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Wedges America Should Accept. Increased Transport Efficiency.
Increased Transport Efficiency A wedge could be saved by having cars with 30mpg go to 60mpg. This is possible by using hybrid and diesel engines. The most popular cars in America are trucks, SUVs and sedans, all which get low gas mileage. Cars would probably have to start up slower, be lighter or use a hybrid engine to become more efficient. Is it really that difficult to give up being able to speed up in 5 seconds rather than 15 seconds, if it will help the world lower CO2 emissions and be more cost efficient for Americans?
2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI: Clean diesel, 41mpg VS Jeep Grand Cherokee 4WD: 11mpg ToyataPrius: Hybrid Engine, 48mpg Ferrari 612 Scaglietti(automatic): 9 mpg
Increased Building Efficiency A wedge could be saved, just by people not wasting money. If one’s home is not well insulated, then they’re spending on more heating or cooling, if they choose to use energy star appliances they would also be saving more money. The initial expenses would probably seem high but in truth it will save people money in the long run.
Fluorescent light bulb saves 75% more energy than regular light bulb.
Increased Efficiency of Electricity Production Coal-burning power plants produce 25% of the world’s CO2 emissions, so by making them more efficient that would take off a wedge. It is doubtful that America can become completely dependent on alternative energy in a short period of time, so we might as well try make the fossil-fuel plants we already have more efficient.
Alternative Energy The wedges in alternative energy I would suggest America beginning to use is Wind, Solar and Nuclear Energy. Wind and Solar are renewable sources and Nuclear has no carbon foot print. America is a rich & developed country and can afford the new technologies for the alternative energy.
Instead of cutting of mountain tops for a limited source of energy, we should use them for an unlimited source and we’re also able to save the majority of the environment this way as well (no mountain, no life vs. windmills, birds possibly hitting them).
Solar panels help people become less dependent on their energy supplier, and even if it only works when there is sunlight unless there is some storage device, who wouldn’t want “free” energy that doesn’t have a negative effect on the environment?
Over 30,000 deaths have been caused by coal mining in the USA since the 1930s, but there have been no deaths attributed to nuclear power. Nuclear power doesn’t let out any CO2 emissions, is refueled every 1.5yr vs. daily for coal plants . Nuclear produces small amounts of radioactive waste, while coal was a major contributor of the green house effect. Also nuclear plants still provide jobs even after it is decommissioned, because of the radioactive waste, does a coal plant still help support peoples livelihoods after it is decommissioned?
Fuel Switching (Cal Gas) America should trade out some of there coal plants for natural gas plants. North America has the majority of the worlds natural gas we should take advantage of it.
CCS of Fossil Based Electricity • Fossil fuel burning plants produce the most CO2 emissions, by recapturin that energy and putting back where it came from, that should take out a wedge.
Last 2 possible wedges CCS of Synfuels & CCS of Hydrogen are also possible wedges that the USA could eliminate. I chose these 2 as last, because it seems to me that the elimination of CO2 emissions is most important, and also CCS technology is new and expensive, so should be used on the most pressing greenhouse gas. CCS doesn’t effect Americans traveling, or having to create more forest, or changing there agricultural techniques so it is more likely they will be accepting of CCS rather than the other wedges.
Midwest • Lower level of Water in the Great Lakes causes people to have to adapt to using less water. • Intense heat waves • Shorter ice coverage in winter will allow the fish to live longer • Bioenergy crop switchgrass can be grown • As temperature rises corn and soybean yield goes down.
West • Flooding from snow melt on mountains • Wine grape yields will decrease, if it gets to hot, but warming is causing better quality grapes. • Hydroelectric companies will suffer losses during the summer • Larger wildfires • Increase heat waves
South • Coastal zones are being lost and they bring in the most tourism. • Drought and heavy precipitation will increase • Crops will decrease in the south • More tropical storms and hurricanes
North • Shorter ice in lakes will increase fish population • Ozone related deaths will increase • Water supply will decrease • Increased cardiovascular disease • Transportation networks are highly sensitive to weather variations
CDMs for America All the CDMs which I have suggested all involve America helping out another country reduce their CO2 emission instead of the other way around. This is because I believe it is unlikely that the amount of CO2 emissions will decrease as much as it is able to in the developing countries, because of the high standards of living Americans are use to.
Carbon Sequestration • By providing money to countries with Tropical forest in them to prevent deforestation, this could be a cheaper way for America to help get rid of CO2 emissions, without having to pay a huge price both money wise and energy consumption.
Black Carbon • Another cheap option that America has, is to for a CDM with India and provide ovens that do not produce black carbon.
Encourage Nuclear Energy • In Argentina, Brazil and Mexico they all have some small amount of nuclear energy. By giving money to these counties to build plants that release no carbon emissions is another CDM that America can consider.
References • http://www.princeton.edu/~cmi/resources/CMI_Resources_new_files/CMI_Wedge_Game_Jan_2007.pdf • www.global-greenhouse-warming.com/efficient-coal-wedge.html • http://www.ipccinfo.com • http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/adcosts.htm • http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/16/science/earth/16degrees.html • http://www.iaea.org/Publications/Magazines/Bulletin/Bull492/49204734548.html