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Credit: Shigemi Numazawa

Discover the beauty of the night sky with constellations like Leo and Scorpius, and planets such as Saturn and Mars. Learn about celestial wonders in Summer and Winter Triangle. Get mesmerized by Star Trails and Moon Phases.

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Credit: Shigemi Numazawa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 天文入門 Credit: Shigemi Numazawa

  2. Credit: www.star-light.info/~mat

  3. Constellation 星座 Leo 獅子座

  4. Scorpius 天蠍座 Credit: Akira Fujii

  5. Hercules武仙座 Summer Triangle夏季大三角 Serpens巨蛇座 Lyra天琴座 Vega織女 Deneb天津四 Aquila天鷹座 Scorpius天蠍座 Cygnus天鵝座 Ophiuchus蛇夫座 Altair牛郎 Summer Night Sky 夏季星空 Credit: Ikuo Takeshila

  6. Perseus 英仙座 Credit: Jerry Lodriguss

  7. 仙后座 Cassiopeia Credit: Jerry Lodriguss

  8. Orion 獵戶座 Winter Night Sky 冬季星空 Credit: Watanabe Tsuyoshi

  9. Auriga 御夫座 Taurus 金牛座 Orion 獵戶座 Lepus 天兔座 Betelgeuse參宿四 Gemini 雙子座 屎 Procyon南河三 Sirius天狼 Winter Triangle 冬季大三角 Winter Night Sky 冬季星空 Credit: Watanabe Tsuyoshi

  10. Credit: Gordon Garradd

  11. Scorpius天蠍座 Sagittarius人馬座 Milky Way 銀河 Credit: Jerry Lodriguss

  12. 北斗七星 Big Dipper

  13. Little Dipper小北斗 北極星 Polaris Big Dipper北斗七星

  14. Credit: HKU

  15. 北極星 Polaris Big Dipper 北斗七星 Cassiopeia 仙后座 Star Trails 星流跡 Credit: Watanabe Tsuyoshi

  16. 月明星稀 Credit: Watanabe Tsuyoshi

  17. Credit: Watanabe Tsuyoshi

  18. Credit: Robert Gendler

  19. Lunation 朔望月 Credit: Antonio Cidadao

  20. Credit: Watanabe Tsuyoshi

  21. Credit: Marc-Andre Besel

  22. Credit: Jim Fakateselis

  23. Leonids 獅子座流星雨 2001 Credit: Chen Huang-Ming

  24. Saturn 土星 Pleiades 七姊妹星團 Taurus 金牛座 Jupiter 木星

  25. Credit: NASA/JPL

  26. Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science System

  27. Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science System

  28. Mars 火星 Credit: NASA, James Bell(Cornell Univ.), Michael Wolff(Space Science Inst.) and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

  29. North Polar Ice Cap 北極冠 Credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS

  30. “Happy Face” Crater 笑哈哈隕石坑 Credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS

  31. Love from Mars Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems

  32. Olympus Mons 奧林匹斯山 Credit: NASA/JPL

  33. Credit: NASA/JPL

  34. Opportunity's 'Rub al Khali' Panorama Credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell

  35. 艾奧 Io 大紅斑 Great Red Spot 木星 Juipiter Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

  36. 木衛一 (艾奧) Io 木衛二 (歐羅巴) Europa 木衛三 (加美尼) Ganymede 木衛四 (卡尼斯托) Callisto Credit: NASA/JPL

  37. Io 木衛一 (艾奧) Credit: NASA/JPL

  38. Credit: NASA/JPL

  39. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

  40. Europa 木衛二 (歐羅巴) Credit: NASA/JPL

  41. Credit: NASA/JPL

  42. 土星 Saturn Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

  43. Saturn Rings Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

  44. Titan 土衛六 (泰坦) Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

  45. Methane River甲烷河流 Credit: ESA/NASA/University of Arizona/Christian Waldvogel

  46. Great Dark Spot大暗斑 海王星 Neptune Credit: NASA/JPL

  47. 海衛一(特萊頓) Triton Credit: NASA/JPL

  48. Credit: NASA/JPL

  49. Venus 金星 Earth 地球 Jupiter 木星 Saturn 土星 Uranus 天王星 Neptune 海王星 Credit: NASA/JPL

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