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The Origins Of Football!. By: Taimaa Al-Mohanadi 8A. The Beginning.
The Origins Of Football! By: Taimaa Al-Mohanadi 8A
The Beginning • Many people question the initiation of the Football revolution and the launch of it’s legend. Virtually, every culture has their own orientation of the football history. The starting point of football can be stumbled on every corner of the earth’s map. Many nations such as the Chinese, the Japanese, the Ancient Greeks, the Persians and many more played a ball game long before prior to our era. It is predicted that the Chinese played the “Football” games approximately further than 3000 years ago. Football was also used in the Ancient Rome and Greek to sharpen the warrior’s strength in preparation for battle such as increasing the potency of their leg muscles including the Dorsal Flexors,Fumer, Fibula, the Posterior Thigh Muscles which are the ‘Gluteus Maximus’ and many more mucles that function the leg and it’s speed. In the south and central of America, a game known by the name “Tlatchi” once existed.
Early Football in China and Japan • Many ancient documents such as the “Chinese military manual Zhan Guo Ce compiled between the 3rd century and 1st century BC.”provide evidence of a game played in ancient china that resembled the format and the rules of football played now a days. It was named “Cuju” which is the literal translation of “Kickball” in chinese. The game was basically kicking a leather ball into a bag made of silk which was fixed on bamboo cane and set approximately 9 meters above the ground. Between the years 206 BC–220 AD, official rules were established for “Cuju” and variations of the game spread to neighboring countries such as Japan and Korea. Later on, some changes were made and the goal post became only one, which was situated in the middle of the field. The japanese version of “Cuju” was known as “Kemari” and the format of the game was slightly different to the chinese kickball and was developed during the Asuka Period. The game involved kicking a ball to the other players that stood in the shape of the circle, trying to prevent the meeting of the ball with the ground. The game eventually lost it’s popularity before the mid-19th century but later revived in 1903 and is now played in japanese festivals. Revived version of “Kemari”
Medieval and early modern Europe • During the middle ages, people noticed the spectacular, sudden rise of the popularity of Shrovetide . The Royal Shrovetide Football Match is a competition played annually on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in the town of Ashbourne in Derbyshire, England. The game begin at 2 p.m and usually ends at 10 p.m. If a gaol is scored before 5 p.m, the game restarts and a new ball is realized, otherwise, the game continues till the end of the day. In spite of the name, the ball is rarely kicked even though it is legal to kick, throw, or carry. Rumors of games played in Brittany, Normandy, and Picardy, known as La Soule or Choule, could have been the cause of these football games that arrived in England. These football games were usually referred to as “Mob Football” and would be played by neighboring towns and villages, each having a limited number of players. The objective of the game was to get the ball (a.k.a inflated pig's bladder) to the opponent's church. Illustration of Mob Footbal
The First Football Association • It was in England where the game ‘football’ really started taking shape. In 1836, two football associations (association football and rugby football) split off on their different course, which is why, the foremost football association was instituted in England. On October 1963, it is said that 11 london clubs from school sent their representatives to the arranged meeting place, which was ‘Freemason's Tavern’. The representatives job was to establish fundamental rules that all parties accepted to judge the matches between them. This meeting indicated the start of the football association. All of the rules were discussed throughly and the matters concerning shin-kicking and carrying the ball were arranged till a stage had been reached where those were no longer acceptable. On 8 December 1963, football and rugby finally split. Their separation became totally permanent when a condition was added in the football rules prohibiting any handling of the ball. After 8 years, the Football Association already obtained 50 member clubs. The first football competition in the world was began in the same year, which was the FA Cup that came first in the League Championship. This international football community grew progressively, and overcame the obstacles and setbacks it met. Over 60 nations play football as their national sport.
