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Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies Jan Krzysztof FRĄCKOWIAK ORGANIZATION AND FINANCING OF SCIENCE IN POLAND European Committee for Future Accelerators Warsaw, February 25, 2005. POLAND. Territory – 312 685 km Population – 38 231 000
Ministry of Scienceand Information Society Technologies Jan Krzysztof FRĄCKOWIAK ORGANIZATION AND FINANCING OF SCIENCE IN POLAND European Committee for Future Accelerators Warsaw, February 25, 2005
POLAND Territory – 312 685 km Population – 38 231 000 Young population (25-34) - 5 441 000 (14.2% of population) Employment - 16 776 500 (of which) university graduates – 2 562 900 (15.3%)
NEW STRUCTURE Minister of Science and Information Society Technologies Secretary of State and Under-Secretary of State MINISTER’S POLITICAL CABINET DEPARTMENTS The Council of Science - formerly the State Committee for Scientific Research
Budgetary lines (total in 2004, 600 M EUR) • statutory tasks of scientific institutions; 2004: 350 M EUR; all fields (depending on the achievements of theinstitutions) • targeted (industrial) research projects (development projects) selected in peer-reviewed project competitions • Co-financing of goal-orientated projects pursued jointly by research teams and future users • research grants for individual researchers and research teams through open calls twice a year • construction, investments, purchase of equipment and infrastructure • international scientific cooperation (mobility, contributions to int. organizations) and research-aiding activity (publications, libraries, databases, scientific conferences, promotion of science...)
Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies Responsibility for: • the country’s scientific and technological policy • plans for budgetary expenditure in the area of science and technology • distribution and using of public funds (control) • international agreements on cooperation
ACT ON FINANCING OF SCIENCE – PRINCIPAL CHANGE • The Minister of Science awards funding for science taking into consideration the opinion of the Council of Science • Formerly, the Minister awarded funds, executing the resolutions of the State Committee for Scientific Research
COUNCIL OF SCIENCE COMMITTEE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL POLICY (KOMITET POLITYKI NAUKOWEJ i NAUKOWO-TECHNICZNEJ ) Max. 11 persons nominated by the minister, incl.those proposed by the President of PASand Chairmen of RGSW, KRASP and RG JBR UNIT OF APPEALS (ZESPÓŁ ODWOŁAWCZY) 5 personsproposed by academia UNITS - disciplinaryor interdisciplinary units - working units of Council Commissions RESEARCH COMMISSION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE (KOMISJA BADAŃ NA RZECZ ROZWOJU NAUKI) 28 persons proposed by academia RESEARCH COMMISSIONFOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMY (KOMISJA BADAŃ NA RZECZ ROZWOJU GOSPODARKI) Max. 26 persons nominated by the minister – appropriate experts, representatives of relevant ministers, and persons representing social and economic practice
ACT ON FINANCING OF SCIENCE NEW INSTRUMENTS (1) •NATIONAL FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME – determines priorities in a selected areas • SCIENTIFIC CONSORTIA–groups of organizational entities carrying outjoint scientific or investment undertakings • SCIENTIFIC NETWORKS –co-operation of groups of scientific entities aiming at the development of their scientific specializations •PROGRAMMES OR UNDERTAKINGS ESTABLISHED BY THE MINISTER – for thedevelopment of young scientific staff (including fellowships), information technology infrastructure, links between science and industry, international scientific and technological co-operation, etc. • MODIFIED SYSTEM OF THE EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC ENTITIES • DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS– aimed at research tasks constituting the basis of a practical implementation • GOAL-ORIENTATED PROJECTS (A NEW FORMULA)– including applied research, development work, industrial or pre-competitive research, panel system of proposalqualification • POSSIBILITY TO GRANT FINANCIAL RESOURCES TO LEGAL ENTITIES toorganize calls for proposalsto fundresearch and goal-orientated projects, as well asresearch-aiding activities.
ACT ON FINANCING OF SCIENCE NEW INSTRUMENTS (2) COMMISSIONED PROJECTS qto integrate the scientific community and to create interdisciplinary scientific groups, with the participation of economic organizations,able to undertake large, complicated and coherent research and development projects qconjunction with topics pursued in international programmes, while ensuring thematic complementarity qdevelopment and growth of the competitiveness of specialized sectors of the Polish economy, and particularly the creation of Polish specializations in the world economy. A MULTIANNUAL PROGRAMME –established on the basis of the Act on public finances andwhich includes scientific research or development work is cpnsulted by the minister of science.
ACT ON FINANCING OF SCIENCE NATIONAL FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME NATIONAL FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME serves to pursue the country’s scientific and technological policy, determines priorities in R&D FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME IS ESTABLISHED BY THE MINISTER OF SCIENCE at his own initiative or following proposals submitted by ministers, provincial governors, local governments, President of PAS, universities, scientific institutions or country-wide economic associations
POLISH POSITION ON FP7 General conditions • Continuation of the thematic priorities and of “traditional” instruments as well as “new” instruments introduced in FP6 • Ensuring a balance between the funds devoted to “new” and “traditional” instruments • accepting excellence as a basic criterium of projects evaluation • Ensuring equal chances of access to framework programme funds for research teams from all the member states • Formulation of thematic priorities to accommodate social and environmental challenges – both global and regional – that the societies of the EU face
POLISH POSITION ON FP7 MAIN POLICY PILLARS • FULL SUPPORT FOR • Developing basic research • Collaboration between scientific centres in Europe • Coordination of national research programmes • Developing mobility policy • PROVISIONAL SUPPORT FOR • Upgrading research infrastructures • Developing European Technology Platforms • POLISH PROPOSAL • European Social and Environmental Platforms
POLISH POSITION ON FP7 BASIC RESEARCH • Poland proposes in particular: • ·Introduction to FP7 of separate funds for basic research, awarded to both international and national consortia, as well as to individual researchers • ·Establishment of ERC, dependent on the research community and endowed with full autonomy with regard to the distribution of the funds at its disposal • ·Adoption of peer review as the instrument of project evaluation using excellence as the only criterium • Promotion of an open approach regarding the thematic fields of project proposals
POLISH POSITION ON FP7 OUR THEMATIC PRIORITIES • MAIN AREAS • BIO -sciencefor food and the natural environment • MED - science for health and the human environment • TECHNO - science for the economy • INFO -science for IT and communication • HUMANO-science for the human being and society • BASIC -science for knowledge
EXPENDITURES ON R&D by type of research
EMPLOYMENT IN R&D by field of science in 2002
Science expenditures (1991-2004) Total expenditures Budgetary expenditures Extra – budgetary expenditures
Science expenditures (1991-2004)
2005: + 2.9 bln zł - ~1bln USD