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School Improvement Grants (SIG) Overview

School Improvement Grants (SIG) Overview. Intervention for Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools. Adapted from LACOE. Purpose of the Program. NCLB, Title I, Section 1003(g):

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School Improvement Grants (SIG) Overview

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  1. School Improvement Grants (SIG) Overview Intervention for Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools Adapted from LACOE

  2. Purpose of the Program NCLB, Title I, Section 1003(g): • To provide resources to LEAs for use in schools identified as “persistently lowest-achieving” in order to substantially raise the achievement of their students so as to enable the schools to make AYP.

  3. LEA Eligibility • A LEA must: • Receive Title I funds in 2009-10 and • Have an approved LEA Plan and • Have one or more schools identified as a “persistently lowest-achieving” school.

  4. Schools Excluded • Subject to Waiver Approved by USDE • Schools that: • Improved by 50 points or more on the API over the last 5 years • Had an API of 800 or more • Had fewer than 100 valid test scores in each of the 3 years

  5. “Persistently Lowest-Achieving” • Lowest 5% of schools based on: • 3-year average (07, 08 & 09) of combined English Language Arts & Mathematics AYP proficiency rate OR • Schools with a graduation rate below 60% over the last 4 years

  6. “Persistently Lowest Achieving” • Tier I: 5% lowest-achieving PI schools • Tier II: 5% lowest-achieving secondary schools that are eligible for, but do not receive, Title I, Part A funding • Tier III: PI schools that were not identified in the 5% “persistently lowest-achieving” schools SBE Action • Agreed on applying for a waiver to USDE to re-define Tier II • 37 schools on the Tier II list were replaced by Tier I secondary PI schools that were lower achieving

  7. Identifying the Lowest 5% Additional 5 schools identified with graduation rate of less than 60% in each of the last four years.

  8. List of LAUSD Persistently Lowest-achieving Schools from the State

  9. Participation Requirement • LEAs that apply for and receive a SIG grant must implement one of 4 selected intervention models in each of the Tier I and Tier II schools that they have committed to serve.

  10. 4 Intervention Models Transformation Restart Closure Turnaround

  11. Restart Model School must close and reopen as a new charter management organization (CMO), or an education management organization (EMO) by the first day of the 2010 - 11 school year.

  12. Turnaround Model School must have replaced the principal & up to 50% of instructional staff prior to the beginning of the 2010-11 school year. Must implement additional required improvement activities.

  13. Transformation Model • School must have replaced the principal & increased instructional time by staff by the first day of the 2010-11 school year. The school must implement additional required improvement activities. • Note: An LEA with 9 or more Tier I and Tier II schools can only use this model in 50% or less of these schools

  14. Closure Model LEA must close and enroll students in higher-achieving schools in the district no later than the end of the 2010-11 school year.

  15. Priority for Funding LEAs that commit to serve: • All of their Tier I & Tier II schools • Some of their Tier I & Tier II schools • Tier III schools Note: CDE does not anticipate having sufficient funds to serve Tier III schools.

  16. Annual Funding Levels Per School • Amount of funding is based on the model selected and the services to be provided. • Renewal funding may be contingent upon the school’s progress. $2 million $50,000 Minimum Maximum

  17. Recommended LAUSD Schools

  18. State’s Timeline

  19. LAUSD Timeline/Process

  20. Data Collection on 9 Indicators District Assurances Needs Assessment Grant Writing

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