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A Level History (Modern )

A Level History (Modern ). Essential Exam Information Exam Board: Edexcel . Unit 1 – Italy and Spain. Unit 1 is called ‘Historical Themes in Breadth’ We follow Option E ‘The Expansion and Challenge of Nationalism’ Within Option E, our units are:

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A Level History (Modern )

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  1. A Level History(Modern) Essential Exam Information Exam Board: Edexcel

  2. Unit 1 – Italy and Spain • Unit 1 is called ‘Historical Themes in Breadth’ • We follow Option E ‘The Expansion and Challenge of Nationalism’ • Within Option E, our units are: • Italy: The Collapse of the Liberal State and the Triumph of Fascism in Italy (question E3) • Spain: Republicanism, Civil War and Francoism in Spain, 1931-75 (question E4)

  3. Unit 1 Exam Information • Written examination: 1 hour 20 minutes • Candidates will be required to answer two questions worth 30 marks each; ONE essay question about Italy and ONE essay question about Spain • You have cover sheets and key information for each type of essay for both Italy and Spain – these have all the content you need to revise • Sample essay questions are on your cover sheets AND are available from your teacher AND can be found following this link: http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gce/gce08/history/Pages/default.aspx

  4. Unit 2- Ireland • Unit 2 is called ‘Historical Themes in Depth’ • We follow Option D ‘The British Empire Challenged’ • Within Option D, our unit is: • Britain and Ireland, 1867-1922 (D1)

  5. Unit 2 Exam Information • Written examination: 1 hour 20 minutes • You are required to answer two source-based questions: question (a) and question (b). • The first question (a) is worth 20 marks and will focus on reaching a judgement by analysis, cross-referencing and evaluation of source material. • The second question (b) on each topic is worth 40 marks and will ask you to address an historical view or claim using two sources with your own knowledge. • Sample essay questions are on your cover sheets AND are available from your teacher AND can be found following this link: http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gce/gce08/history/Pages/default.aspx

  6. Unit 3- America • Unit 3 is called ‘Depth Studies and Associated Historical Controversies’ • We follow Option C: ‘The United States: Challenged and Transformed’ • Within Option C, our unit is: • The United States, 1917-54: Boom, Bust and Recovery (C2) • Our specific ‘Controversy’ is (b) How successful was the impact of the New Deal to 1941?

  7. Unit 3 Exam Information • Written examination: 2 hours • You answer: • One question in Section A out of a choice of two (30 marks) • One question in Section B out of a choice of two (40 marks). • In Section A, the essay questions will have an analytical focus that will require you to reach a substantiated judgement on a historical issue or problem. • In Section B, you will be provided with five or six unseen secondary sources. The question will require candidates to compare the provided source material while exploring an issue of historical debate, and to reach substantiated judgements in the light of their own knowledge and understanding of the issues of interpretation and controversy. • Sample essay questions are on your cover sheets AND are available from your teacher AND can be found following this link: http://www.edexcel.com/quals/gce/gce08/history/Pages/default.aspx

  8. How to revise for History • At both AS Level and A2, the revision techniques are the same: • You should spend 2 solid hours revising a section of the unit (it may be the whole Story of Ireland for Unit 2 or Essay Type 1 for Italy/Unit 1, etc, etc) • This revision should take as many forms as it possibly can, for example: re-writing your notes, making them into mind maps, making them into posters, reading them aloud • Then you should set a timer for 40-50 minutes and practice writing one sample essay without your notes. • Then you should download the mark scheme OR compare your essay to your notes OR take the essay to your teacher to be marked. In this way, you can constantly test yourself and see what you understand and what you need to work on more. • Then do this again with the next section of that unit!!

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