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  1. The Cub Scout Academics and Sports program complements the scouting program by providing opportunities for scouts to improve scholarship, develop sportsmanship, and explore new games while collecting Cub Scout Belt Loops and Pins. Currently there are 28 Sports Belt Loops and 25 Academic Belt Loops available. If you are interested in earning any of these please print a copy of the corresponding Belt Loop Worksheet. Once completed simply turn these into your Den Leader for approval. The emphasis of the program is to try new things and to put forth a best effort, not of achieving proficiency or winning. This program is one method of addressing the third aim of Scouting: the development of physical, mental and emotional fitness. Fitness includes the body (well-tuned and healthy), the mind (able to think and solve problems), and the emotions (self-control, courage, and self-respect). A variety of recognition items are available for the scouts participating in this program. Belt Loops are awarded to scouts completing the three belt loop requirements in an academic subject or sport. Academic belt loops are gold, and Sports belt loops are silver, except for the Archery and BB-gun Shooting belt loops, which are brass colored. Belt loops can be worn on the Cub Scout belt with both the Class A and Class B uniform uniform. Pins are awarded to scouts that continue participating in an academics or sports area and meet the specific requirements for each pin. Pins typically require completion of the corresponding belt loop requirements plus 5 or 6 more challenging requirements. The Academic and Sports Letter can be used to display pins on a sweater, jacket, or patch vest. These Academics and Sports Pins are NOT attached to the cub scout uniforms. The letter is simply a display device and is not earned. It can be acquired through the local Scout Shop. For further details, visit www.boyscouttrail.com/cub-scouts/acad-sports.asp

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