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SMAN 1 TARAKAN. Clean, Discipline, Well Mannered, Care. www. sman1 -trk.sch.id. CLASSROOM SURVEY. THE CLASS. II. THE SCHOOL. III. THE COMMUNITY. IV. OTHER INFORMATION. I. The Class. Name of Teacher : Arinda Susanti Grade level : XI Science 3 Class Favorites
SMAN 1 TARAKAN Clean, Discipline, Well Mannered, Care www.sman1-trk.sch.id
I. The Class • Name of Teacher : ArindaSusanti • Grade level : XI Science3 • Class Favorites The most favorite music groups in our class is Linkin Park. The favorite author is J.K Rowling, the one who wrote Harry Potter Novel. The favorite food in our class is Sate Physic is our favorite school subject. Our class is like doing badmontin and football for sport. In our class, the boys like to play PAS game. BACK
II. The School • A. School Information • Name of school is SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan • The location is on Jl. Ki HajarDewantara No.18 Tarakan, East Kalimantan • Number of student in this school is 610. • Size of school is 650 m2. The SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan school symbol, launched on August 31st 2008, is the masterpiece of SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan students, M. RizkyNugraha, DoniSutejo, and DioAlfandaFanani. The student who is in a learning process. Studying in SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan is not only by book, but also from other learning sources (for example, the internet) so all students are ready to compete at any level, local, national and also international and the education institution where the learning process is being held. This is the Tarakan traditional motif.
The history of SMAN 1Tarakan. • Although this has been a senior high school, but the challenges, obstacles, difficulties, and others still a lot of things that must be addressed for smooth implementation of the teaching-learning process at that time wasn’t yet stable. • The building as a means of carrying out the learning process was carried out to borrow or use TsungTarakanChiau Chinese schools are based on the Minutes of Loan or use of, dated June 7, 1966 No.01/P/1966 charge of the building is the head of junior Dawn. Finally, according to Decree of Head of Department of Education Regional Office of East Kalimantan Province, dated August 20, 1975 No. D.III/PW-KT/1975 as of August 20, 1975 China's school borrowed TsungChiau as a learning process and the implementation of other activities by the Head of Department of Education Regional Office of East Kalimantan Province was formally handed over its use to the SMA Tarakan. • Since then the SMAN 1 Tarakan has its own building. Thanks to the tenacity of its cooperation with the Principal and the teachers / educators, both teachers and teachers' salaries remained so all the challenges, difficulties, obstacles can be overcome so that the implementation of the learning process can run well. And then can produce graduates who are proud of.
B. School Program School program : Bulanbahasa BulanBahasa is an event to respect the Indonesian Language. And usually in that event there are many contest like telling story, make and read a poem, quiz. 2. Cross-country Every student will make a group and gather at one place. After that every group will do cross-country. There are several post they would find and pass. And each group Wearing unique costume. 3. The Green Team All class will collect rubbish and then put them into a camp. The rubbish will be recycle by the green team. BACK
Special Events in Our School Daily test on first and second week of February Cross-country that will held on February 26th 2012 MID Semester test on first week of April
III. The Community • Community The name of community is Student Council of Tarakan Location is in Tarakan and Bulungan, but isn't active in Bulungan. The area is East Kalimantan, INDONESIA Population are junior high school students and senior high school students.
B. Special Characteristic • Because of the interest that a copy of the PPST will be useful later on whether the university or to society at large. 2. They are interested in learning how to properly organize and learn how the course of the student organization. 3. They can learn from these organizations to run their school council, that council is better. BACK
The reasons why people come here. The people in here are friendly. Many delicious culiner. Like bakso, sate, kepitingkenari and many other seafood. The place are clean, leafy, safe and healthy. KEPITING KENARI BAKSO
Unusual land in our area are mangroove forest in the middle of city.
The major industries and occupations in our area are embankment, net café, culinary, business industry, wood industry and petroleum industry. PETROLEUM INDUSTRY
IV. Other Information In our area there are many sights. Like amal beach, mangrooveforest, the historic remnats of colonial.