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Will & the Web

Will & the Web. L iterature and Creative Media Chris Lima, Open University IATEFL 2013. Overview. Context and syllabus Using literature and new technologies Activities: Henry V Activities: Othello Extending classroom discussions Questions Links and bibliography. My Context.

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Will & the Web

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Will & the Web Literature and Creative Media Chris Lima, Open University IATEFL 2013

  2. Overview • Context and syllabus • Using literature and new technologies • Activities: Henry V • Activities: Othello • Extending classroom discussions • Questions • Links and bibliography

  3. My Context • English for Academic Purposes • Undergraduate • Erasmus / Study Abroad Programme • B2 / C1 • Two free-standing terms • Two-hour session once a week • Ten-week terms • Two academic essays • Credit bearing modules

  4. The syllabus • Language – literature – literary criticism • Four skills (reading +) • Academic writing • Four genres • Text - Performance • Independent learning

  5. ‘It is meat and drink to me’As You Like It • Make technology part of your everyday teaching • Make it part of your lesson • Make it match your objectives • Make it simple • Make it engaging • Make it accessible • Make it feasible • Make it part of the homework

  6. ‘It’s all one to me’ Troilus and Cressida • YouTube • Podcasts • Google images • Shakespearean websites • E-texts • Blogs • Social media • Discussion forums • Online glossary • Concordances • Scholarly databases • VLE • Apps

  7. What calls your attention? • Message • Language • Setting • Acting • Clothes • Colours • Music

  8. Discuss What are the similarities and differences between the two scenes?

  9. Find out • What are the main messages in both speeches? • How similar is the language they use? • Circle at least 10 key words that are used in both texts. • Underline at least 5 expressions or phrases that have similar meaning in both texts.

  10. What would you do if one of your best friends told you that your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you?

  11. What dost thou mean?

  12. Discuss • Is it easier to understand the dialogue after you watched it performed? • Why do you think Branagh has adapted the text? • How do the changes affect your understanding of the scene?

  13. ‘Too much of a good thing’ As You Like It • The Works • Playing (with) Shakespeare • Academic sources • Resources for teachers & students • Online Reading Group

  14. ‘All that glitters is not gold’ The Merchant of Venice • Technology can be unreliable • Technology does not replace reading • Technology does not replace the theatre • Technology does not replace thinking • Technology does not teach for you

  15. ‘And farewell friends’ The Merchant of Venice • Suggestions for further reading

  16. Thank you chrislima90@yahoo.co.uk http://chrislima90.wordpress.com

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