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Energy Excellent Buildings

Sustainable DesignLEED certificationOther approachesEmphasis on existing buildings/retrofitting Energy benchmarks

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Energy Excellent Buildings

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    1. Energy Excellent Buildings Green Government Summit July 15, 2008

    2. Sustainable Design LEED certification Other approaches Emphasis on existing buildings/retrofitting Energy benchmarks & individual metering Building incentives into leases Shared work spaces

    3. AC and heating settings Shutting down computer systems Individual control for lighting systems Stop printing everything Print duplex LED lighting v. fluorescent Use of Energy Star appliances Recycling Locally grown food (to limit transportation/fuel)

    4. Education sessions Utilize ICN and other video sources Recruit volunteer cheerleaders among employees to promote energy efficiency Engage unions Incorporate green government into performance evaluations and agency plans

    5. Resolve funding issues Be Smart Iowa Life-cycle costs Resources for coordinators to share ideas Green Government website Mandatory training Agency/employee incentives Measurement and auditing

    6. Sustainable Materials Green Government Summit July 15, 2008

    7. Surplus technology remanufacturing admin rules changes Recycling Consumables No state contracts No baseline “green” standards for guidance No mandate Cost neutrality -Lack of Education

    8. Paperless office (travel vouchers) Auditors Original signatures Iowa Code Computer access Cost of document management systems Solving format degradation Replacing non-green technology (replacing CRTs with flat panel monitors, etc.) Budget Disposal of old material Iowa Code

    9. Software allowing computer updates while turned off Lost productivity? Specified packaging Risk assessment Vendor resistance Contracts for outdoor materials made of recycled material Durability? Expanding and incenting employee recycling Educating employees Distributing more bins, etc. Employee transportation incentives

    10. Agency incentives for recycling Environmental analysis of vendor transportation methods Budget and time Carbon footprint not quantified Lack of competitive products

    11. More explanation and self praise Expand green seals Make it personal for each employee Demonstrate and lead top-down “Green teams” in large organizations Coordinators from each agency as focus for suggestions Catchy name or phrase

    12. Biofuels, Vehicles and Reducing Miles Traveled Green Government Summit July 15, 2008

    13. Task Force Goals: Using data gathered during the agency audits required by EO6, set specific five- and ten-year targets related to at least three issue areas including but not limited to: Increasing the use of biofuels by state agencies to the maximum amount feasible Reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled by the state employee workforce Increasing the fuel efficiency of the state vehicle fleet

    14. Increasing the use of biofuels by state agencies to the maximum amount feasible. Solutions: E85 only procurement card Awareness/Public Information More Infrastructure Information for Station Owners on Flex Fuel Vehicle Location Flex Fuel Vehicle for remote locations Update DNR Website with E85 station locations Trip Planning/BlackBerry technology Sharing State Infrastructure Highway Signs

    15. Increasing the use of biofuels by state agencies to the maximum amount feasible. Top 4 Issues to Address Awareness Barriers: Historical Understanding Media Sustainability Inconsistency Overcoming Barriers: Focus on Carbon Footprint Educate Media Tracking

    16. Increasing the use of biofuels by state agencies to the maximum amount feasible. Proper Coding Barriers Cost Cooperation Understanding the Issue Overcoming Barriers Legislation Cooperation from Companies State Agency Accountability

    17. Increasing the use of biofuels by state agencies to the maximum amount feasible. More Infrastructure Barriers: Money Market Profitability Media Overcoming Barriers: Government Funding Information Increased Demand Public Perception

    18. Increasing the use of biofuels by state agencies to the maximum amount feasible. E85 Coverage Areas Barriers: Selling businesses potential market Education on Legislative Changes UL information Overcoming Barriers: Work with DED to educate businesses Increase consumer demands

    19. Reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled by the state employee workforce. Commuter Cross Scheduling Barriers: Scheduling: Complex coordination Riding with “unknown” Overcoming Barriers: Bulletin Board Mandate IT Solution may exist Video Conferencing Barriers and Overcoming Them $ IT Support Education

    20. Reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled by the state employee workforce. Telecommuting and Flex Schedule Barriers: Lack of knowledge of Options Supervisors Buying In Peer Acceptance Public Relations Overcoming Barriers: Mandate Education Seasonal Options On Call for Emergency or Scheduled Coverage

    21. Reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled by the state employee workforce Evaluate Ride Share Barriers: Who and How to Pay Over Time Expensive to Use Inconvenience Lack of Rural-Rural Available Overcoming Barriers: More Flexible Schedules Money to Evaluate the Options

    22. Reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled by the state employee workforce Eliminating Non-Critical Trips Barriers: Criteria Deciding who gets to go Availability of viable options High cost of alternative Overcoming Barriers: Create Criteria Train the Trainers More knowledge and availability of alternatives

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