoduleswhere one can listento thespeechof anative speakerandlearnthecorrect articulation. Software programsareavailable asfreeandpaid versions. Take Classes Formal classesmakeup for what lacksin all the othersources. You canstudythe written scriptandthe pronunciationsundertheguidanceof an experiencedteacher. Interactionhelpsbuild active andpassive vocabulary. There isalwayssomeone to correctfaultypronunciations;a featuremissinginsoftware programs andmultimediasources. Thus,you are trained toread, write,speakandcomprehend. You can enrollina Thai
Languageclassata school, college oruniversity. Several private institutionsalso offercoursesin foreign dialects. Otheroptions includeone-on-onehome tutoring orvirtual instruction. Right instructionplaysa majorroleinmastering a foreign lingo. However, your dedication isequally importantto gainknowledge ofit. Practicewill make you perfect. Practicethe lettersand the pronunciation.Watchfilmsand listen to Thai podcasts. Trytoreadmaterialin thisdialect. Itwill help youidentifylettersand words. The real test of competence ishoweffectivelyyou can use alanguage inreal- lifesituations. Clickhere toknowmoreon;Howtolearn Thai, speakThai. Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shankar_N Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Best-Ways-To-Learn-To-Speak-Thai&id=8114373