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SISTEM INFORMASI KEKAYAAN NEGARA. | Pertemuan 1 | SISTEM INFORMASI DAN MODEL PENGEMBANGANNYA. Dr. Tb. Maulana Kusuma mkusuma@staff.gunadarma.ac.id | http://mkusuma.staff.gunadarma.ac.id. Program Magister Manajemen | Akuntansi Pemerintahan. KONSEP INFORMASI: DATA vs INFORMASI.
SISTEM INFORMASI KEKAYAAN NEGARA | Pertemuan 1 | SISTEM INFORMASI DAN MODEL PENGEMBANGANNYA Dr. Tb. Maulana Kusuma mkusuma@staff.gunadarma.ac.id | http://mkusuma.staff.gunadarma.ac.id Program Magister Manajemen | Akuntansi Pemerintahan
KONSEP INFORMASI: DATA vs INFORMASI • Data: raw facts • Alphanumeric, image, audio, and video • Information • Organized collection of facts • Have value beyond the facts themselves
DATA vs INFORMASI (lanjutan) • Defining and organizing relationships among data creates information. • Identical data can be represented in different formations different meaning / information.
SISTEM INFORMASI • Set of interrelated components: collect, manipulate, disseminate data and information • Provide feedback to meet an objective • Examples: ATMs, airline reservation systems, course reservation systems
SISTEM INFORMASI BERBASIS KOMPUTER • Manual vs Computerized information systems • Computer-based information system (CBIS) • Hardware, software, databases, telecommunications, people, and procedures • Collect, manipulate, store, and process data into information
ERA SISTEM INFORMASI • Data Processing (DP) Era • To improve operational efficiency by automating information-based processes • Management Information Systems (MIS) Era • To increase management effectiveness by satisfying their information requirements for decision making • Strategic Information Systems (SIS) Era • To improve competitiveness by changing the nature or conduct of business –IS/IT as a source of competitive advantage
JENIS-JENIS SISTEM INFORMASI • Transaction processing systems (TPS) • Capture and record information about organization’s transactions • Management information systems (MIS) • Take information captured by TPS • Produce reports for planning and control • Decision support / knowledge-based systems (DSS/KBS) • Explore impact of available options or decisions (what-if scenarios) • Automate routine decision making
JENIS-JENIS SISTEM INFORMASI (lanjutan) • Enterprise applications • Highly integrated systems that support company-wide operations and data • Often combine aspects of TPS, MIS, DSS/KBS • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) • Communication support systems • Facilitate communication internally and with customers and suppliers • Office support systems • Help employees create and share documents
SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN • Management information system (MIS) • A collection of people, procedures, software, databases, devices • Provides information to managers/decision makers • Primary focus is operational efficiency • MIS outputs • Scheduled reports • Demand reports • Exception reports
SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN • Decision support system (DSS) • A collection of people, procedures, software, databases, devices • Supports problem-specific decision making • Focus is on decision-making effectiveness
UNSUR SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN (lanjutan) Model base: provides decision makers access to a variety of models and assists them in decision making Database External database access Access to the Internet and corporate intranet, networks, and other computer systems Dialogue manager: allows decision makers to easily access and manipulate the DSS and to use common business terms and phrases
KEGAGALAN DALAM PEMANFAATAN INVESTASI TI Investments made only in technology; Not understanding or analyzing the nature of activities that the technology is to support – strategically or operationally – in the organization.
ADAPTASI TERHADAP TEKNOLOGI Technology diffusion: measure of widespread use of technology Technology infusion: extent to which technology permeates a department Technology acceptance model (TAM): specifies factors that can lead to higher acceptance and usage of technology
SISTEM INFORMASI KEKAYAAN NEGARA Sistem yang digunakan untuk inventarisasi dan pengelolaan kekayaan negara berbantuan komputer. Perancangan, pembuatan dan pengelolaan sistem dibawah kendali Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara (DJKN). DJKN dibentuk sesuai Perpres No. 66 / 2006.
DIREKTORAT JENDERAL KEKAYAAN NEGARA Sumber: http://www.djkn.depkeu.go.id Direktorat Jenderal yang mempunyai tugas merumuskan serta melaksanakan kebijakan dan standarisasi teknis di bidang kekayaan negara, piutang negara dan lelang sesuai dengan kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Keuangan, dan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
DIREKTORAT JENDERAL KEKAYAAN NEGARA (lanjutan) Sumber: http://www.djkn.depkeu.go.id VISI "Menjadi Pengelola kekayaan Negara, Piutang Negara dan Lelang yang Bertanggung Jawab untuk Sebesar-besar Kemakmuran Rakyat". MISI Mewujudkan optimalisasi penerimaan, efisiensi pengeluaran dan efektifitas pengelolaan kekayaan negara; Mengamankan kekayaan negara melalui pembangunan database serta penyajian jumlah dan nilai eksisting kekayaan negara; Mewujudkan nilai kekayaan negara yang wajar dan dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam berbagai keperluan penilaian; Melaksanakan pengurusan piutang negara yang efisien, efektif, transparan dan akuntabel; Mewujudkan lelang sebagai instrumen jual beli yang mampu mengakomodasikan kepentingan masyarakat.
