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SNFS versus (G)NFS and the feasibility of factoring a 1024-bit number with SNFS Arjen K. Lenstra Citibank, New York Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Special purpose methods General purpose methods. Take advantage of special properties of p Cannot take advantage of any properties of p.
SNFS versus (G)NFS and the feasibility of factoring a 1024-bit number with SNFS Arjen K. Lenstra Citibank, New York Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Special purpose methods General purpose methods Take advantage of special properties of p Cannot take advantage of any properties of p , but possibly of n All based on the same approach Examples: Examples: Trial division, Pollard- (find tiny p, up to 10 or 20 digits) Pollard-p1 (finds p such that p1 has small factors) Elliptic curve method (ECM) (finds p up to 60? digits) Relevant for RSA CFRAC, Dixon’s algorithm Linear sieve, Quadratic sieve Number field sieve (NFS) this talk Variant: SNFS, takes advantage of special form of n Factoring algorithms (to find factor p of n)
SNFS and NFS factorizations when # bits what how 199006 512 F9 = 2512+1 SNFS 199406 534 (121511)/11 SNFS 199407 384 p(11887) NFS 199411 392 p(13171) NFS 199604 429 RSA-130d NFS 199809 615 12167+1 SNFS 199902 462 RSA-140d NFS 199904 698 (10211 1)/9 SNFS 199908 512 RSA-155d NFS 200011 773 2773+1 SNFS 200201 522 c158d of 2953+1 NFS 200301 809 M809 SNFS 200303 529 RSA-160d NFS 200312 576 RSA-576 NFS 20?? 768 ?? NFS 20?? 1024 ?? SNFS/NFS
Special Number Field Sieve Least squares prediction: 1024-bit SNFS factorization by 2012
Number Field Sieve Least squares predictions: 768-bit NFS factorization by 2015 1024-bit NFS factorization by 2028
Goal of this workshop: • Make sure that these predictions are • too pessimistic from a factoring point of view • too optimistic from a cryptographic point of view • Thus, we should be able to complete a • 1024-bit SNFS factorization well before 2012 • 768-bit NFS factorization well before 2015 • by 2005? • by 2010? • 1024-bit NFS factorization well before 2028 ?
Problem: since 1989 nothing seems to be happening! • Examples of NFS related things that did (or will) not happen: • 1994, integers can quickly be factored on a quantum computer • no one knows how to build one yet • 1999, TWINKLE opto-electronic device to factor 512-bit moduli • estimates too optimistic • 2001, Bernstein’s factoring circuits:1536 bits for cost of 512 bits • new interpretation of the cost function • 200308, TWIRL hardware siever: 1024 bits in a year for US$10M • does not include research and development cost • 2004, TWIRL hardware siever: 1024 bits in a year for < US$1M • For the moment: • stuck with existing algorithms and hardware ((G)NFS & PCs) • see if we can push them even further
To factor n, attempt to find integers x, y, x y such that • x2 y2 mod n If n divides x2y2, then n divides (xy)(x + y), so n = gcd(xy, n) gcd(x + y, n)may be a non-trivial factorization • Finding such x, y based on two-step Morrison-Brillhart approach: • Collect data • Combine data , Relation collection , Matrix step : allows ‘obvious’ parallelization (internet) : often centralized (Cray, broadband network) How do general purpose factoring methods work?
1. Relation collection: collect integers v such that • v2 mod n factors into primes < B (i.e., is B-smooth) Need to efficiently test many integers for smoothness • 2. Matrix step: select a subset of the v’s such that primes < B in • corresponding (v2 mod n)’s occur an even number of times Need to find elements of null space of (B)(B) matrix How to solve x2 y2 mod n? • Matrix step not further discussed: based on reported ‘overcapacity’ • assume that current parallelized block Lanczos on • current (and future) small broadband networks will suffice
How to find v’s such that v2mod n is smooth? • Examples • Dixon’s method: • pick v at random in {0,1,…, n1} • test v2 mod n {0,1,…, n1} for B-smoothness • repeat until > (B) different v’s have been found • Speed depends on B-smoothness probability of • numbers of size comparable to n • Quadratic sieve: • test (v + [n])2 n for B-smoothness for small v • repeat until > (B) different v’s have been found ( v < S(B)) • Speed depends on B-smoothness probability of • numbers of size comparable to 2S(B)n no way to take advantage of special properties of p or n
Smaller |v2mod n|: higher smoothness probability • Quadratic sieve: • test (v + [n])2 n for B-smoothness for small v • repeat until > (B) different v’s have been found ( v < S(B)) • Speed depends on B-smoothness probability of • numbers of size comparable to 2S(B)n (as opposed to n) • Number field sieve: • select d; select m close to n1/(d+1) • and f(X) Z[X] of degree d with f(m) 0 mod n • look at S = S(Br,Ba) integer pairs (a,b) to find co-prime ones • such that |a bm| is Br-smooth and |bdf(a/b)| is Ba-smooth • S such that: expect to find > (Br) + (Ba) ‘good’ (a,b) pairs • Speed depends on simultaneous smoothness probability of • numbers of sizes comparable to n1/(d+1)S and fSd/2 for some n there may be an m and f with f exceptionally small