Why Football became a popular game.. • These are many reasons to why football became such a popular game. Football matches are pressurizing, everyone wants to know the outcome of the game including the citizens which support a playing team. It is also a very energizing game. • Football requires skills and knowledge. To play football the skills you need are very complicated and hard to learn such as controlling the ball between your feet. It many seem simple, but controlling your legs and feet are harder than controlling your arms and hands. You need to make sure that you keep the ball close to you and make sure you don’t kick it far across the field so that the other team playing against you don’t have a chance of obtaining the ball. You also need some thinking skills and aiming skills because you need to spot your team members on the field and be able to quickly comprehend the situation you’re in and where is it best to shoot. You need aiming skills because you don’t want to give the ball to the opposite team otherwise you have a chance of losing. This is why football became such a popular game because it needs skills and knowledge. • Football also gathers people around the world in one stadium and they can get to know each other more such as their language, culture etc.. even though its frustrating when your team loses, you enjoy the time spent when cheering for your team and getting to know other people from other countries.
Different Styles around the world: British Teams • Each country has their own style and techniques when playing football, which is the main reason why football players find it hard and tough to win when competing with other countries. First of all, lets start with Brittan. To enter the British team, you need to have some physical aspects, one of them being speed. Speed is very crucial to the British team. In fact, they are known for their speed. This doesn’t mean that they are only quick at running, but they are also quick when comprehending the situation they are in and speedily shoot or receive the ball after they plan. When it comes to the start of the game, the British are always fast with their attacks, from the moment they receive the ball, they give no chance to the other team to reply. Usually, their passes to one another are direct and go over the enemy’s defense and into the goal. Although this is a good aspect, and is very useful when it comes to competing, it also causes problems and leads to ferocious fighting over 50-50 balls. 50-50 balls is basically a situation when two players from opposite teams approach a ball (weather it is on the ground or air) and both have an equal chance of getting it. A “first touch” is a term used when a player makes first contact with the ball and attempts to bring it under his control.
Different Styles around the world: Italian Teams • As for Italian players, one of their main aspects is skill. Skill is necessary for the Italian players, and you will notice that many well-known players are in the Italian team such as; Alessandro Del Piero, Cannavaro, Filippo Inzaghi, Paolo Maldini and many more.. You will also notice that they are all very cautious, careful and cunning. They all want to keep control and possession of the ball but still use their brains in order to plan out the game; in other words, they are very clever and cunning. If you usually watch football games with the Italian team, the number of unpredicted angle-turns they take might infuriate you as you try to keep your eye on the ball. As for the Italian defenders, they like to take their own time and slow the pace down. They focus on the ball and try their best to defend their goal post.
Different Styles around the world: Latin Teams • Moving on to the Latin style, most of them are very confident with the ball and are very talented dribblers. The Latin teams are very well known for their possession of the ball. They are distinguished from other games because of their possession-orientated characters. Because of their self-confidence and talent, attempts on the goal arise as individualistic players move the ball impulsively. Latin teams from Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Argentina are great examples. Brazil takes a great amount of care with their improvisational and free-flowing play.
Different Styles around the world: Northern Teams • As for Northern teams, they are very fast and quick in addition to being aggressive and organized. The game is played in a forceful manner although most of the actions are predictable. It is known that all northern teams have a specified shape for their defense. Each player has their own individual role in the game and they rarely improvise anything. Germany and Sweden are examples of Northern teams. They straightforwardly attack the opposite team by hammering straight through the enemy’s defense.
Different Styles around the world: Continental and Central American teams • Continental teams: This style is basically a combination both Latin and Northern style. The team is very creative yet there is a sense of composure and team communication. Since their positioning is very loose and not accurate, the ball usually moves around the court in order to accommodate. • Central American players are very crafty, and are excessive dribblers. The ball is mostly passed around the court with short passes between the team members. Most of the players have good one-on-one skills. They rarely make quick runs, unless near the ball. Overall, the tempo is slow during buildup except for the occasional and unexpected long forward ball.
Bibliography • http://www.borgerisd.net/bhs/Band/50%20Photo%20Album/images/Halftime-old-football-field_jpg.jpg • http://www.innerbody.com/image/musc05.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football#Early_history • http://media.kansascity.com/static/starstories/images/StudentCatsBig.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kemari_Matsuri_at_Tanzan_Shrine_2.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrovetide_football • http://cdn.caughtoffside.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/FACUPLOGO1.jpg • http://expertfootball.com/coaching/styles.php • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/graphics/flags/large/it-lgflag.gif • http://deanburnep.primaryblogger.co.uk/files/2010/06/british-flag.png