DIREKTORAT HUKUM DAN INFORMATIKA Sumber: http://www.djkn.depkeu.go.id TUGAS DAN FUNGSI Di bidang hukum, bertugas melaksanakan pengharmonisasian dan penyusunan peraturan perundangan dan petunjuk teknis dibidang pengelolaan kekayaan negara, penilaian, pengurusan piutang negara, dan pelaksanaan lelang, termasuk di dalamnya kegiatan koordinasi penyusunan rancangan peraturan, evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan peraturan, publikasi dan pengelolaan dokumen hukum, penyiapan petunjuk pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum, dan pelaksanaan bantuan hukum. Di bidang informatika, bertugas melaksanakan penyiapan bahan pengembangan sistem informasi di bidang kekayaan negara, penilaian, piutang negara dan lelang; pengolahan data, layanan informasi dan pengelolaan pusat informasi, pelaksanaan bimbingan teknis sistem informasi, penyusunan manual sistem dan dokumentasi program aplikasi, dan pembinaan jabatan fungsional Pranata Komputer.
SMIPT-KN Sumber: http://www.djkn.depkeu.go.id Sistem Manajemen Informasi Pelayanan Terpadu – Kekayaan Negara. Sistem yang digunakan untuk inventarisasi kekayaan negara. Pengelolanya adalah Direktorat Hukum dan Informasi, Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara.
PENGELOLAAN SMIPT-KN Sumber: DJKN melalui wawancara DJKN memiliki 19.000 Satuan Kerja (Satker) untuk menangani Sistem Akuntansi Barang Milik Negara (SABMN). Dari 19.000 Satker, 7000 Satker telah menggunakan komputer. SMIPT-KN didukung oleh 87 Unit Kerja diseluruh Indonesia, dimana setiap Unit Kerja memiliki 50-400 orang karyawan.
PENGELOLAAN SMIPT-KN (lanjutan) SMIPT-KN menggunakan Oracle sebagai basis data-nya dan dilengkapi fitur geographic information system (GIS), serat mampu melakukan scanning dokumen penunjang. Sumber daya manusia di kantor pusat terdiri dari 11 orang yang dibantu oleh pihak lain melalui outsourcing.
PENGELOLAAN SMIPT-KN (lanjutan) Sumber: DJKN melalui wawancara Menyiapkan cetak biru (blue print) dan aplikasi SMIPT-KN yang dimulai pada tahun 2008 selama 3 tahun. Dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun ke depan (tahun 2013), seluruh kekayaan negara sudah didokumentasikan didalam SMIPT-KN. Saat ini sistem belum tersedia dan proses perancangan masih belum bisa diakses oleh publik.
PEMINDAHTANGANAN BARANG MILIK NEGARA Sumber: http://www.djkn.depkeu.go.id
GAMBARAN UMUM PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM • System development project • Planned undertaking with fixed beginning and end • Produces desired result or product • Can be a large job with thousands of hours of effort or a small one-month project • Successful development project • Provides a detailed plan to follow • Organized, methodical sequence of tasks and activities • Produces reliable, robust, and efficient system
SIKLUS PEMBANGUNAN SISTEM • Systems development life cycle (SDLC) • Provides overall framework for managing systems development process • Two main approaches to SDLC • Predictive approach – assumes project can be planned out in advance • Adaptive approach – more flexible, assumes project cannot be planned out in advance • All projects use some variation of SDLC
PENDEKATAN SDLC TRADISIONAL Project planning – initiate, ensure feasibility, plan schedule, obtain approval for project Analysis – understand business needs and processing requirements Design – define solution system based on requirements and analysis decisions Implementation – construct, test, train users, and install new system Support – keep system running and improve
PENDEKATAN SDLC ADAPTIF • Based on spiral model • Project cycles through development activities over and over until project is complete • Prototype created by end of each cycle • Focuses on mitigating risk • Iteration – Work activities are repeated • Each iteration refines previous result • Approach assumes no one gets it right the first time • There are a series of mini projects for each iteration
KEGIATAN PADA TAHAP PERENCANAAN • Define business problem and scope. • Produce detailed project schedule. • Confirm project feasibility • Economic, organizational, technical, resource, and schedule. • Staff the project (resource management). • Launch project official announcement.
KEGIATAN PADA TAHAP ANALISIS Gather information to learn problem domain Define system requirements Build prototypes for discovery of requirements Prioritize requirements Generate and evaluate alternatives Review recommendations with management
KEGIATAN PADA TAHAP PERANCANGAN Design and integrate the network Design the application architecture Design the user interfaces Design the system interfaces Design and integrate the database Prototype for design details Design and integrate system controls
KEGIATAN PADA TAHAP IMPLEMENTASI Construct software components Verify and test Convert data Train users and document the system Install the system
KEGIATAN PADA TAHAP SUPPORT • Maintain system • Small patches, repairs, and updates • Enhance system • Small upgrades or enhancements to expand system capabilities • Larger enhancements may require separate development project • Support users • Help desk and/or support team
TREND PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM Mengutamakan pendekatan adaptif, seperti: The Unified Process (UP) – iterative and incremental software development process framework. Extreme Programming (XP) – a development process that is more responsive to customer needs than traditional methods, while creating software of better quality. Agile Modeling – hybrid of UP and XP. Scrum – an iterative incremental process of software development.
DAFTAR PUSTAKA Ralph Stair and George Reynolds, Fundamentals of Information Systems, John Satzinger, Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2006. Situs Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara <http://www.djkn.depkeu.go.id>