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Retirement Savings www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings • Retirement Savings You probably have a golden vision of retirement as a time when you can finally do all of the things that you want to but never seem to have time to do now. Why not? Sounds good. But how do you realize that vision? Social Security—assuming the government can figure out how to keep paying it to the increasing number of retirees—is a start, but it's probably not enough to make your dreams come true. www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings • And few employers today offer pension plans that guarantee you a specific income at retirement. On top of that, people are living longer, and children cannot always help their parents in retirement. • The keys to realizing your vision are retirement savings and income planning. But how to avoid the horror stories of people losing their nest eggs in the stock market or in some other speculative investment? www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings • There are several ways you can save for your retirement, among them the IRA, 401(k), pension plan, fixed annuity, and whole life insurance–based supplement savings plan. We at BeamaLife are committed to bringing you innovative saving vehicles that provide the benefits of Roth IRA and Roth 401(k) plans—without their limitations. Cash Value Life Insurance, especially Whole Life Insurance, is a great way to supplement retirement funds for early or late retirement. www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings • Fixed Annuities are attractive tax-deferred retirement savings vehicles. They have guaranteed returns, so you can stop worrying about stock market's ups and downs, bubbles and crashes. We can give you detailed information on these different retirement savings options. Please call (866) 972-3262 to speak with a retirement specialist or complete your personalized retirement savings proposal now. www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings • Many successful small business owners and professional have benefited from our knowledge and greatly expanded opportunities offered by qualified retirement savings plans. BeamaLife can help you to take larger tax deductions while savings substantial dollars for your retirement savings plan in a safer manner. www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings • BeamaLife can help you to take huge tax deduction via Section 401(k) plans (Dash 401(k), Safe Harbor 401 (k), Super 401 (k), Micro K or Single K), Section 403 (b) plans, Profit sharing plans (Integration, Age-Weighted and Super Comparability), Target benefit plans and Defined benefit plans (Cash Balance, Traditional, Super comparability, Fully Insured or 412i Plans). www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings • BeamaLife "Next Level" Retirement Savings Plan idea: A "Next Level" profit sharing or 401(k) plan offers a unique solution to the dilemma or estate plan funding while preserving your cash flow with flexibility. We'll optimize your existing retirement plan and amend the retirement to allow for the purchase of life insurance policy. This is a only way to buy or acquire life insurance policy with "pre-tax" or "tax-deductable" dollars by allocating some retirement plan asset. www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings • We'll establish an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust to eventually buy or receive the life insurance policy. Our retirement specialists can give you detailed information on these different retirement savings options. Please call (866) 972-3262 to speak with a retirement specialist or complete your personalized retirement savings proposal now. www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262
Retirement Savings www.BeamaLife.com | 1-866-972-3262