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We here at Gun Show Supplements would like to take a minute and review the compound Epistane. Included in the active ingredients of both our Flesh Eater and Slasher prohormone stacks, Epistane is one of our personal favorites.
Gun Show Supplements Gun Show Supplements only sells Proven and Effective Supplements to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Epistane We here at Gun Show Supplements would like to take a minute and review the compound Epistane. Included in the active ingredients of both our Flesh Eater and Slasher prohormone stacks, Epistane is one of our personal favorites.
A methylated version of a steroid created in the 1960’s, Epistane (2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol) has become a legend in it’s own right and is probably the most widely used designer steroid/prohormone ever. It is reported to deliver dry, even, lasting gains while at the same time causing a significant increase in fat loss and lowering of overall BMI (body mass index). Solid lean gains all while having a significant fat burning effects. It is this that makes this compound so versatile and popular. The ability to be run alone or added to either a cutting cycle or bulking cycle while adding positive results with either make the uses seem endless.
Epistane also does not convert to the hormone estrogen. This means no unwanted side effects like bloating, gyno, or water retention! It has actually been reported to lower estrogen levels, fight gyno, etc.. but this is not proven and therefore should not be used as an AI (aromatase inhibitor). When it comes to a proper dosing protocol it trult does vary person to person and rely upon many other factors. But the following is what seems to be the normal guidelines for a 4-6 week cycle.
Normal dosing protocol is between 15 and 40 milligrams per day usually split into three doses and taken with a meal and a good fat source. More advanced users have been known to cycle as much as 75 milligrams per day. Remember that everyone is different and our bodies react in an individual fashion, so always start slow when using a new supplement, especially if it is your first time.
Epistane is considered by most to be a very mild substance but by no means are they trying to describe the results it delivers. Instead “mild” refers to the low amount of side effects in relation to the return that Epistane consistently delivers. Despite the “mild” nature of this compound you still should use an on cycle support and proper PCT (post cycle therapy) are a must. These are the reasons that Epistane is an important part of our arsenal of supplements here at Gun Show Supplements. Try Flesh Eater or Slasher today and see for yourself if Epistane delivers real world results.