‘Good’ cases for Number Field Sieve • select d; select m close to n1/(d+1) • and f(X) Z[X] of degree d with f(m) 0 mod n • look at S = S(Br,Ba) integer pairs (a,b) to find co-prime ones • such that |a bm| is Br-smooth and |bdf(a/b)| is Ba-smooth • S such that: expect to find > (Br) + (Ba) ‘good’ (a,b) pairs • Speed depends on simultaneous smoothness probability of • numbers of sizes comparable to n1/(d+1)S and fSd/2 for some n there may be an m and f with f exceptionally small For those n for which f is bounded by a constant: SNFS applies to n • Example: n = 2512+1 • n divides 2515+8 • m = 2103 and f(X) = X5+8, then f(m) 0 mod n • In general, f cannot be expected to be bounded by a constant, • f will be of size comparable to m (i.e., n1/(d+1)): NFS applies to n
SNFS versus NFS • SNFS: speed depends on simultaneous smoothness probability of • numbers of sizes comparable to n1/(d+1)S and Sd/2 • NFS: speed depends on simultaneous smoothness probability of • numbers of sizes comparable to n1/(d+1)S and n1/(d+1)Sd/2 • SNFS overall heuristic asymptotic expected runtime is • exp((1.53+o(1))(log n)1/3(loglogn)2/3), n • NFS overall heuristic asymptotic expected runtime is • exp((1.92+o(1))(log n)1/3(loglogn)2/3), n for 1024-bit n and d = 6, difference n1/(d+1) is 147-bit number (45 digit) S = 1020: smoothness of pairs of sizes (55d,60d) versus (55d,105d)
Determining Br, Ba, and S(Br, Ba) for n • Traditionally based on combination of • guesswork (‘extrapolation’) • experience • experiments • for 1024-bit n: • possibly unreliable • unavailable (?) • infeasible • Alternative approach for TWIRL analysis (Asiacrypt 2003): • Let P(x,B) denote probability that |x| is B-smooth and • E(Br,Ba,A,B,m,f,t) = 0.6|a| A0<bBP(abm,Br)P(bdf(a/b)/t,Ba) • (‘expected yield’, approximated using numerical integration) • For several degrees d: • Find ‘ok-ish’ m, dth degree f (with correction t), skewness s • For several Br and Ba determineS(Br,Ba) as least S such that • E(Br,Ba,A,B,m,f,t) ((Br) + (Ba))/c • for B = (S/2s), A = sB, and ‘reasonable’ c (say, 20) • Pick d for which ‘best’ feasible Br and Ba were found
product of smoothness probabilities a b • Realistic estimates for Br and Ba and • upper bounds for factoring effort • Rectangular region is not at all optimal: crown shaped regions Results
Example of non-rectangular region crown contains points with smoothness probability E16
Resulting parameter choices • 1024-bit SNFS (pessimistic estimate): • Br 6.7E7, Ba 1.3E8, (Br) + (Ba) 1.2E7, S 6.4E17 • 1024-bit NFS: • Br 3.5E9, Ba 2.6E10, (Br) + (Ba) 1.7E9, S 3E23 • Comparing 1024-bit SNFS and 1024-bit NFS: • Factor base sizes: about 140 times larger • Sieving: about 5E5 times harder • Matrix: about 140 times more rows • Potential feasibility of 1024-bit SNFS does not imply • feasibility of 1024-bit NFS
Feasibility of 1024-bit SNFS • 512-bit NFS: • Br 1.7E6, Ba 1.7E6, (Br) + (Ba) 2.1E6, S E15 • 1024-bit SNFS (pessimistic estimate): • Br 6.7E7, Ba 1.3E8, (Br) + (Ba) 1.2E7, S 6.4E17 • Comparing 512-bit NFS and 1024-bit SNFS • Factor base sizes: about 6 times larger • Sieving: about 700 times harder • Matrix: about 6 times more rows 512-bit NFS was (very) feasible in 1999 based on Moore’s law 1024-bit SNFS feasible by 2005
Feasibility of 768-bit NFS • 1024-bit SNFS: • Br 6.7E7, Ba 1.3E8, (Br) + (Ba) 1.2E7, S 6.4E17 • 768-bit NFS • Br E8, Ba E9, (Br) + (Ba) 5.6E7, S 3E20 • Comparing 1024-bit SNFS and 768-bit NFS • Factor base sizes: about 5 times larger • Sieving: about 500 times harder • Matrix: about 5 times more rows • If 1024-bit SNFS is feasible, then based on Moore’s law • 768-bit NFS should be feasible about 5 years later
Comparing 768-bit NFS and 1024-bit NFS • 768-bit NFS • Br E8, Ba E9, (Br) + (Ba) 5.6E7, S 3E20 • 1024-bit NFS: • Br 3.5E9, Ba 2.6E10, (Br) + (Ba) 1.7E9, S 3E23 • Comparing 768-bit NFS and 1024-bit NFS • Factor base sizes: about 30 times larger • Sieving: at least 1000 times harder • Matrix: about 30 times more rows • Once 768-bit NFS is feasible it will be a while (7 years?) before 1024-bit NFS is feasible (unless someone builds TWIRL)
Summary of 512, 768, 1024 estimates • 512 NFS • 1024 SNFS • 768 NFS 1024 NFS 6 factor base size 700 effort 5 factor base size 500 effort 140 factor base size 5E5 effort 30 factor base size 1000 effort (suboptimal choices: much smaller effort with larger factor bases)
Conclusion • Factoring 1024-bit ‘special’ numbers is within reach • We should prove it is • Factoring 768-bit RSA moduli will soon be feasible • using tomorrow’s hardware • We should get ready • Factoring 1024-bit RSA moduli still looks infeasible • using currently available hardware • but it may be expected before 2020