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Cultural Resources

Learn when and why to consult with DAHP and tribes in projects involving ground disturbing activities funded by state and federal monies, including filing necessary forms and project review sheets.

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Cultural Resources

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cultural Resources

  2. So I have this project…. • What Now?

  3. When Do We Need to Consult with DAHP and Tribes • When a project includes ground disturbing activities that are not in the approved exemption list and is funded by state and or federal monies

  4. Consultation • Why do we consult with DAHP and Tribes • It is the right thing to do • It is required • It helps to maintain good working relationships with local tribes • It has the potential to add to our knowledge base and improve the results of the cultural resources review

  5. Does the project have ground disturbing activities?

  6. NO Fill out the appropriate boxes on the Complied Statement Form Check-Does Not Apply Write-”no ground disturbing activity will occur” The form then needs to be signed by either the Authorized District Signer or a Professional Archaeologist. This information would then be filed in the project folder and provided to WSCC Financial Staff prior to eligibility for grant reimbursement.

  7. Yes Then you need to fill out a Project Review Sheet EZ1

  8. Yes • Planner name and contact information • Land owners name and contact information • If Planner knows a preferred method for contacting land owner provide that info (home phone, cell phone, text, early morning, evening, etc.) • Funding source • Provide information on all funding sources state and/or federal • Name of grant(s) • CD Contract Number (if applicable) • District Manager Contact Information • Grant Manager Contact Information (when dealing with a DOE project)

  9. Legal description of project location including: • Township, Range, and Section (it is best if the project area is described down to at least the ¼ section) • USGS Quadrangle name • If there is an associated street address that is helpful Example: Project is located in the SE ¼ of Section 24, in Township 33 North and Range 21 East, as shown on the Twisp East, Washington topographic quadrangle.

  10. Detailed description of each proposed practice • Length, width, and depth of ground disturbance for each practice • Method that will be utilized to create ground disturbance • Hand tools (shovel, post hole digger, chainsaw,etc) • Mechanized tools (Power auger, excavator, etc.) • Access (paved road, two track road, farm field, pasture, native range) • Associated disturbance (brush clearing with fence line route, ground disturbance from use of tracked vehicle, etc)

  11. Descriptions will vary depending on the practice. Fencing descriptions need length, width and depth of disturbance with additional information regarding depth and diameter of wooden corner posts, braces, and gate support posts. Also include a description of what method of transportation will be used to haul fencing supplies and whether or not fence construction will include brush removal. If rock jacks will be used, identify source of the rock. Pipeline descriptions need length, width and depth of disturbance and a description of how trench will be excavated. Also include a description of associated practices, i.e., will pipeline convey water from an existing or established water source or does project include installation of a new water source. Similarly, will pipeline supply water to an existing feature (trough/pivot) or does project include installation of livestock troughs or a new pivot, etc.

  12. For trough descriptions, what size trough will be installed? How will trough be set/anchored? Will ground be leveled prior to trough installation? If so, how much ground disturbance will be required and what equipment will be used to accomplish task? Will fill or gravel be added to leveled area? If so, where will this material come from? Is it coming from a commercial source or is it coming from a non-commercial gravel source? If the source is not commercial then that source must be included in the review process so provide a legal description and map of the source. If the source is not on property owned by the land owner we would need to know that so that we can clear our inspection of the source with the appropriate person.

  13. Riparian planting descriptions need length, width, and depth of disturbance and a description of tools that will be used to implement planting. It is also preferable to have the number of proposed plantings and plant size (root stock, willow stakes, one gallon pots, etc). What ground disturbance will occur prior to planting? Will new plantings be staked or caged? Will weed barriers be installed? Will mulch be used? If riparian planting is proposed along water body what is the proposed set back (normal high water mark, etc.). Is riparian area fenced? If not, will fencing be included in project? Hardened water access points or hardened water crossing descriptions need length, width, and depth of disturbance and a description of tools that will be used to implement practice. Will any sloping or grading of existing slope be conducted? What materials will be used in creating the hardened feature? Geo-textile cloth, gravel, etc. Once again where will gravel originate from? For installation of large woody debris provide a detailed explanation of size, number, and proposed anchoring method. Will excavation be required to install LWD? Provide design criteria which identifies the length X width X depth and number of structures.

  14. Maps Map showing project location within state of Washington and Map showing project practices on USGS Topographic Quadrangle with scale set at 1:24,000 (it is helpful to have Section lines visible on map) and Map showing project practices on an Orthographic photo Maps should be clear and include a legend or callouts for individual practices. It is important to have the topo map at the 1:24,000 scale

  15. Project Location

  16. How long is this going to take???

  17. Plan, Plan, Plan • To make the project review process move along smoothly it is critical to: • Have a well developed project plan • Once you have submitted your project for review changes to the plan will require starting the review process over At a minimum the process will require a 30 day wait while DAHP and Tribes review the information you have submitted.

  18. Plan, Plan, Plan • If a cultural resources survey is not required once you have concurrence from DAHP and Tribes project implementation may begin (plan on 30 days for concurrence) • If a cultural resources survey is required you will need additional time for the survey, report write up, potential site form submittal, possibly mitigation, and final concurrence (which is another 30 day wait period). • As you can see it is very important to include the cultural resource review process in your project planning from the start!

  19. Plan, Plan, Plan • If a cultural resources survey is not required once you have concurrence from DAHP and Tribes project implementation may begin (plan on 30 days for concurrence) • If a cultural resources survey is required you will need additional time for the survey, report write up, potential site form submittal, possibly mitigation, and final concurrence (which is another 30 day wait period). • As you can see it is very important to include the cultural resource review process in your project planning from the start!

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