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EL preterito

EL preterito. Los irregulares. You know that we use fui and fuiste to say that “I went”and “you went.” They are preterite-tense (past) forms of IR. Preterite of IR. Unlike -AR verbs, forms of IR have no accents. This is an irregular verb and its forms must be memorized. Preterite of IR.

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EL preterito

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EL preterito Los irregulares

  2. You know that we use fui and fuiste to say that “I went”and “you went.” • They are preterite-tense (past) forms of IR. Preterite of IR

  3. Unlike -AR verbs, forms of IR have no accents. • This is an irregular verb and its forms must be memorized. Preterite of IR

  4. I went You went He She went it We went They went TO GO (past)

  5. Yofui Túfuiste Él Ella fue Ud. Nos. fuimos Vos. fuisteis Ellos Ellasfueron Uds. IR (preterito)

  6. The preterite of IR is the same as the preterite of SER. • The context makes the meaning clear. Preteritoof IR

  7. José fue a Barcelona. • Jose went to Barcelona. • El viajefue un desastre. • The trip was a disaster. Preteritoof IR

  8. Here’s a memory tip to help you remember the subjects of fui and fue: Preterite of IR

  9. The “I” form ends in -i(fui). • The “he” and “she” form ends in -e (fue). Preterite of IR

  10. El preterito de ser to be Nos. fuimos Vos. fuisteis Ellos Ellasfueron Uds. Yofui Túfuiste Él Ella fue Ud.

  11. El preterito dar to give Nos. dimos Vos. disteis Ellos Ellasdieron Uds. Yo di Túdiste Él Ella dio Ud.

  12. El preterito de ver to see Nos. vimos Vos. visteis Ellos Ellasvieron Uds. Yo vi Túviste Él Ella vio Ud.

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